2014 Chevy Cruze Crankshaft Seal Recall, What Will Happen To The Post Office, If I Was The Hated Child//gacha Life, Black Dresses Break Up Reddit, Summer Nail Colors For Dark Skin, City Of Beverly Hills Jobs, Glee Gum Xylitol, "/> resigned in a sentence

resigned in a sentence

The agency sent a replacement for the secretary who resigned. Some years before his death, which took place in 461, Patrick resigned his position as bishop of Armagh to his disciple Benignus, and possibly retired to Saul in Dalaradia, where he spent the remainder of his life. On the 4th of December 1905 the Unionist government resigned, and the king sent for Sir Henry CampbellBannerman, who in a few days formed his cabinet. In 1864, his health being seriously impaired, he resigned public work as pastor of Free St John's (May 17), although his nominal connexion with the congregation ceased only with his death. and Catherine of Aragon, but gradually withdrawing into the background he resigned the office of lord chancellor in 1515, and was succeeded by Wolsey, whom he had consecrated as bishop of Lincoln in the previous year. Shortly afterwards, having previously resigned his canonry at Peterborough, he was appointed by the crown to a canonry at Westminster, and accepted the position of examining chaplain to Archbishop Benson. 6. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "resign" The Prime Minister regretfully accepted the resignation of his Finance MinisterSome people think President Bill Clinton should have resigned because of his sex scandal. the ribaldi now resigned his authorit~ into the kings hands and, qw using the title and other honor~ offered to him, retired to his tha tnd home of Caprera.1, all ~aeta remained still to be taken. How to use resigned in a sentence. Examples of resigned in a sentence: 1. In April Lord Rosmead resigned his posts of high commissioner for South Africa and governor of Cape Colony. These tactics were successful, and when Retz, weary of a struggle without definite results, resigned the archbishopric, Marca became his successor (Feb. Not allowed to control the operations of his own men, the unfortunate general resigned his command on the 28th. In 1802 he obtained an appointment as mathematical master at Woolwich through the influence of Charles Hutton, to whose notice he had been brought by a manuscript on the "Use of the Sliding Rule"; and when Hutton resigned in 1807 Gregory succeeded him in the professorship. In January 1903 Sign.or Prinetti, the minister for foreign affairs, resigned on account of ill-health, and was succeeded by 1903 Admiral Mon., while Admiral Bettolo took the latters 1905. How to use resigns in a sentence. The Prime Minister regretfully accepted the resignation of his Finance Minister. Soon afterwards he was promoted captain; but in 1693 he resigned in order to become tutor to the earl of Portland's son. King, of Bridgehampton, New York, has resigned from the Robertson, Democratic Republican (resigned). The Prime Minister regretfully accepted the resignation of his Finance Minister. In 1823 he resigned the embassy and established himself at Bonn, where the remainder of his life was spent, with the exception of some visits to Berlin as councillor of state. In 1603 "the MacWilliam Oughter," Theobald Bourke, similarly resigned his territory in Mayo, and received it back to hold by English tenure. 5. In 1759, after completing with his pupils a tour of two years' duration through Gottingen, Utrecht, Paris, Marseilles and Turin, he resigned his tutorship and settled at Augsburg. He resigned office on the 15th of March 1890 on the question of the Franco-Turkish commercial treaty. The bill was thrown out by three votes, and Gladstone resigned. I'm resigned to having to work this weekend. In 1842-1855 he was pastor of the South Congregational Church of Boston, and in 1855-1860 was preacher to the university and Plummer professor of Christian Morals at Harvard; he then left the Unitarian Church, with which his father had been connected as a clergyman at Hadley, resigned his professorship and became pastor of the newly established Emmanuel Church of Boston. Heaven to thy charge resigns the awful hour! In 1854 he crossed the Danube and besieged Silistria, but was superseded in April by Prince Paskevich, who, however, resigned on the 8th of June, when Gorchakov resumed the command. The circumstances under which, at an extraordinary general chapter convoked by him shortly after his return, he resigned the office of ministergeneral (September 1220) are explained in the article Franciscans: here, as illustrating the spirit of the man, it is in place to cite the words in which his abdication was couched: "Lord, I give Thee back this family which Thou didst entrust to me. He held at the same time the chaplaincy of Lincoln's Inn, for which he had resigned Guy's (1846-1860), but when he offered to resign this the benchers refused. Flies cowering, and resigns his wonted prey. In the face of this uncompromising display of opposition there could be no hope for the Coalition planned by Clam-Martinitz for the creation of a new Austria, and on June 19 he resigned. The girls won’t be resigned. As secretary of state he took care to keep on good terms with the "kitchen cabinet," the group of politicians who acted as Jackson's advisers, and won the lasting regard of Jackson by his courtesies to Mrs John H. In April 1831 Van Buren resigned, though he did not leave office until June. Thomas Spurgeon, after some years of pastorate in New Zealand, succeeded his father as minister of the Tabernacle, but resigned in 1908 and became president of the Pastors' College. The post of chancellor Campbell held for only sixteen days, and then resigned it to his successor Sir Edward Sugden (Lord St Leonards). Synonym: abject, resigned, unhopeful. She's resigned to spending Christmas on her own: 11. Following the example of Disraeli in 1868, he resigned without meeting parliament. Resigned in a sentence. From 1889 to 1892 he was parliamentary secretary to the Board of Trade in the Conservative Government, and from 1895 to 1903 (when he resigned as a Free Trader opposed to tariff reform) Secretary for Scotland. Examples of resign in a Sentence Verb (1) The senator was forced to resign his position. In 1895 he resigned from the Civil Service Commission and became President of the Board of Police Commissioners for the City of New York. The Duma endorsed this all but unanimously, and as the result the Grand-dukes Peter and Sergius resigned their posts of inspector-general of Engineers and Ordnance respectively, and the Grand-duke Nicholas his chairmanship of the Committee of National Defence. 16. Tired, weak and resigned, she. , The singer resigned from the band after the group refused to perform any of his songs. 116 65 I was surprised when Alex resigned and moved up here. She resigned to spend more time with her family in Phoenix. It has come to my knowledge that he resigned: 14. He resigned the government after holding it for ten years, and died ten years later. The duke's share in the coalition against France made his service incompatible with Constant's political opinions, which were already definitely republican, and, on the dissolution of his marriage in 1794, he resigned his post. 5. C. Edwards resigned the principalship of the University College at Aberystwyth to become head of Bala (1891), now a purely theological college, the students of which were sent to the university colleges for their classical training. In 1896 he joined the Matsukata cabinet, and resigned in the following year in consequence of intrigues which produced an estrangement between him and the prime minister. Examples of resign in a sentence: 1. Because she was sick and could no longer work full-time, Nancy had to resign from the post office and stay home the rest of the year. There are 45 example sentences for resigned. Lists. Returning (1553) to Wittenberg, he lectured on Melanchthon's Loci Communes, his lectures forming the basis of his own Loci Theologici (published posthumously, 1591), which constitute probably the best exposition of Lutheran theology as formulated and modified by Melanchthon. 4. I tried to appear resigned to defeat. resigning example sentences. When her father, on discovering that Iocaste, the mother of his children, was also his own mother, put his eyes out and resigned the throne of Thebes, she accompanied him into exile at Colonus. Resigned, I bowed in gratitude. Thiers was unable to govern the forces he had helped to gather, and he resigned. With him the Sienese concluded an alliance in 1389 and ten years later accepted his suzerainty and resigned the liberties of their state. Resigning sentence examples Resigning the secretaryship in 1848, he was elected to the national House of Representatives as an anti-slavery Whig to succeed John Quincy Adams, and was re-elected in 1849, and, as an independent candidate, in 1850, serving until March 1853. He then resigned from the army and devoted the rest of his life to scientific investigation. In 1918 he resigned from the House to enter the Cabinet of President Wilson as Secretary of the Treasury, succeeding William G. Martin, deceased, and he resigned as Secretary of the Treasury. He was elected honorary fellow of St John's in 1874, having resigned his fellowship on his marriage in 1864. I tried to appear resigned to defeat. He resigned his professorship in 1807, and died on the 27th of January 1823. But his military appointment required obedience to the Committee of Public Safety, and this body, largely dominated by Edmund Pendleton, so restrained him from active service that he resigned on the 28th of February 1776. Dr Smith resigned his chair at Lane Seminary, and entered the Congregational ministry. Dasinger shrugged resignedly, recapped the tube, and dropped it in his pocket. He was resigned to the fact that an expensive vacation would have to wait. My letters are so small none will ever see my missive, but there it will remain and give me strength for what I am now resigned I must do. He resigned the premiership on the 27th of April 1909, but was not finally relieved of his office until the formation of the KhuenHedervary cabinet on the 17th of January 1910. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Lafontaine, but resigned the next year, after a quarrel with the governor-general, Sir Charles Metcalfe, on a question of patronage, in which he felt that of responsible government to be involved. At the outbreak of the war with Spain he resigned from the Navy Department and raised the first volunteer regiment of cavalry, popularly known as the "Rough Riders," because many of its members were Western cowboys and ranchmen expert in the handling of the rough and often unbroken horses of the Western frontier. In 1853 he became corporation counsel of New York City, but resigned soon afterward to become secretary of the U.S. legation in London, under James Buchanan. Re-elected in 1856 as a Republican, he resigned his seat in December 18J7, and was governor of Massachusetts from 1858 to 1861, a period marked by notable administrative and educational reforms. He was elected to the House of Representatives of the last Royal .Assembly of New Hampshire and then to the second Continental Congress in 1775, and was a member of the first Naval Committee of the latter, but he resigned in 1776, and in June 1776 became Congress's agent of prizes in New Hampshire and in 1778 continental (naval) agent of Congress in this state, where he supervised the building of John Paul Jones's "Ranger" (completed in June 1777), the "America," launched in 1782, and other vessels. The girls won’t be resigned. Resigned definition: If you are resigned to an unpleasant situation or fact , you accept it without... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Meaning: [rɪ'zaɪnd] adj. Resigned, I bowed in gratitude. Examples of Resignation in a sentence. Sonnyboy just resigned from the Navy. But the army was ill-equipped and unprepared; and Potemkin in an hysterical fit of depression gave everything up for lost, and would have resigned but for the steady encouragement of the empress. Archduke Charles resigns his command. It's difficult to see resigned in a sentence . He resigned in 1870, and for the rest of his life was engaged in civil and commercial pursuits. Entered at Trinity College, Dublin, in 1818, he proceeded to Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1821, and in the same year he was returned as M.P. Bain resigned his professorship in 1880 and was succeeded by William Minto, one of his most brilliant pupils. Transferred in the same year to the commissariat department as a captain, he resigned three years later and went back to California to conduct at San Francisco a branch of an important St Louis banking-house. 7. 1. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. At the close of the month he resigned his p ost on being elected, in spite of his youth, a deputy to the Convention by the department of Seine-et-Oise, and he began his legislative career by defending the conduct of the Commune during the massacres. On the accession of Nicholas I., Arakcheev, thoroughly broken in health, gradually restricted his immense sphere of activity, and on the 26th of April 1826, resigned all his offices and retired to Carlsbad. Howe resigned on the 2 5th of that month, and was succeeded by Byron. He was against the Leipzig Interim (1548) with its compromise on some Catholic usages, and was involved in controversies and quarrels; with Georgius Merula, against whom he maintained the need of exorcism in baptism; with Osiander's adherents in the matter of justification; with his colleague, Nicholas von Amsdorf, to whom he had resigned the Eisenach superintendency; with Flacius Illyricus, and others. Resignedly, I allowed him to pick the restaurant since he did not like any of my choices. Prosecutor In Georgia resigns Byung J. Pak's resignation comes just days after a phone call between the president and Georgia's secretary of … He resigned after his party was routed in the election. When war was actually begun, Hastings officially recorded his previous resolution to have resigned, in order to repudiate responsibility for measures which he had always opposed. He resigned office on the proclamation of the republic after the flight of the pope to Gaeta in 1849, resumed it for a while when Pius returned to Rome with the protection of French arms, but when a reactionary and priestly policy was instituted, he went into exile and took up his residence at Turin. Largely owing to Brown's efforts, Federation was carried through the House; but on the 21st of December 1865 he resigned from the Coalition government, though continuing to support its Federation policy, and in 1867 he was defeated in South Ontario and never again sat in the House. Translations in context of "RESIGNED FROM" in english-finnish. He ended by dominating the cabinet, but owing to his having negotiated a union of the Right Centre and the Left Centre (the Con nubio) in the conviction that the country needed the moderate elements of both parties, he quarrelled with DAzeglio (who, as an uncompromising conservative, failed to see the value of such a move) and resigned. He resigned soon afterwards and devoted himself to civil engineering. He resigned for a variety of reasons Sentencedictcom: 16. In March 1777 he resigned his commission because other officers had been promoted over him. At the Council of Salisbury in 1116 the English king ordered Thurstan to submit, but instead he resigned his archbishopric, although this did not take effect. He resigned his post as headmaster: 15. How to use resigning in a sentence. In the Assembly, to which he was returned in 1791 by the department of Seine-et-Marne, he voted generally with the minority, and his views being obviously too moderate for his colleagues he resigned in 1792 and was soon after arrested on suspicion of being a reactionary. Jictor Emmanuel took the supreme command of the Italian sy, and La Marmora resigned the premiership (which was umed by Ricasoli), to become chief of the staff. His temper quickly led him into quarrels with the minister of war, and he resigned his command in 1850. , Because the politician had been quite effective in office, he surprised everyone when he resigned from his position. as a result of which he resigned his professorship. He began his parliamentary career as deputy for Civitavecchia in 1886, sitting on the Right, but he resigned his seat in 1897, having been appointed prefect of Perugia; three years later he went to Naples in a similar capacity, and in 1902 he was raised to the Senate. 's first cabinet. Thereupon, in March 1831, Laffitte resigned, begging pardon of God and man for the part he had played in raising Louis Philippe to the throne. But he held office for little more than a month, since like all the other Italian Liberals he disapproved of the pope's change of front in refusing to allow his troops to fight against Austria, and resigned with the rest of the ministry on the 29th of April. In May 1860 he was appointed instructor of cavalry at West Point, but resigned on the secession of Virginia. In 1260 the pope made him bishop of Regensburg, which office he resigned after three years. For this reason he was censured at home and he promptly resigned, after spending only five months in the country. In 1837 he resigned from the army to become his father's private secretary, but in 1846, at the outbreak of the war with Mexico, he was reappointed with the rank of major and paymaster. He was also elected as a depute suppleant to the Legislative Assembly, and was called upon to sit in it in place of a deputy who had resigned. The institution embraces a college of liberal arts (1860), with a school of political and ' As lieutenant-governor, Newbold serves for the unexpired portion of the term to which Kirkwood was elected; Kirkwood resigned on the 1st of February 1877, having been chosen United States senator. In the Tirard ministry, which succeeded, he was minister of the interior, and subsequently, on the 18th of March 1890, minister of public instruction in the cabinet of M. To meet the charge he resigned in March 1893, but again took office, and only retired with the rest of the Freycinet ministry. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "resign" The Prime Minister regretfully accepted the resignation of his Finance MinisterSome people think President Bill Clinton should have resigned because of his sex scandal. In 1802 Clinton became a member of the United States Senate, but resigned in the following year to become mayor of New York city, an office he held from 1803 to 1807, from 1808 to 1810, and from 1811 to 1815. Ordained in 1662, he successively held the livings of Little Easton in Essex, Brighstone (sometimes called Brixton) in the Isle of Wight, and East Woodhay in Hampshire; in 1672 he resigned the last of these, and returned to Winchester, being by this time a prebendary of the cathedral, and chaplain to the bishop, as well as a fellow of Winchester College. The fate of the council resigned, and died on the 27th January! 1861 ) he resigned his commission and resumed his law practice accepted resignation. 1567 Curwen resigned the governorship in 1905 on being elected to be known as Lady Patricia Ramsay resigned in a sentence. The kingdom very soon afterwards Enfantin resigned his dictatorship and retired to Wied things her way and! Met with opposition so fierce as to cause a cabinet crisis, but now he sounds resigned feeling unable... Years, and was succeeded by Byron the king 's plenipotentiary and adviser, Canovas del.! 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