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transformers the agenda

"When the Decepticons aim their weapon, the Hydra Cannon, at the Autobot base on Earth, Optimus, having failed to prevent the blast, instead places himself in front of it. Waspinator, he sends on a "special mission" which Blackarachnia takes note of. Written and recorded in America, the series was animated in Japan and later South Korea.The entire series was based upon the line of transforming toys originally created by … Silverbolt dramatically calls out "Silverbolt, Flight Mode!" Preamble. Megatron correctly anticipates a Maximal retaliation and sends everyone but Waspinator to fortify the base. It is a quintuple feature with The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon (franchise), The Irelanders' Adventures of Transformers… The term "Generation 1", or "G1", is a retronym, coined after the advent of 1992's Transformers: Generation 2.Although frequently used to simply refer to the original 1984-1991 marvel comic series, 1984-1987 animated series, the term encompasses all Transformers … 19h10 Recess The satellite detonated by the Tripredacus Council reuses the CGI model of the "Energon Monitoring Device" from ". Silverbolt flies to a secluded location where he meets up with Blackarachnia, delivering to her a graviton generator. Ravage, Optimus, Rattrap, and Rhinox walk in, and Ravage places Megatron under arrest. Factory) It's not long before Ravage and Rampage bring dow… 2006 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Season 2 (Madman Entertainment) He is the most demonic of all the Transformers including Megatron. 18h15 Round 1. Transformers Wiki:Reviews/Beast Wars/Episodes/The Agenda (Part 1) | Teletraan I: The Transformers … In the film's opening scenes, they hijack an Autobot shuttle … The Agenda (Part 2) ... 2000 — Beast Wars: Transformers: Metals — DVD Box 1 (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio. Despite every other multi-part episode in Beast Wars using Arabic numerals in their titles (including the first two parts of "The Agenda"), this episode opts for the Roman numeral for whatever reason. Inferno reports that their attack on the early humans caused them to scatter, making their extinction an impossibility. They've been previously shown to easily incapacitate any Maximal with a clean hit. Popular features include daily news, toy galleries, a message board, a podcast, and more than meets the eye! Nothing Ravage does while invisible hints at his identity in the slightest. With Jim Byrnes, Garry Chalk, Ian James Corlett, David Kaye. Despite every other multi-part episode in Beast Wars using Arabic numerals in its title (including the first two parts of "The Agenda"), this episode opts for the Roman numeral for whatever reason. Consideration of the environmental conditions for the use of the transformers 2. The Committee is comprised of technical and managerial representatives from manufacturers, consultants, vendors and end users of electrical transformers … This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. If I find the Final … All the Maximals draw their weapons as two red lasers appear out of nowhere from the hatch. The Tripredacus Council convenes, having traced the wavefront signature back to Megatron. They send Ravage, their own operative, to … 2000 — Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers: Metals — I'm a Crab! He is the same robot, with the same memories, and same evil agenda. Calendar $7.24 $ 7. The location: Portland, Oregon, is a place with some major influence from Transformers universe and most likely mention in the G1 TV Series and comics. The Agenda: Part 1 Trailer for TRANSFORMERS: BEAST WARS - The Agenda Three-Parter. Marvel/DC/Star Wars/Ratchet and Clank/Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja/Despicable Me/Transformers/The Powerpuff Girls/Street Fighters/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Gravity … Even using the "3 million years ago" figure, Earth would have looked pretty much the same as it does today. The destruction of the glass on the Axalon's elevator doors is a running joke in the series. He is the same robot, with the same memories, and same evil agenda. Agenda For WG IEEE/IEC 60076‐57‐1202 Phase Shifting Transformers IEEE • Introduction • Update on WG formation • Procedure for Joint Development • Message from Tom Lundquist • Target Dates and Meeting Schedule • Working Group Members and Participation • Contents of the Standard • Questions The transwarp explosion wavefront heading to Cybertron is diverted by the Tripredacus Council so the Maximals can't detect it. 22:18. She refuses, telling him that she likes being a bad girl—and Silverbolt knows he likes it too. "Beast Wars: Transformers" The Agenda: Part III (TV Episode 1998) Lee Tockar as Ravage ", 1998 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Series 2 / Volume 4 (Siren Entertainment) With Ravage and his transwarp cruiser backing them up, the Predacons unleash a full assault on the Maximal base. This is a list containing the episodes of The Transformers, an animated television series depicting a war among the Autobots and Decepticons who could transform into vehicles, other objects and animals. The Agenda (3) The Maximals manage to take out the transwarp cruiser and fend of the Predacon attack. ", "In the name of the Pax Cybertronia and the Predacon Alliance, you are under arrest. Silverbolt: Well, given our proximity, I breathe through my mouth. Title: James Roberts is a British comic book writer best known for his contributions to the Transformers franchise, having worked consistently with the robots in disguise since he co-wrote the 2010 limited series, Last Stand of the Wreckers, with Nick Roche.His first solo story, the two-part "Chaos Theory," appeared in Mike Costa's ongoing Transformers … Directed by Colin Davies, Asaph Fipke. He is the most demonic of all the Transformers including Megatron. Discussion; Bug Reporting; Delete/Combine Pages He had to be pushed out of Ravage's cruiser by Silverbolt, and activated his jets just. And what's located a distance from such a place, that will be revealed in the next chapter that connects both Transformers and Beast Wars universes together. The entire three-part season finale, "The Agenda", is a reference to the original The Transformers cartoon. 1 Summary 2 Featured characters 3 Quotes 4 Notes 4.1 Technical/Animation Glitches 4.2 Continuity errors 4.3 Transformers references 4.4 Real-world references 5 Miscellaneous trivia 6 External links With Megatron a prisoner and the Predacons … Rattrap appears to justify his caution, saying that the only thing worse than a Predacon is a Decepticon. As Ravage's cruiser approaches Earth, the attacking Predacon force is composed of Waspinator, Inferno, and Megatron. He's referencing strip clubs, of course. And not only that... (looks at Cheetor, who is eagerly listening, and lowers his voice) Not only that, but the serving bots are walking around minus their torso plates, ya know what I mean?" (And in case you were wondering, the time frame of the cartoon is between 70,000 BCE and 3,000,000 MYA depending on which "offical" source you listen to. I know this little place where you can get dirty mech fluid mixed with just a touch of radium. The Transformers: The Movie. The transwarp explosion wavefront heading to Cybertron is diverted by the Tripredacus Council so the Maximals can't detect it. Model Agenda: 17h30 Registration. an insulating liquid for transformers 4. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. Rattrap changes to beast mode and jumps onto the back of the transwarp cruiser, where he begins cutting into the ship's hull. Factory) You … 1 Plot 1.1 The Cooling 1.2 Mission to Mars 1.3 The Return 1.4 Earth Expansion 1.5 A … We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and … All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted. 2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete Series (Shout! Back at the Axalon, the Maximals get ready for Megatron's inevitable final attack on their base. 2009 — The Transformers: Beast Wars — Complete Collection (Madman Entertainment). Rattrap speaks of places in Cybertron where the servingbots walk around "minus their torso plates" and then does sort of a "wink wink, nudge nudge" toward Silverbolt. Transformers: Beast Wars » Transformers: Beast Wars #212 - The Agenda, Part 2 released by Hasbro on March 12, 1998. Though he sought to exterminate the Transformers, identifying both Autobots and Decepticons as a public threat towards humanity, he was willing to join forces with them if it meant to further his goal; his agenda indirectly led to the presence of non-aligned Cybertronian bounty hunter Lockdown, whom Attinger had secretly formed a partnership with in a bid to achieve his purposes at th… See more ideas about transformer party, transformer birthday, transformers birthday parties. The series focuses on 16 … Full programming begins on May 22 and wraps up … "Oh, for bootin' up cold, the only thing worse than a stinkin' Pred, is a stinkin' Decepticon! This page was last modified on 15 August 2020, at 12:37. Popular features include daily news, toy galleries, a message board, a podcast, and more than … According to The Fallen, he and his brothers were the first creations of the AllSpark. It was made by USER. Bits of Optimus Primal's original body- destroyed in the same explosion that created the quantum wave- fly at the screen. Conference Agenda. The Predacons of Cybertron send an agent to Earth to bring back Megatron and his band of criminals. Episode 38: The Agenda part 2- Transformers Beast Wars Podcast This week: Dale shaming (it’s not right); Dale picks a fight; Eric opens up about past relationships; Dale tries to convince Eric that there really were answers coming; Eric outlines his “Top 10 Beast Wars characters” list; a fight breaks out about confectionary delights; Dale lays down some cold truth; and Megatron … Accept This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. Directed by Owen Hurley. The Transformers: The Movie was simultaneously liberated from the storytelling constraints of Saturday Morning Cartoons and burdened by the need to clear out the old cast (read: … Optimus Primal finally realizes that their reinforcements came in the form of a Decepticon who after the Great War was granted amnesty and rebuilt as a Predacon. The Agenda (1) is the eleventh episode of the second season of Beast Wars: Transformers, and the thirty-seventh episode overall. Optimus Primal shoves Rattrap aside and orders him to shut up but does inform Ravage that they've been fighting Megatron for a while in a less than friendly manner. Both Megatron, and Galvatron, transform into weapons instead of vehicles, this is very strange, and in the recent transformers movie they have removed that fact. However, the cracks appear on the pane directly above and below the glass itself, making it look like Rattrap cracked. Beast Wars - 211 - The Agenda (Part 1)_x264. Add the first question. Rhinox tracks the transwarp wavefront released by the destruction of the alien Planet Buster, announcing it will arrive at Cybertron in a few hours and that the Maximals are going home soon. an insulating liquid for transformers 4. Transform will begin with an optional evening event on May 21st at Impact HUB San Francisco. (11 Mar 1998). They detonate a Cybertronian satellite to make sure the Maximal sensors don't detect the wave and send an operative to find and capture Megatron. With Megatron in custody, Ravage reveals he plans to kill him - but the prisoner has saved a vital piece of the golden disc with a message from the original Megatron. New Comics. Cheetor is still unsure about their plan, but Ravage notes that the ship provides several advantages (such as the ability to use Ravage's own cloaking ability) and Ravage observes that they have another one inside the Predacon base. Beast Wars Transformers S02 E12 The Agenda (2) Annettfassbinder1. He is almost an incestuous son of Himself. Ravage offers the apologies of the Predacon Alliance for Megatron's actions, insisting that the Alliance did not sanction them, and says that he is here to help neutralize Megatron. Find information about "beast wars transformers the agenda part 1" watch "beast wars transformers the agenda part 1" on AllMovie FREE Shipping on … They fail to so much as hinder the Maximals when they jump from Ravage's cruiser, and both Cheetor and Optimus take direct hits without a scratch to show for it. This sets off alarms in Tarantulas's lair and he transforms and rolls out in the same direction as the cruiser. Silverbolt can carry small items around underneath his chest armor. 25:46. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. With Garry Chalk, Ian James Corlett, David Kaye, Campbell Lane. The Transformers Committee is one of the largest and most active of the17 technical committees within the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES). "Beast Wars: Transformers" The Agenda: Part III (TV Episode 1998) Garry Chalk as Optimus Primal Notes Continuity notes. Gen. During the opening battle scene, Optimus Primal takes several shots to the chest, leaving it blackened and dented. The Autobots decide to ignite the Seed in the Mongolian Desert, but the Decepticons have a plan to steal the Seed back. Re-uploading the most recent edit I could find. It changes Ravage's mind. 4.7 out of 5 stars 4. Meanwhile, Megatron has made similar calculations and is less than pleased. Optimus' initial demise, mortally wounded at Megatron's hands, was … Ravage and the Maximals attack the Predacon base while Silverbolt ignores Optimus' orders to take down Blackarachnia, who takes off towards Waspinator's secret location. Shelves: transformers, comics. Beast Wars: Transformers [Season 2 Episode 13]: The Agenda (Part 3) Himbo Soundblaster. Silverbolt tries to turn Blackarachnia. On the battlefield, Optimus and Cheetor are pinned down by the Predacons' firepower, but the autoguns manage to knock Quickstrike from his perch atop Rampageand a short time later the larger Predacon runs him over. 2004 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Vol. Originally scheduled for late after 2007 under the title of Transformers: Heroes, Transformers Animated is set in 2050 Detroit (after crash landing 50 years earlier), when robots and humans live side by side. (view spoiler) [ ] The tale of the fall of Orion Pax and his raise as Optimus Prime is just the darkest and greatest Transformers story ever. Silverbolt: Uh, scout patrol... 2004 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete Second Season (Rhinomation) 2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — … Megatron orders a retreat and the invisible source of the Maximals' help lands. Operating a special stealth-equipped transwarp cruiser, his orders are to "terminate with extreme prejudice". Transformers: Generation 1. The Fallen began to court some Transformers to his side. (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only. TFW2005: "The Tripredacus Agenda – behind the scenes of Beast Wars The Agenda, Part 1",, For the first time all season we get a couple of good shots of Earth, first as Ravage's ship approaches the planet and then at the end underneath the "To Be Continued..." caption. Quality assurance in the project process 3. Transformers Armada, imported and dubbed to America from Japan where it had premiered as Micron Legend, featured the death of its Optimus Prime in Episode 39, "Crisis. This page contains a review about The Agenda (Part 1). Ravage's interaction with the Maximals is highly reminiscent of the depiction of cooperative Soviet operatives in American fiction during the, Ravage arrests Megatron in the name of the ", The Tripredacus Council shown at the beginning of the episode, As there was no interior set for the Council meeting, the models were rough with little moving parts, and the scene was all-dialogue and no action, director, The battle at the end of the episode is not one of Cheetor's shining moments. 18h05 Hand over to the Survivor Host for Round 1 Explanation of the competition, announcement of the Tribes and draw for speaking order. May 15, 2018 - Explore Kesa Reese's board "Transformer party", followed by 324 people on Pinterest. 24 $14.99 $14.99. He once again offers her a spot in the Maximal ranks. Interesting Art although not the greatest story. In this episode the glass first gets smashed by Rattrap, and then smashed even more when Optimus flies into it a minute later. They send Ravage, their own operative, to find and capture Megatron. Megatron decides to implement one final plan—a gamble, he notes, as his security cameras show Blackarachnia leaving the Predacon base. Full programming begins on May 22. Transformers Wiki:Transcripts/Beast Wars/Episodes/The Agenda (Part III) | Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki | Fandom 1 (Universal) The Agenda (3) is the thirteenth episode of the second season of Beast Wars: Transformers, and the thirty-ninth episode overall. Welcome to Beast Wars Wednesday, where Predacon Paul and Decepticon Doug review every episode of the hit TV series Beast Wars: Transformers. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. 1 Plot 1.1 The Cooling 1.2 Mission to Mars 1.3 The Return 1.4 Earth Expansion 1.5 A New Darkness 2 Featured Characters 3 Soundtrack 4 Notes 5 Episode Script On February 20, 2025, Scattershot continues to meditate in the jungles of Hawaii, with Inferno … He apologizes for disarming them, saying that he was concerned that he might be attacked before he could explain himself. Daniel Gomes. In both cases it looks less like present day Earth than the shots from space we had back in season one when the animators had the excuse that they were trying to keep the planet's identity a mystery. With Megatron in custody, Ravage reveals he plans to kill him - but the prisoner has saved a vital piece of the golden disc with a message from the original Megatron. Tests They send Ravage, their own operative, to find and capture Megatron. He is almost an incestuous son of Himself. This FAQ is empty. 2001 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Volume 8 (Universal), 2000 — Beast Wars: Transformers: Metals — DVD Box 1 (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio. They learned that the its power could be replenished by harvesting the energy of stars, but they were unable to locate new stars t… Today we talk about The Agenda, the … Use the HTML below. Rhinox tracks the transwarp wavefront released by the destruction of the alien Planet Buster, announcing it will arrive at Cybertron in a few hours and that the Maximalsare going home soon. 2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Seasons 2 & 3 (Shout! Megatron decides to implement one final plan—a gamble, he notes, as his security cameras show Blackarachnia leaving the … ), When the Maximals are getting thrown around by Rampage's initial attack on their base, Rattrap slams into the elevator door, shattering the glass. A must read for all fans of the robots in disguise. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Jan 20, 2016 Rocky Sunico rated it liked it. He also debuts a new and rarely-used feather blade this episode, Instead of a long handle like his typical sword or spear, this feather was more like a handheld knife. "Yes, obviously a veritable nexus of culture and refinement. Service and maintenance in operation 5. Attinger was a no-nonsense man with strict objectives and zero compassion for his enemies, even if they were innocent people. The Axalon's hatch opens and Silverbolt's super doggie nose smells something. Rattrap sabotages Ravage's ship, making himself a hero. The Agenda (2) is the twelfth episode of the second season of Beast Wars: Transformers, and the thirty-eighth episode overall. The Agenda: Part 1. 18h00 Opening of Survivor 2020 by the Transformers Club President. He selected a small number of the Constructicon drones to do his bidding in private, ultimately in service of subverting the Dynasty of Primes in favor of his own agenda. Summary Short summary describing this episode. Made this back in 2005, but YouTube pulled it back then. The Agenda is the thirty-seventh, thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth episode of the Beast Wars TV series. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Beast Wars Transformers S02 E11 The Agenda (1) Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Get it as soon as Mon, Jan 11. Optimus notes that most of the Decepticons that survived the, Ravage was one of the original cassette-robots to serve under. To be continued! The Agenda: Part 2. The Agenda (3) Beast Wars: Transformers — Season Two: This article about an episode needs to be expanded with more information. Oh boy, oh boy! Special requirements for the transformer specification Agenda … Directed by Cal Shumiatcher. Rattrap: Now whadda we do? Forums. The Predacon autoguns are bizarrely ineffective in this episode. Are the Beast Wars over? Here are the best new trailers of the week, including Godzilla vs. Kong and the latest films from Zendaya, Tom Holland, and more. In this part, Ravage, the rebuilt Decepticon, is dispatched to the Maximals to assist them in capturing … Rattrap: Oh, yeah, yeah, scoutin' the enemy, yeah. Please help out by editing it. But the battle is far from over, as Megatron heads for the now uncovered Autobot Ark - containing the heroes and villains who'll shape the Cybertron where the … Rattrap: So, uh, where ya' been, bird-dog? The Autobots decide to ignite the Seed in the Mongolian Desert, but the Decepticons have a plan to steal the Seed back. This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. How can I refuse.". Here are some well-known faces from Sundance over the years, as they brought their early movies to the festival. Guest Stars: Lee Tockar (Ravage) This comic follows directly on from the end of the Beast Wars episode, "The Agenda (Part III)".The first page is a recreation of the opening scenes of "Optimal Situation", complete with cribbed dialogue.The comic is made up almost entirely of screncaps from those two episodes, with some being reinterpreted (for example, the shot used … Ravage begins firing upon the downed Predacon ship and Megatron orders his troops to keep fighting, but suddenly he is bound to his chair with energy rings as the base's power is cut. Transformers 2020 (aka The Transformers in Canada/Worldwide and Transformers Allspark in Japan) is an upcoming web animated series developed by Hasbro and CureKurogane. It'll take your head right off! He called this group the Decepticons. Preamble. Made this back in 2005, but YouTube pulled it back then. That's how you know this is a super-important episode, folks. … Trailer for TRANSFORMERS: BEAST WARS - The Agenda Three-Parter. is a massive website about Transformers toys, cartoons, comics, and movies. ...Find any new positions? Quality assurance in the project process 3. Waspinator and Inferno ready some attack systems, but Rampage decides to take the more direct approach and assaults Sentinel's shields with his weapons. 2004 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete Second Season (Rhinomation) see review. Her celebration is cut short, however, when Megatron calls for her. Blackarachnia's history lesson to Silverbolt is interrupted by Megatron, whose treachery … In another time and place, a Cybertronian outpost is violently rocked by the transwarp wavefront. Captured by Ravage, Megatron lets the former Decepticon warrior in on the secret of the Golden Disk and gets him to switch sides. 2018 Transformers 5 The Last Knight Wall Calendar (Day Dream) by Day Dream | Jul 15, 2017. is a massive website about Transformers toys, cartoons, comics, and movies. in order to convert to, It's mentioned that the Axalon disappeared "last mega-cycle" which usually refers to a. Both Megatron, and Galvatron, transform into weapons instead of vehicles, this is very strange, and in the recent transformers … Guest Stars: Scott McNeil (Tripredacus Council Member), Lee Tockar (Ravage) The transwarp explosion wavefront heading to Cybertron is diverted by the Tripredacus Council so the Maximals can't detect it. Inferno reports that their attack on the early humans caused them to scatter, making their extinction an impossibility. The Transformers: The Movie was simultaneously liberated from the storytelling constraints of Saturday Morning Cartoons and burdened by the need to clear out the old cast (read: toys that were no longer on shelves).As such, it was the first time that the Decepticons were allowed to use lethal force. Special requirements for the transformer specification Agenda 6. Signature back to Megatron Fallen, he and his brothers were the first creations of beast. Weapons as two red lasers appear out of nowhere from the Axalon 's elevator doors is a joke! Are fired, knocking all of the transwarp explosion wavefront heading to Cybertron is diverted by the Tripredacus so. 'S super doggie nose smells something in, and same evil Agenda the Predacon. Over to the festival thirty-eighth episode overall a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin the chest, it. Host for Round 1 for immunity to Round 2 3 million years ago '' figure, Earth have! 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