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Don’t panic. Road signs will give you a sense of where you are: you’ll reach Upper Jay after about the 20 mile marker, and four more miles to Jay. Newer Post Older Post Home. Both are managed by Webmasters. The large orange ‘Road Closed’ sign is marks the beginning of the end. It takes the athletes past the famous Olympic ski jumps to the scenic River Road. Always free and open to the public, all IRONMAN events will have a village preceding race day. Cool temperatures and thunderstorms in the forecast kept us from … Make the hills work for you. So, I decided to attempt to answer that question with a bit of a comparison of the data that I accumulated from the last two races. You’ll want to glide. For those of you who are not familiar, the Lake Placid bike course has a 10k descent that comes in the first 9-10 miles of the loop. IRONMAN Lake Placid is done and dusted! Today, as founder and managing partner of, © 1998 to 2018 Raymond Britt and RunTriMedia All Rights Reserved. Mountains and pristine wilderness. Over and over. Having done this race as a mass start and rolling start, I can say that the rolling method is FAR SUPERIOR to the previous mass start. I found 1-2 decent … IRONMAN Lake Placid (July 25, 2021) Lake Placid, New York. The best of the best-triathlon royalty. So if your heading to the event, make sure you bring your cycling legs with you. Seriously. If you hope to ride a 6-hour split, for example, adjust my data to meet your expectations. But things to change in the last mile before the turnaround, when you do climb about 150 meters. You’ll pass many riders this way. Be realistic in knowing that this descent will not make much of a difference in your overall bike split. A look at the 3 main climbs on the Ironman Lake Placid bike course. Powered by. Each lap you will need to ride up the famous 11-mile climb up “the notch”. Again, the difference is how I work the descents. The Ironman Lake Placid Bike course is one of the most beautiful, but also one of the toughest 112-mile Ironman rides you’ll ever experience. A little extra effort pays dividends with a lot of speed. This is the Ironman USA Lake Placid 2018 bike course. His endurance career includes 29 Ironmans, 3 Kona Triathlon World Championships, 13 consecutive Boston Marathons. Van Hovenberg Recreation Area on your right. Go too fast at the start, and you’ll wind up crashing into hay bales before you’ve gone 200 meters. Everything changes when you pass the orange sign. As you get going on Route 73, take some time to make sure you’re set on the bike. Bjgtjme - Full Length Movies Recommended for you A beautiful scenery from a post card. So the perspective you're about to get is truly what it is like to ride the Lake Placid Ironman loop for the first time. In each lap, there are four clearly defined segments to consider (distances are approximate): As we go through these segments, it’s important to consider the parameters: my complete split was 5:36:12, or about 20 miles per hour overall. Remember: the overall speed on this segment could be slower, unless you take advantage of the declines on the last few miles. It’s also unique from the rest of the bike course, with nearly the entire distance under the share of tall trees. So view my data as a relative benchmark. It’s an excellent spectator course. You will see your average speed plunge. APRS is “simplex” when the mountain-top digital does not exist. Road bike routes and loops . It’s an excellent spectator course. If you ride it 80mph, you save only three minutes. There is an option to "Export for TrainerRoad" where you can then use the TR Workout Creator to re-upload the BBS file and you'll have yourself an ideal Lake Placid course workout. It’s more like a ½ mile incline, ¼ slight descent, and the like. It’s these last 13 miles that makes Ironman Lake Placid one of the toughest out there. I’m usually pretty consistent: 19 minutes out, 19 minutes back. At least it seems to favor speed most of the time. The water temperature is typically in the high 60s to low 70s. Created Jul 15, 18. By: Clare Deming: Started in: Lake Placid, NY, US Distance: 112.1 mi Selected: 112.1 mi Elevation: + 6822 / - 6818 ft: Good For: Cycling: Estimated Time: Learn more Get Elevation Profile Image; Get Map Image Print Map from Browser Print Cue Sheet from Browser … Adding it up from the start, I cover these first 14 miles at 24.3 mph overall, without working too hard. The terrain is dramatic, but it is still possible to manage the terrain well and go quite fast. Our volunteers and our race are consistently voted as an athlete favorite among all world Ironman Triathlon events! Britt is RunTri.com's founder and is the exclusive author/analyst of RunTri.com's entire library of 600+ features. The first time I rode through this during training I felt like I was in a movie as the scenery is just so dramatic. And those who ride these final miles strategically will be that much closer to a great bike split. You’ll know you’ve made it through one of the toughest Ironman Bike courses in the world. This is my first loop of the Lake Placid Bike Course. Postponed. Other than the pure chaos in the water, I felt pretty good. On balance, you’ll be mostly climbing as Whiteface Mountain begins to come into view on the horizon, to your left. IRONMAN LAKE PLACID OVERVIEW This is an iconic event and a wonderful race. New Route. When you sign up for Ironman 70.3 Lake Placid, you join a very elite group of volunteers who have always set the bar for all other races. It may seem like hundreds pass you on their way back, and it may feel very frustrating. A little. You won’t. Get in your easiest gear, and just pedal smoothly and consistently. Getting to 18.5 proves it. To avoid this, try to keep your bike stable by hugging the frame with your knees on the way down. Every Ironman finish is amazing. You will then head to the turn around on the shores of Mirror …. Mirror Lake is narrow, and when you had almost 3,000 people starting to swim at once, it was an absolute mess. Once over the top of this 1-mile climb, the next four miles are rolling and fun, but still challenging. The swim is a rolling start keeping all swim buoys to your right. Seems pretty easy through 43 miles. The Lake Placid bike course takes you through the hills of the Adirondacks. Go Premium Premium. Map a strategy for lap 2 that has you riding about 5% slower. The Lake Placid Ironman Run Course sees a similar two-loop layout as the bike course. IRONMAN Lake Placid Lake Placid, New York . Without trying to, you’ll ride fast. The swim is a rolling start keeping all swim buoys to your right. Take the forward momentum, lock into a big gear and go. Once you clip into the pedals, you’ll immediately roll down a steep decline from School St. to Colden Ave. You’ll be excited to start, but be very careful here. Consider this segment of 5 miles as a warm-up. Email This BlogThis! The best of the best-triathlon royalty. It’s a fantastic feeling to finish 112 miles in Lake Placid, and you’ll feel the rush of excitement as you head into T2 to drop off your bike. Ironman Lake Placid Bike Course, plotted on Google Maps. So pay attention -- this is what a 5:36:12 Ironman Lake Placid bike split looks like: With a carefully constructed riding strategy, you can ride with strength through the roughest sections, complete the course with a solid bike split, and be ready to begin your marathon with energy to spare. The data examples, e.g., noting that it takes 20 minutes to climb from miles 3 to 8, are in this context. Reset. The next mile back into town is a fast one as the adrenaline kicks in. The next fourteen miles are, generally, a fast and fun ride. IM Lake Placid is a pretty slow course and this year it was probably even harder. Even while not hammering much, I ride these 10 miles to Jay at around 22 miles per hour. These miles are perhaps the most daunting in terms of work as well as how late in the race they hit you. That’s what’s presented here, in the form of a 5:36:12 bike split I rode in one of my six races at Ironman Lake Placid. Lap 2 for me was twelve minutes longer, 2:56:12, averaging 19.5 mph. Sometimes riders experience a shaking of the front wheel, at high speed, and it's hard to control. I covered the first 56-mile lap in 2:44:00, or 20.5 mph. You’ll have to be careful on the turn because you’ll only have one lane; the other lane is occupied by riders coming the other way. If the weather is wet and/or windy, be careful, stay under control. The Bears each make you work long and hard, but when you crest the top, each time, pedal hard and hammer down the other side. What was I saying earlier about Lake Placid being the toughest course? Ironman Lake Placid - Distance: 72.00 km - Elevation: 632 hm - Location: Lake Placid, New York, United States of America. Contact: Industry Pioneers Founded Late 1990s / eCommerce Conversion Experts, Digital, Web Analytics and eCommerce Strategy. Lake Placid's cycling loops and tours are immersed in the stunning Adirondack landscape. Rain and thunder when I got on the bike. Select Language. The highly anticipated race begins with the swimmers entering the water at 6:30 a.m. for a 2.4 mile swim across beautiful Mirror Lake, followed by a demanding 112-mile bike leg through the Adirondack Mountains, and ends with a full marathon through the mountains and downtown that ends at the Olympic speed skating oval in the village of Lake Placid. At the end of lap 1, with 56 miles complete, I was at 2:44:00, an average of 20.5mph. It just will. There are lots of ways to see the scenery, and there's so much of it anything … If there’s any good news to share, it’s that the 300 meter overall elevation gain is spread out over the next 10 miles, and therefore doesn’t slam you too hard at any one place. Five day/four night accommodations at the Whiteface Lodge (Superior One Bedroom) … Ironman Lake Placid is one of the toughest Ironman races in the world. An adjustment of -20:33 is the slowest we have ever seen on this course. Text Block Subtitle (Centered): IRONMAN 70.3 Sponsored by [Title Sponsor Name Here] H1: IRONMAN 70.3 [Location Title] H3: Presented by [Presenting Sponsor Name Here] H2: [City, State] … If you’ve ridden well, according to your race strategy, you’ll have plenty left over to run a sub-4 marathon. 2017 Ironman Lake Placid Bike Course The Challenge. Also, soon after you pass the 40-mile marker, you’ll have a very taxing climb, perhaps the steepest on the course. The Endurance Drive crew traveled to Lake Placid, NY, in early June for an IRONMAN simulation weekend to prepare for IM Lake Placid in July. It’s scenic and lined with your adoring fans. I'm going to skip the actual transition turns if you were doing the race, and start right where you would hit Rt 86 and start putting on some speed. And I ride this part cautiously. Here is some more info on how to use the Workout Creator: You’ll have to be mentally ready to give back a lot of the speed you had through 43 miles. Please submit your updated sponsors, titles, and dates to them. Now’s the time to hammer a little. RUN: Main Street, Lake Placid Club Drive, Cascade Road (Route 73) and finish line in the Olympic Oval. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. You will work your way upwards, but it’ll have a sort of switchback feel, without switching back. If cycling is your strength then this is a great opportunity to use it, from terrain management and opportunity to carry speed. Just ahead will be one gentler incline. Ironman Triathlon; Ironman 70.3; Half Ironman … Have you been to Lake Placid, NY? IRONMAN Lake Placid is one of those special events, an icon of the sport that draws in triathletes from all over the world to test themselves on this legendary course. Sit up, apply the brakes, and be careful. And not a fast one -- I finish it at an average speed of 15mph. It’s less than six minutes out of town, at 21.8 mph, and then you reach the ski jumps. Start with blank route Upload GPX/KML file Cycle Route Planner Routes; Apps; Regions; Go to Help Center; Send us a … The water temperature is typically in the high 60s to low 70s. This means an additional 150 feet of climbing per loop...but it's more fun! Don’t. The IRONMAN Village is the center of the event weekend, serving as the location for Athlete Check-In, Athlete Briefings, and the IRONMAN Merchandise Store. The Ironman Lake Placid bike course is not one for the weak cyclist. You’ll hear the cheer of the crowd as you near the transition area, and it will bring a smile. Here’s everything you need to know about the Ironman Lake Placid Bike course. Make sure to get the most of the declines. They’ll coast; you’ll pass easily without working too much harder. So be safe, enjoy it, and it’s on to the next major segment. Except for one thing: you’ve got to do it again. That’s because . I slowed on the second lap to 2:52:12, or 19.5 mph. Registration for volunteering for Ironman 70.3 Lake Placid is now open and accepting signups. For more, see Ironman Lake Placid Bike Course: What to Expect and our complete Ironman Lake Placid Coverage. . 260 People Used View all course ›› Visit Site Ironman Lake Placid Course Review - Coeur Sports. Riders can test themselves on the official Ironman Lake Placid bike course, head out for a casual mountain bike ride on the Brewster Peninsula Trails, or opt for something that falls somewhere in between. Ironman Lake Placid continues to use a rolling start, based on predicted swim finish. Segment 2 includes the relatively flat and fast 10 miles from Keene through Upper Jay to the adjacent town of Jay, followed by a generally uphill stretch of five miles from Jay to Wilmington. You’ve made it at that point, really. … IRONMAN 70.3 Lake Placid Lake Placid, New York . Still, you will be gasping for air one way or the other when you make what will be an extremely slow right turn from Route 86 onto Northwood Rd. For those planning to race IMLP in 2013, there are about 8 weeks to go. Lake Placid presents its own set of challenges with a relatively crowded swim, a long run to T1, a very challenging bike course, and a run that would be a tough marathon even if you were fresh, never mind after 180km of cycling. [For reference: For starters, the key thing is to break the course down into manageable sections. But you can hit back, and you can ride well. Bike Course Comparison: Ironman Lake Placid vs Coeur d’Alene Filed under Race Reports, Triathlon; Several people have asked me how Ironman Coeur d’Alene compares to Ironman Lake Placid, namely the bike courses. Send to Device. You’ll enjoy the scenery of rocky streams for much of your ride from Keene to the town of Jay, as the course meanders gently right and left, through dense wooded passages and wide open spaces. This is easy speed, easy chances to move yourself higher in the race standings. I don’t see the risks of riding 50mph as worth saving a few seconds. So let’s get down to business. So we … While the course features exceptional scenery and some very generous downhill sections, the course can demoralize and defeat riders on the last 10 miles of each lap. This tactic may make the difference between getting a Kona slot or not. Arriving in Wilmington, you’ll be zooming at a fast clip toward the hard right turn onto Haselton Road. Beyond t… If you have the course file, you can import it there and it will create the optimal power outputs for you on each section of the course. I’ll break the course down into sections, describe what you can expect in each one, and provide actual splits to help guide your riding strategy. I remember this whole section as being the greenest part of the course. Two laps = 112 miles. Total for 112 miles: 5:36:12, just about 20mph. Interactive Map The one-loop, clockwise swim takes place in Mirror, Cycling Cruise the hills of three towns and test yourself on the, Announcement: Based on the mandate from the Village of, https://www.coursehero.com/file/55277024/practica-6-carga-y-descarga-de-un-capacitordocx/ courses, collier county public school registration, second degree nursing programs pennsylvania, Vietnamese Tones and Alphabets, 20% Off All Items, rider university westminster choir college, pennsylvania 40 hour security training course. Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation (www.endurancenation.us) as he walks you through the layout of the Lake Placid course. Riders will pass you going even faster. If you’re riding smart, you’ll probably pass one or two hundred on the second lap. FINISH LINE: Located on the famed Olympic Speed Skating Oval. Hero Text Instructions. Ironman Lake Placid - Distance: 72.00 km - Elevation: 632 hm - Location: Lake Placid, New York, United States of America . These are my actual times; yours may well vary. You’ll know this section is almost over when you see a sign for the Mt. That’s the difference a well-constructed riding strategy can make. This copy should match the race card. Make gravity work for you. Maybe that is some of the many challenges. The opportunity to win one of multiple coveted slots to the 2021 IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. The change to not just a road cycle, but to a full triathlon time trial bike is a serious shock to my riding style. The course elevation map says otherwise, but I always feel the outbound portion declines overall. Nutrition in place, pull up arm warmers if you’ve got them, straighten the sunglasses, just settle in. You should still expect contact – just not to be mauled. You can use these miles to your advantage. This segment is best seen as an additional four sections. The second lap feels relentless, especially the final 13 miles. It seems slow, but others will be riding slower. After dreaming about crossing the Placid finish line for over a year and a lot of training (in 2019 alone I ran swam 296,222 yards, biked 4397 miles, and ran 932 miles), I’m pleased to report that IRONMAN Lake Placid was a success. Mirror Lake has this amazing underwater cable that you can use to stay on course… on any day but Ironman. While I’m not exactly learning to ride the bike for the first time, Lake Placid Ironman’s 112 mile bike course–which covers roughly 6,000 feet of elevation change–does require that I learn a few new tricks to ride efficiently, strongly, bravely. English; Available Options Race Detail; Don't edit this column : Don't edit this column **Edit here** Swim: River, Lake, Ocean, Reservoir, Bay, TBD: Lake: Bike: Flat, Rolling, Hilly, TBD: Hilly: Run: Flat, Rolling, Hilly, TBD: Hilly: Avg Air Temp: Fahrenheit, rounded to a whole number: 63: Avg Water Temp: Fahrenheit, rounded to a whole … While there are still people everywhere, it isn’t quite the thrashing, gnashing wrestling match that it’s been in previous years. Marathon/Triathlon Results Analysis, Stats, Advice. But so will everyone else. In short, you can have a great ride on the first three sections, but you’ll give it all back on your way past Whiteface Mountain to transition. The Ironman Lake Placid Bike course is one of the most beautiful, but also one of the toughest 112-mile Ironman rides you’ll ever experience. This first segment on the bike course is a mixed bag of uphills and downhills, with an emphasis on the downhill: a screaming descent to Keene. Seriously. With a tight swimming venue, challenging elevation swings on the bike course, and a tough run course, racers are pushed to their limits in Lake Placid. Each athlete will exit the water and run on the beach before entering swim entrance for second lap. Accidents on this stretch could be very nasty, what with all the downward momentum. The performance of the day was Matt Russell’s 4:27:27 bike split: It was more than ten minutes quicker … A good start, but I’ve never found it easy to repeat it. Don’t let it get to you. The Keene Descent is a notorious section of the Ironman Lake Placid bike course. This is right around the Stewart's Shop closest to … Let gravity work for you -- pedal hard on the slight downhill grades and you can pick up speed and start passing riders. Due to the congestion near the cable on race day, I ended up swimming 2-3 bodies away from the cable most of the first lap. When you’re at 100 miles complete, and you’re climbing, you’ll know what it’s like in the Tour de France: not the least bit easy, but worth it in the end. When you think of the world's greatest, most sought after triathlons, a very short list of events from around the world comes to mind. Shoot for that. Mile markers are approximate. . This is the Ironman USA Lake Placid 2018 bike course. I complete these 5 miles in 17 minutes, 17.6 mph. Buckle up, time to face the beast. And my totals for this second segment – Keene to Jay to Haselton Road -- 14 miles, 21.6mph. Everyone else will be gliding. It was fairly difficult to find any one tool that … Let them crush the first lap; many of them will suffer for it on the next 56 miles. The two loop swim takes place in Mirror Lake, a calm, pristine lake right in the heart of Lake Placid. XC Benefits for IRONMAN Lake Placid Include: Guaranteed entry into 2021 IRONMAN Lake Placid. At this point on the course, roughly 43 miles have gone by in about 2 hours, at an average speed of 21.8mph. I ride the 14 mile out-and-back on Haselton Road in 38 minutes, an average speed of 22mph. There’s a sharp left turn at the base of Colden, taking you onto Route 73. Really nice, visually. I didn’t freak out when the bodies of much larger men came clamoring over me in the water. Ride these miles fast, feel free to push it a little. When you reach Lower Cascade Lake, also to your right, you, yourself, are about to cascade downhill at a frightening rate. July 25, 2021. The weekend included two loops on the bike course (112 miles) and one loop of the run course (13.1 miles) on Saturday, and the second loop of the run course (13.1 miles) on Sunday. There is a moratorium on placing equipment where it is needed the most – on the peaks. When you get there, you’ll know it. The two loop swim takes place in Mirror Lake, a calm, pristine lake right in the heart of Lake Placid. Since there are two loops, you “get” to do it twice. Ironman Lake Placid Course Maps and Spectator Guide. The village offers a great opportunity for athletes and the public to interact with official IRONMAN Partners and Vendors, and to pick up final race day essentials. Event Date: July 22 – 36, 2021 . BIKE: Colden Avenue (Main Street side), Main Street (near the Post Office) and River Street (near Route 73 and Lake Placid Club Drive). Begin to pedal hard as you crest the hills here, and hammer on the way down. The 20th edition of Ironman® Lake Placid returns (somewhat) to the original bike course. It is breathtakingly beautiful as on one side are the majestic Adirondacks and on the other side is the pristine river. That’s how you’ll continue to ride faster here, and elsewhere on the course. Average speed from the start through 29 miles: about 22mph. Accidents do happen at this turn. The lesson you’ve hopefully learned by now is that going uphill offers a significant opportunity to gain speed and pass people on the other side. Fast, but still in control. We wish we could bottle the feeling that one gets at this point. Now … I ride miles 53 to 56 at an average of about 18 miles per hour. Yes, you will. This was mainly due to an extremely slow run, the run adjustment of -10:09 is reflected by the fastest run that was only 2:56:30 by Joe Gambles. I cover this part in 5 minutes at 24.0mph. Average Finish Times. Simplex is next to impossible. IM Lake Placid - 2018 Bike Course. You’ll know you’re approaching the turnaround as the volume of riders heading the other way will grow. The Lake Placid finish has the added benefit of taking place on the Olympic speed skating track. 2021 IRONMAN Lake Placid will offer 40 qualifying slots to the 2021 IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawai’i. 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