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volar in english

b vt. 1 (=hacer volar) [+cometa, globo] to fly, (Caza) [+pájaro] to flush out. Translate text from any application or website in just one click. I left the tickets on the table and they blew away in a gust of wind. My brother lost his temper when he found out his wife was cheating on him. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. Che cosa è volar? El terrorista trató de volar una bomba en una estación pero la policía lo detuvo. A clean and easy to read chart to help you learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb volar in Present tense. Pies, ¿para qué los quiero si tengo alas para volar? Spanish English French German Chinese Other Languages Look up the Spanish to English translation of volar in the PONS online dictionary. Volar, volar. The terrorist tried to explode a bomb at a station but he was stopped by the police. volar - definizione, significato, pronuncia audio, sinonimi e più ancora. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. Disfruta de estos momentos porque el tiempo vuela y los niños crecen muy rápido. volar translation in English-Italian dictionary. The eagle spread its wings majestically and flew through the air. a volar translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'volcar',volear',violar',volador', examples, definition, conjugation The old power plant has been blown up to build a highway. Synonyms . Los papeles se volaron del escritorio cuando abrió la ventana. All Free. Enjoy these moments because time flies and children grow up quickly. a trade union which nowadays is going it alone; in his latest book he branched out on his own; desde pequeño se le notaban las ganas de volar solo, since he was a child you could see how much he wanted to do things his own way, Sobrino de Dominique Lapierre,Javier Moro ha colaborado con él y Larry Collins como investigador.Luego, empezó a volar solo, La Suzuki tuvo un problema mecánico con la rueda delantera, que le hizo volar por los aires a más de cinco metros de distancia, el choque le hizo volar por los aires a más de dos metros de la carretera, he was thrown more than two metres from the road by the impact, Carrero Blanco había muerto en /un atentado que hizo volar su coche blindado por los aires/, la bomba hizo volar en pedazos el monumento, Una bomba de relojería que hará volar en pedazos el edificio, I packed my bags as quick as I could and left, el deportivo iba volando por la autopista, los meses vuelan y pronto llegará el verano, the months are flying by and summer will soon be here, cuando me di cuenta, el bolso ya había volado, cuando me volví, los niños ya habían volado, cuando llegó la policía los ladrones ya habían volado, when the police arrived the robbers had vanished, cigarettes seem to sprout legs in this house, llevaban un perro para que volara las perdices, el perro se encargaba de volar las perdices, el perro volaba las perdices para que los cazadores disparasen, si el próximo fin de semana hace bueno saldremos al monte a volar el globo, he spends the day flying paper aeroplanes, volaron el puente con veinte kilos de goma-2, /volaron varias rocas/ que impedían el paso a la galería principal. A pronominal verb always uses a reflexive pronoun. El dinero de la herencia voló en el mes después de nuestro viaje a Disney. Traduzione per 'volare' nel dizionario italiano-inglese gratuito e tante altre traduzioni in inglese. I rushed breakfast so as not to miss the bus to the office. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Hover on a tile to learn new words with the same root. The papers flew off the desk when she opened the window. Subir, bajar contigo, sin alas volar.

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