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City bags/stickers and advanced registration are not required, but all other guidelines do apply. — The City of East Lansing is adding dates to its curbside recycling collection schedule at no cost to residents. running all the way to the city limit at Park Lake Rd. msn back to msn home money. EAST LANSING, Mich. — Gov. Additional recycling pickup will be available on Dec. 21 and Jan. 11. City Hall 124 W Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-483-4000 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. EAST LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - This fall season, no-fee yard waste collection will be offered the weeks of Oct. 5 and Oct. 19 on the City of East Lansing’s east and west sides as well as the weeks of Oct. 12 and Oct. 26 on the City’s west side. Regular yard waste collection will be offered through November 16, 2020 (excluding holidays). Starting Jan. 1, city yard waste bags and stickers will be $1.75, a reduction from $2. LANSING — The city will begin picking up yard waste on Monday after postponing this season's collection because of the COVID-19 pandemic. East Lansing City Council approved the price reduction Tuesday through a … Temporarily Closed for In-Person Transactions due to COVID-19. Please do not submit an online collection request for those dates. View Notices for Electronic & Special Meetings, City of East Lansing's State of Emergency, Mask Order Extended, City of East Lansing Office Closures Extended due to COVID-19, NEW! The City of East Lansing provides yard waste collection for single family households, duplexes and households with one to four units. EAST LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - The City of East Lansing is adding dates to its curbside recycling collection schedule at no cost to residents. Recycle/Refuse Collection Schedule Map (PDF), View Notices for Electronic & Special Meetings, City of East Lansing's State of Emergency, Mask Order Extended, City of East Lansing Office Closures Extended due to COVID-19, Yard Waste Collection Online Request Form, Clinton County Clean Community Collection Event, Temporarily Closed for In-Person Transactions due to COVID-19. Yard waste services are funded by the annual "yard waste and recycling" fee of $110.00 that is assessed to each single-family property through the "Winter Property" taxes. Granger Disposal Center of Lansing and Granger Disposal Center of Jackson accept both residential and commercial yard waste materials, such as leaves, grass, brush and tree trimmings. The City will activate several public spaces in downtown East Lansing and provide the community with more opportunities to socialize safely and support local businesses through a new crowdfunding campaign announced today. PLEASE NOTE: Yard Waste Online Collection Requests are not accepted during No-Fee Yard Waste Collection days. yard waste stickers can now also be purchased online, Clinton County Clean Community Collection Event, City paper yard waste bags**. The City of East Lansing **East Lansing Spring Yard Waste Collection Update** No-fee yard waste collection services will be offered on Monday, April 20 on the City of #EastLansing's east side and Monday, April 27 on the City's west side. Community members can view yard waste guidelines and fall 2020 dates for no-fee yard waste collection and bulk leaf collection at - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Extra collections will be on Mondays, from Dec. 7-21 and again on Jan. 11. Leaves must be raked to the curb by 7:30 a.m. on the Mondays of designated collection weeks. If East Lansing City Hall and the East Lansing Department of Public Works re-open to the public on Friday, May 1, regular yard waste collection (requiring City bags/stickers and advanced registration) will tentatively resume on Monday, May 4. The City of East Lansing is offering no-fee yard waste and bulk leaf pickup in October. East Lansing launches online payment for yard waste, bulk items. Acceptable brush and trees are limited to 15 inches in diameter and 8 feet in length. Until East Lansing City Hall re-opens on June 15, City yard waste bags and stickers can be purchased at the East Lansing … Must not weigh more than 40 lbs. A third round of no-fee yard waste collection is wrapping up on the west side of the City of East Lansing today and regular yard waste collection is scheduled to resume next Monday, June 15, which does require advanced requests and City bags/stickers. Residents may place as much material at the curbside as necessary as long as it is in compliance with … Yard waste includes leaves, plant materials, grass clippings and brush / limbs. The east side includes the east City limits at Park Lake Road to Abbot Road. During collection weeks, community members can rake loose yard waste (except brush/limbs) to the curb for free collection. An East Lansing curbside recycling cart. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. The No-Fee Yard Waste Program will start on East Lansing's east side. The City of East Lansing provides yard waste collection for single family households, duplexes and households with one to four units. Bundles may not be more than 4 feet long and 1 foot in diameter. After Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s office has decided that yard-waste collection counts as an essential service, City of East Lansing staff announced this week that spring yard waste collection will begin Monday, April 20, and run through the following week. Yard waste includes leaves, plant materials, grass clippings and brush / limbs. Yard waste includes leaves, plant materials, grass clippings and brush / limbs. The City of East Lansing provides refuse collection for single family households, duplexes and households with one to four units. In all of May of 2019, no-fee yard waste pick-up cost the City about $6,300. City Hall 124 W Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-483-4000 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The City of East Lansing announced Friday that it will offer a third round of no-fee yard waste removal in June to meet the needs of residents. stored in a dry location prior to placing on the curb. Yard waste must be placed in a paper yard waste bag, placed in a rigid plastic container (no larger than 32 gallon) or bundled and placed at the curb by 7:30 a.m. Advanced requests and City bags/stickers are not required on no-fee days. If bagged in plastic, material must be removed from plastic bags on site. The City of East Lansing is committed to a clean and healthy environment by offering convenient refuse, yard waste and recycling services to residents. There will be no regular yard waste pickup on the City's west side when no-fee yard waste collection is taking place on the City's east side and vice versa. Bulk item collection will continue to … The City of East Lansing provides yard waste collection for single family households, duplexes and households with one to four units. The west side includes the west City limits at Coolidge and West roads to Abbot Road. - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. EAST LANSING, Mich. — East Lansing residents can now pay online for their city-issued yard waste and bulk item stickers. plans to transition out of selling yard waste bags in the near future. Fall bulk leaf collection is offered on alternating weeks on the City's east and west sides each fall. $80.00 of the fee goes towards recycling costs and the remaining $30.00 is designated for yard waste, including seasonal Christmas tree collection. Loose dirt must be removed from sod. $3 each: Yard Waste – Cubic Yard: $13: Christmas Trees (must be live-cut and free of decorations; trees or sections of trees can be no longer than four feet) $7 per tree They can take artificial trees to … Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. In addition to this cost reduction, the City of East Lansing. Skip To Navigation; Skip To Content; Skip To Footer; Sign in. Yard waste pick-up begins April 1st each year and ends the third week of December. Yard waste may be placed at the curb no earlier than 8 p.m. the day before collection and no later than 7:30 a.m. on the day of collection. The east side includes the east City limits at Park Lake Road to Abbot Road. Rigid, 32-gallon plastic container or paper bag with City yard waste sticker attached. Yard waste must be placed at the curbside by 7:00 a.m. on your trash collection day. Per state law yard waste cannot be taken with trash at any time. Bag must weigh no more than 40 lbs and must be. Bundled (with string or twine) with a City yard waste sticker attached. Yard waste includes the following: leaves, plant material, grass clippings and brush and or limbs. No-fee yard waste collection will be offered on the City's east side on Monday, June 1 and on the City's west side on Monday, June 8. Must not weigh more than 40 lbs. Yard Waste – Paper Bag Use paper bags only. Residents also can drop off trees and other yard waste at the Meridian Township Recycling Center in Haslett for a $5-$10 fee. Fall bulk leaf collection will be offered the weeks of Oct. 12, Oct. 26 and Nov. 9 … Self-haul Yard Waste. The west side includes the west City limits at Coolidge and West roads to Abbot Road. EAST LANSING, Mich. — The City of East Lansing has made adjustments to its Spring yard waste and bulk item collection. The area consists of homes east of Abbot Rd. Beginning January 1, 2020, the cost of City yard waste bags and stickers will be reduced from $2 to $1.75. There are three options for disposing of yard waste throughout the year.
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