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ironman penticton results

","dont.have.a.sportstats.account":"Don’t have a Sportstats account? Simply click the Facebook or Twitter icons. ","view":"View","grid.time":"Time","athlete.results":"Athlete Results","race.type":"Race Type","follow.dialog.header":"Follow Athlete","":"The following fields are optional but you should fill them if you are planning to claim results as the information they contain will be used to match results. Place","":"Sportstats acquired Race Headquarters of Vancouver","":"Sportstats expanded to its current 4000sqf location on Colonnade Rd. Our corrections team will indentify and address the issue. ","edit.profile.picture.details.4":"Once you are happy with your picture, simply click on update. {"grid.distance":"Distance","SMALL":"Small","":"Subject","":"Sportstats Claim Correction","":"The race you are looking for does not exist. Try searching for your name using a previous city of residence. ","auth.failure":"Athentication Failure","error.500.description":"Something happened. Structured Workouts automatically sync with compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time. Challenge Taiwan. ","":"The email Facebook permission is required to create an account. All rights reserved. Mike Ricci: D3 Multisport Head Coach, USA Triathlon Coach of the Year and USAT Level III Elite Coach. Please click on Edit Profile to add the missing information. Simply log in to Facebook or Twitter and select the appropriate radio button associated with your name or another athlete\u0027s name in the results list. ","race.results.have":"Race results have","claim.more.results":"Claim my results","faq.difference.gun.chip.6":"N.B. The photo company is responsible of the photos of the event. ","is.scheduled.for":"is scheduled for","":"Sportstats times the ITU World Champoinship in Muskoka, ON ","":"New Sportstats office opened in Grand Rapids, Michigan","":"Sportstats acquires AAA Racing and opens an office near Clearmont, FL","VERIFICATION_REQUIRED":"Verification Required","edit.profile.title.2":"Profile","claim.error.claiming":"An error occurred while processing your result request. ","":"State of the art timing systems using technology from MyLaps (ChampionChip, ProChip and BibTag) and race|result","corporate.privacy.l6":"Sportstats may collect demographic and profile data in connection with the Sites and, together with publicly available information, we may use such data to tailor each Individual\u0027s experience at the Sites and display content according to an Individual\u0027s preferences. ","faq.cant.find.result.2":"When searching for a result the data must be entered exactly as it was in the results listing. ","may":"May","chronos.start.following.on":"Post a confirmation on your {0} timeline? Ironman Canada Bike Course - Distance: 175.48 km - Elevation: 987 hm - Location: Penticton, British Columbia, Canada Now with the possibility of an Ironman return to Penticton, here are five of Ironman Canada’s most memorable moments.. Celebrations at Ironman Canada. Place","":"Sportstats acquired Race Headquarters of Vancouver","":"Sportstats expanded to its current 4000sqf location on Colonnade Rd. ","":"sign beside your name to expand your results information. ","faq.share.racetime.with.friends.1":"Can I share my race times with my friends? ","activities":"Activities","ascending":"Ascending","ss.canada.atlantic":"Atlantic","faq.share.racetime.with.friends.4":"When the race is completed: You can post to your Facebook or Twitter timelines your finish time (or the finish time of another athlete) from the athlete detail area. ","faq.difference.gun.chip.1":"What is the difference between \u0027Gun Time\u0027 and \u0027Chip Time\u0027? If the problem persists, please","signed.up":"Signed Up","":"Failed to retrieve the user’s summary. This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) software, but is owned by and subject to the IRONMAN privacy policy. ","SWIMMING":"Swimming","feb":"Feb","password.reset.verification":"We have updated your account password, you may now login using your new password. Within a reasonable time of concluding the investigation, the Privacy Officer will respond to the complaint and, if appropriate, Sportstats will take appropriate measure necessary to rectify the source of the complaint. “We are excited to return to Penticton, the genesis of Ironman Canada and one of our longest-running events,” said Andrew Messick, President and Chief Executive Officer for The IRONMAN Group. More events are now using only Chip time for results posting. 512 Participants • 180 Women • 332 Men. Challenge Gran Canaria. ","faq.difference.facebook.twitter.chronos.update.1":"What\u0027s the difference between post to Facebook/Twitter and Sportstats Chronos progress updates? Please log in to your Facebook or Twitter account. ","overview.results.text.description":"Viewing your event results has never been easier on your mobile, tablet or desktop devices. ","find.and.follow.athletes":"Find and Follow Athletes","country":"Country","misc.volunteer.certificate":"Download Volunteer Certificate","account":"Account","":"Powered By","all.months":"All Months","results":"Results","faq.cant.claim.result.9":"Your age at the time of the race does not match the results age range specified in its category","faq.cant.claim.result.8":"Your gender does not match the listed gender on the results. Do you want to claim this result? We do not use the names or email addresses submitted in these circumstances for any other purpose without the consent of the Individual or the email recipient to do so. ","edit.profile.title.1":"dit","edit.profile.title.0":"E","athletes":"Athletes","":"Let us know about any issues or requests you may have. Our team will be happy to get back to you as quickly as possible. ","about.following.followers.details1":"Following and followers represent the relationship you have with other athletes that have created a Sportstats account. Sportstats does not have any control over such websites, and therefore has no responsibility or liability for the manner in which the organizations that operate such linked websites may collect, use or disclose, secure and otherwise treat an Individual\u0027s personal information. We know that factoring in these elements is essential to get the most out of your training and race performances. ","password.confirmation.required":"Password confirmation is required. The third and final Ironman of the weekend was Ironman Canada. ","":"New record set for timing with 960+ global events timed in 2017. ","password":"Password","corrections":"Corrections","swim":"Swim","have":"have","":"An account already exists with this email address. Anything regarding corrections, please fill out this form. ","":"Sportstats Chronos Live Progress Updates","profile.picture.upload.error":"An error occurred while uploading you profile picture. Please confirm your email before logging in. ","overview.results.text.description":"Viewing your event results has never been easier on your mobile, tablet or desktop devices. Our team was notified and will get back to you shortly by email. A different name, but a longer history of results to examine. Please see for more details. Place","":"OTTAWA, ONTARIO","december":"December","ss.canada.west":"West","":"Creative growth hacker with a passion to disrupt education. Action required: none. As well as being a valuable resource for people asking IMC specific questions. ","faq.cant.claim.result.1":"Why can\u0027t I claim my result? ","":"Back to","overall":"Overall","edit.profile":"Edit Profile","occupation":"Occupation","certificate":"Certificate","canada.atlantic":"Canada Atlantic","":"If your profile information is correct and you believe this results is yours, please click on the Manual Claim button to send an email to our team. ","":"Sportstats is defined by our insistence on providing an unparalleled customer experience. ","facebook.users.notice6":"Sportstats Web Team","facebook.users.notice5":"Thank You! The Championship 2018. ","error.race.not.started":"The race is still in Preview mode (it has not started). ","":"Bike CheckIn \u0026 RegEx added to on-site event tools. ","name":"Name","":"This result is not yours? ","indicates.required.field":"Indicates a required field","result.question":"Result Question","website":"Website","this.result.has.already.been.claimed":"This result has already been claimed by ","residence":"Residence","RUNNING":"Running","dec":"Dec","error.expired.title":"Your session expired","follow.dialog.message":"Do you want to follow ","ss.united.states":"USA","":"Always Live","error.two.letter.region.code":"Please use a two letter province codes (i.e. : \"Ottawa race weekend\")","corporate.privacy.p10":"Sportstats has implemented measures designed to protect against the theft, loss, unauthorized access, use, disclosure  and alteration of personal information in our custody and control with security measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information, including through the use of reasonable physical, organizational, and technological safeguards and appropriate training of employees. A group for Ironman Canada specific news, information and updates. This is the responsibility of the organisation committee of each race. ","corporate.privacy.p1":"This Privacy Policy sets out the privacy policies and practices for Sports Technology and Timing Systems Ltd. and its affiliates (\"Sportstats, iRun etc...\") with respect to our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information, including in respect of websites that we operate such as,, and (collectively, the \"Sites\"). Your request has been successfully sent to our team. If this was not you, please disregard this message. : race weekend -ottawa)","reset.password":"Reset Password","":"| (or i.e. : marath*)","":"The password reset email has been sent. ","preferred.unit":"Preferred Distance Unit","faq.cant.claim.result.6":"The result you are trying to claim is missing a name or gender. ","":"No account exists with that email address. ","":"Can\u0027t find the athlete you are looking for? To change your password, please follow the link below: ","password.reset.email1":"Hello, ","":"Enter your last name...","":"Enter your first name...","":"or sign up with your email address","cancel":"Cancel","login.failed":"We could not log you in. IRONMAN … ","TEN_M":"10M","companies":"Company(ies)","overview.chronos.text.twitter.marathon":"#marathon","":"Membership platform grows by 20% with 220k+ results claimed!, ","success":"Success","":"December 2017 Sportstats awarded all Rock \u0027n\u0027 Roll events in the USA through 2020 adding 400,000+ annual participants. This Privacy Policy may be updated by Sportstats giving reasonable notice of the revised terms (including by e-mail or by posting on the Site), and this Privacy Policy may be supplemented or modified by agreements entered into between Sportstats and an individual from time to time. ","overview.result.text":"We always cater for each of your race age divisions, special categories, overall standings, teams and relays. Ironman Canada 2010. ","corporate.privacy.l1":"Sportstats may collect and maintain personal information such as an Individual\u0027s name, contact information, payment card information and purchase history when an Individual subscribes for services or purchases products on our website or at an event. Simply log in to Facebook or Twitter and select the appropriate radio button associated with your name or another athlete\u0027s name in the results list. ","":"Back to","overall":"Overall","edit.profile":"Edit Profile","occupation":"Occupation","certificate":"Certificate","canada.atlantic":"Canada Atlantic","":"If your profile information is correct and you believe this results is yours, please click on the Manual Claim button to send an email to our team. Please try again at a later time. ","error.404.title":"Page not Found","tab.event.details":"All Races","mar":"Mar","":"Timed Ironman Lake Placid and Partnered with North American Sports to provide timing services for other Ironman events","":"The Toronto Marathon, the Canada Running Series, and the Montreal Marathon all started using ChampionChip timing through Sportstats","start.following":"Follow","man":"Man","email.reset.instructions":"Please enter the email address you created your Sportstats account with and click Send. ","woman":"Woman","copyright.p1":"No part of this web site may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including copying, recording, downloading or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Sportstats, except certain non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. 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The iconic course, stunning landscapes, and the welcoming host community of Penticton, British Columbia are all back as this legendary race makes its triumphant return home. : Robert | Bob)","search.results.tooltip.1":"Search Operators","find.and.follow.athletes.title.2":"Follow Athletes","view.startlist":"VIEW STARTLIST","find.and.follow.athletes.title.1":"ind and ","find.and.follow.athletes.title.0":"F","you.claimed.this.result":"You have claimed this result. ","run":"Run","error.401.description":"You are not authorized to view this page. ","":"A link towards the event’s pictures will be present on our website only if Sportstats has an agreement with the photo company of the event. ","profile":"Profile","OLYMPIC":"Olympic","":"Watch List","":"Please select your gender. ","faq.difference.facebook.twitter.chronos.update.2":"Post to Facebook or Twitter provides you the ability to instantaneously post a customized message in addition to a standard progress or results message for a specific athlete on your Facebook or Twitter timeline. The other Canadian Ironman distance race taking place at the weekend was Challenge Penticton, formerly Ironman Canada. No further progress updates will appear on your {2} timeline.","skate":"Skate","athlete.details.bib":"BIB","":"G. An Individual may also direct a written complaint regarding compliance with this Privacy Policy to the Privacy Officer and, within a reasonable time upon receiving the written complaint, the Privacy Officer will conduct an investigation into the matter. The personal information of an Individual may be processed and stored in Canada, the United States or such other foreign country, and the governments, courts or law enforcement or regulatory agencies of that country may be able to obtain disclosure of personal information through the laws of the foreign country. ","":"Web Site","edit.profile.picture.details.1":"If you would like to use your Facebook profile picture, simply put a checkmark in Use Facebook profile picture and then click Update. ","":"Membership platform launched welcoming 20k+ registered members. Please use the email address you created your Sportstats account with. Challenge Lisboa. ","event.details.registration":"Registration","":"Search for events you participated in and then select your race. The result list contains athlete information, ranks, finish and split times. Please try again at a later time. 2008 Ironman Canada Results 2005 Ironman Canada Results 2006 Ironman Canada Results 2007 California Ironman 70.3 Results Subaru Ironman Canada Filed Under: Results On the Web Since 1999 IRONMAN SANTINI WOMEN'S TRI RACESUIT. ","claim.result.dialog.header":"Claim This Result? ","canada.east":"Canada East","privacy.policy":"Privacy Policy","overview.title":"The Largest Sports Timing Company in the World","":"Select athletes to add them to your favorite list then go to Watch List. ","navbar.login.register":"Login / Register","grid.split.distance":"Split Distance","":"Your password has been changed","":"Online Advertising","jan":"Jan","":"Reached the timing milestone of 600 events/year","FAILURE":"Failure","":"First Sportstats franchise opened in eastern Québec City","":"Sportstats established a presence worldwide with offices in opening in San Diego, USA and in Singapore","ss.india":"India","error.bib.not.found.header":"Bib number not found. 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Clicking on the icon will direct you to your race photos hosted on the photo company’s website. 2016-08-28 • Long Course . You will receive an email with a link to verify your account. An Individual may also direct a written complaint regarding compliance with this Privacy Policy to the Privacy Officer and, within a reasonable time upon receiving the written complaint, the Privacy Officer will conduct an investigation into the matter. Athletes are loaded 1-5 days prior to race. ","":"created a Sportstats account","":"Get more awards by claiming results","corporate.privacy.h8":"Contact","corporate.privacy.h7":"Access/Corrections","":"View Live Results","corporate.privacy.h6":"Opt-Out","corporate.privacy.h5":"Security","corporate.privacy.h4":"Third party links","corporate.privacy.h3":"Cookies and IP Addresses","corporate.privacy.h2":"Disclosure of Personal Information","corporate.privacy.h1":"Collection and Use of Personal Information","bike":"Bike","search.find.athlete.results":"Find by Athlete Name","contact":"Contact","":"Reset Your Sportstats Password","":"{0} {1} has claimed {2} results and has obtained {3} awards on Sportstats. #18, Ottawa, ON, K2E 7K1 \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e Email: \u003cbr/\u003e Fax: 613-723-9139 \u003cbr/\u003e","":"Event Photography","claim.category.does.not.match":"Your age at the time of the race does not match the result’s age range specified in its category. Once your request has been handled, you will be notified by email. Please confirm your email before logging in. What are the course cut-off times? Challenge Roma . ","":"Reached the timing milestone of 100 events/year","corporate.privacy.l7":"In order to use certain features on the Sites (such as to make results profile and awards publicly available personal information about yourself and others, including without limitation, photos and videos), an Individual may be required to register and provide personal information such as name, email address, location (i.e. As low as $129.95. ","":"I am now following the progress of {0} {1} for the race: {2} at the event: {3}","chronos.start.progress":"{0} Started the Race","all.athletes":"All Athletes","":"70 experienced staff work for Sportstats, most of them are fully bilingual. Our team was notified and will get back to you shortly by email. ","follow.dialog.header.error":"Follow Athlete Error","":"Events","no.longer.follows":"no longer follows","":"Reached the timing milestone of 42 events/year","":"Aloha! ","claim.request.rejected":"Your claim result request requires further verification","":"Offices","FIVE_KM":"5K","COUNT_CYCLING":"Complete {0} cycling races","search.filter.all.types":"All Types","":"Careers","dont.remember.your.password":"Don’t remember your password? ","":"Introduced the ChampionChip timing technology at the Ottawa Marathon, changing the face of timing in Canada. : marathon | thriathlon)","":"Search Operators","overview.sub.title":"Timing over 1000 races in 2018","":"The city field may not exceed 50 characters. ","company":"Company","":"When I tried to claim the result with bib {0} and raceId {1} with the userId {2}, my request is rejected for the following reason(s):","overview.features.text.certificates":"Custom Finisher Certificates","about.followers":"About Following and Followers","SKIING":"Skiing","age":"Age","":"Back to Top","":"Like","yes":"Yes","grid.race.time":"Race Time","corporate.overview":"Overview","":"No race with such id. 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","snowshoe":"Snowshoe","overview.chronos.text.signup.title":"Simple to sign-up","":"OTTAWA, ONTARIO","":"Overall Place","overview.result.title":"Customized Results Tables","corporate.privacy.address":"Sports Technology and Timing Systems LTD. \u003cbr/\u003e\tAttention: Chief Privacy Officer \u003cbr/\u003e Address: 155 Colonnade Rd. 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","misc.volunteer.certificate.description":"Volunteers are a critical part of the success of every event. ","":"Contact","COUNT_OTHER":"Complete {0} other races","about.following.followers.details2":"You may use this page to follow athletes that are already following you or to stop following athletes. ","":"Log In With {0}","":"From the results page, please click on the","":"How can I see my splits and personal information? ","search.results.tooltip.5":"* (prefix i.e. ","":"Failed to retrieve the user’s followers. ","auth.failure":"Athentication Failure","error.500.description":"Something happened. ","chronos.stop.following.on":"Tracking Stopped","c.p":"C.P. This Privacy Policy may be updated by Sportstats giving reasonable notice of the revised terms (including by e-mail or by posting on the Site), and this Privacy Policy may be supplemented or modified by agreements entered into between Sportstats and an individual from time to time. ","search.results.tooltip.4":"\"\" (phrasing i.e. You must be logged in with Facebook to see this checkbox. Be organized, able to work under pressure, reliable and has a good general knowledge of computers. per page. Looking for a exciting career or weekend job opportunity, contact us as we are always hiring! ","found.results":"Results Found","":"New web platform released with improved event and participant features. ","edit.profile.title":"Edit Profile","":"Sportstats was founded in Ottawa, Canada","":"Website Race and Event Promotion increases participation in timed events. Listed below are the most common error messages and their recommended solutions. Try searching for your results without the province included in the search, or even with only your name with no residence attached. If you already have an email based Sportstats account please use the form below to log in. : race weekend -ottawa)","reset.password":"Reset Password","":"| (or i.e. Your profile does not contain enough information to allow results claiming. Ironman Canada Penticton ","unfollow.dialog.message":"Are you sure you no longer want to follow ","":"Site’s Region","chronos.auth.failure":"An error occurred while logging you in to {0}. Else, you may use the Sign up here link to create a Sportstats account. ","":"You have authorized the Sportstats application with your Facebook account but you do not have a Sportstats account linked to your Facebook account. ","facebook.users.notice3":"here","facebook.users.notice2":"We have recently made changes to our membership system and no longer support Facebook as the primary login. Please try again at a later time. ","view":"View","grid.time":"Time","athlete.results":"Athlete Results","race.type":"Race Type","follow.dialog.header":"Follow Athlete","":"The following fields are optional but you should fill them if you are planning to claim results as the information they contain will be used to match results. ","":"is not present on the results page, please consult the event’s website or communicate with the event’s organizing committee for details concerning your photos. ","":"If the icon (","":"Click here to apply. In order to simplify the process, Sportstats is now using the term \"Official time\" to indicate the column used for ranking purposes. ","none.of.your.facebook.friends.have.a.sportstats.account":"None of your Facebook friends have Sportstats account. ","claim.age.does.not.match":"Your age at the time of the race does not match the result’s age. Be organized, able to work under pressure, reliable and has a good general knowledge of computers. A valid Facebook or Twitter account is required. ","with.a.time.of":"with a time of","settings":"Settings","faq.cant.claim.result.5":"Your claim result request was rejected because the result you are claiming is incomplete. ","":"Please replace this sentence with a short message explaining why this result is yours. Please make sure you login. ","":"A link towards the event’s pictures will be present on our website only if Sportstats has an agreement with the photo company of the event. 2011 Ironman Canada Penticton Penticton is going to give Ironman another tri Fund entry to compare results... Notify your followers August 2020 websites on which we recommend Individuals read carefully necessary for the establishment, or. More events are now using only chip time and gun time is quite simple following:... The province included in the future and to improve our customer service and product service... 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