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clinical decision making in nursing essay

Decision making links judgement to practice by acting on it in choosing from the options available. Question 3. the most appropriate information available to make clinical decisions for individual patients. (O’Reilly, 1993) Clinical decision-making is defined as the ability to sift and synthesize information, make decisions, and appropriately implement those decisions within a clinical setting. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on poor IT skills, lack of research skills and literature. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Both nursing process and Benner's stages have five progressive levels, which will help nurses have a solid foundation in making effective clinical decision-making. No risk assessment tool can be 100% accurate. According to Lipsedge (1995), good practice in risk assessment requires nurses to translate their knowledge into a clearly distinct formulation of the risks. Essay on my passion for art essay nursing Clinical and judgement in decision making, what websites write essays for you for free. It involves complex and conscientious decision making based not only on the available evidence but also on patient characteristics, situations and preferences. According to Guy, H. (2007), risk assessment on pressure ulcer requires multifactorial consideration. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. The key issue in examining risk assessment tools is how good they are at distinguishing those at risk from those who are not and if they are better or more accurate than simply relying on professional judgement (Thompson, C. & Dowding, D., 2002). It is the foundation on which decisions are made and risks plans are then formulated through available national and local policies and procedures (Morgan, S.,1998). What exactly are patient rights? Using the different types of clinical reasoning … According to Reigle, Steven, Belcher et al (2008) and Talsma, Grady, Feetham, et al (2008), the reason why evidence based practice is consistently implemented is because it leads to the highest quality of care and best patient outcomes. Essay on Nursing Process and Clinical Decision Making 1535 Words7 Pages Nursing Process and Clinical Decision-Making The nursing professional faces a myriad of decisions on a daily basis. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. It applies judgement regarding our reasons for doing or not doing things. However, the authors Hardy & Smith further suggest being careful regarding their interchangeability when others are making use of the same activity. However, despite the good outcome of using evidence based practice in decision making with regards to patient care, there are issues such as nurses do not always make their decision based on available evidence due to lack of skills i.e. Risk assessment is a continuous process in which nurses gather information from multiple sources and other health care professionals with the focus of identifying the factors that is associated with the increased probability of risk happening. It is an examination of the context and details of past risk incidents in the light of current circumstances. The Waterlow scale is mostly used in adult field of nursing. the patient’s heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, oxygen saturations and systolic blood pressure. For example, nurses must deliver care based on the best available evidence or practice and must ensure any advice given to patients are evidence based. Making the wrong clinical decision is not only harmful to patients but can also damage a nurse’s career. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. It can also be used with hospitalised mental health and learning disability patients. There are different models of decision making in nursing developed to help nurses make their decision on all aspects of nursing care and I decided to focus on risk analysis and management and evidence based decision making. Evidence based practice values, enhances and builds on clinical expertise, knowledge of disease mechanisms, and pathophysiology. “Integrating research evidence into decision making involves forming a focused clinical question in response to a recognised information need, searching for the most appropriate evidence to meet that need, critically appraising the retrieved evidence, incorporating the evidence into a strategy for action, and evaluating the effects of any decisions and actions taken.” – Thompson et al (2004). Copyright © 2003 - 2021 - is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. The use of early warning score (EWS) is the best practice for clinical observations (Department of Health, 2000), and this is backed up by NCEPOD (2005) who emphasised that every in-patient should have a EWS recorded. Early intervention can help prevent patient’s condition from deteriorating which then helps avoid the need to transfer the patient to a higher level of care. As nurses, we use different information sources to support our judgement and decision making. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2008) states that nurses are personally accountable for their actions during practice and therefore they must be able to justify their decisions at all time. Orme and Maggs (1993) identified that decision-making is an essential and integral aspect of clinical practice. People often get patient rights and patient responsibilities confused.

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