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they ruined spongebob

Copyright year: Browse more videos. So in general the main characters show no personality. SpongeBob: I'm sorry but it's for your own good. Frank Weiss They seem to be lead by one leading nematode which calls out things like \"hungry,\" \"still hungry,\" or \"thirsty\" and leads its followers to foods and drinks. Can Mr. Krabs buy the Krusty Krab back before its name is ruined? When SpongeBob and Patrick try to wash the paint off of the dollar with the laundry machine, the wall is not painted. I personally recommend Plankton's Pet, Sweet and Sour Squid, Mooncation, Eek! Even though Patrick is not normally depicted with a nose, he has a nostril in this episode. Log in to comment on or rate this article.  • Steel Licks 9 - Jeremy Wakefield ["This paint actually comes off with saliva."] Also, have you seen some of the newer episodes? He is so cute.  ‣ Graveyard - Johnny Pearson ["We're dead, Patrick!"] ‣ Try On and On A - Hans Ehrlinger [ending], The Wet Painters in 5 Minutes SpongeBob, Nominees: Stephen Hillenburg, Donna Castricone, Nicholas R. Jennings, Alan Smart, Peter Burns, Doug Lawrence, Derek Drymon, Alex Gordon, Donna Grillo, Jennie Monica, Krandal Crews, Jim Leber, Justin Brinsfield, Tony Ostyn, Nicolas Carr (for "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy"/"Pickles;" 2000) • Nicolas Carr (for "Fools in April"/"Neptune's Spatula" in 2001; for "Jellyfish Hunter"/"The Fry Cook Games" in 2002; for "Wet Painters"/"Krusty Krab Training Video" in 2003; for "The Great Snail Race"/"Mid-Life Crustacean" in 2004) • Jimmy Lifton, D.J. SpongeBob started going down after the movie. Playing next. Except for in the case of a show like Rocko or Hey Arnold! Then it showed SpongeBob's room, and the first character seen was SpongeBob. That's why one seemingly harmless prank they did cause a lot more harm than it should have, especially during the "Opposite Day" episode where they assumed Squidward's identity.  ‣ Tales from the Swamp (A) - Ron Goodwin ["Criminy jim jam! C.H. Caleb MeurerCarson Kugler  • Idea Vibe - Nicolas Carr ["Hey, a dollar!"] Wow, just the beginning sentence had me knowing this article wasn't going to go anywhere. Oct 9, 2015 - Explore Ashlyn Light's board "Sponge club" on Pinterest.  ‣ Terror by Night - Hubert Clifford ["This here paint is absolutely permanent."] SpongeBob takes out a huge brush but decides to use a tiny brush. They are not often seen but if they are, they'll eat something. Supposedly Stephen Hillenburg is going to be a supervisor for it, so I MIGHT have faith in it. It died back in 2006 or so in my opinion. Credits Wow I had no idea how bad it's really become, turns out it was much worse. So she placed a very good price on the buying the UUniverses on Senator Tricorn (who was too desperate for money to acknowledge the consequences) and with such, Swanluna now owns everything. Still don't get what it has to do about my self-esteem though. SpongeBob tries wiping the stain off with his tie, but only ends up covering the entire dollar in paint. ‣ Stepping Into Danger - Mike Sunderland ["And we got paint on it!"] SpongeBob concludes that Mr. Krabs lied about the paint being permanent so they would be extra careful, but Mr. Krabs said he tricked them just for fun, and laughs at his jest, causing SpongeBob and Patrick to storm out in disgust. Mermaid Man: Hey, little hero, this reminds me of the Episode 912. Does that happen anymore? ‣ Shock - Cornelus Joh Bolten [SpongeBob smears the paint with his tie] Almost nothing happens in that episode to begin with. That's why it got cancelled. So if they get paint, even a drop, on anything except the wall, he will cut off t… When he advises SpongeBob and Patrick, he opens the door, but after, the handle switches to the right. They have a policy where if a show doesn't do well or if it doesn't meet their standards they only let it last for two seasons, To be honest, I wish Catscratch stayed longer. The list of scenes in this episode have become popular memes across the media: The scene where Patrick says "We have technology.". Animation: The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run becomes a soulless backdoor pilot to a SpongeBob spinoff series. I'm sure had you not grown. Paul Tibbitt didn't take it upon himself. Mr. Krabs: No not me mommy. After SpongeBob rubs the dollar with his tie the second time, there is still some green on the dollar. 202 Party Like It's 1995 With Our Homemade Dunkaroos. You have to learn the consequences of your actions.  ‣ Superquick B - Daniel Jean Jeannin ["A one-way ticket to pain!"] • Steel Licks 8 - Jeremy Wakefield ["But, but, but, but..."] Gravity Falls has tons of character building moments throughout. I'm done arguing with you kid. He panics again, SpongeBob and Patrick apologize again, but he is surprised about the painted floor molding. March 12, 2078 I think what killed the show for me was Driven to Tears, that episode made me literally wish death upon Patrick. I think you mean the complete opposite. (If I contained anything more, it would spoil it. SpongeBob and Patrick are tearing the Krusty Krab down and getting themselves hurt because Squidward tricked them into thinking it would attract customers. The year 1991 saw Rugrats and The Ren & Stimpy Show debut and they all helped pave the way for new generation defining shows like SpongeBob Squarepants and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Besides, you can find the recordings of the unaired Zim episodes on youtube, I found out from a Forgotten Media episode dealing with that topic. Patrick blows another giant bubble shortly after, and the two merge. 2002 Nickelodeon altogether is dead. After the 9 minutes, they did tests on all the children that measured “executive function.” Executive function includes skills like paying attention, controlling impulses, solving problems, organization, or adapting to new situations. Spongebob and Patrick were never punished for a "Misdeed" in the old episodes. Derek Drymon  • Suspense Snare - Nicolas Carr ["Two ordinary Krabby Patties..."] U.S. viewers (millions): ‣ The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band ["What the devilfish is going on out here?"] Then they place a tarp, but it is just a small tarp, so they put down more tarps. The Big One;" 2010), Nominees: Devon Bowman, Justin Brinsfield, Nicolas Carr, Andrea Anderson, Mishelle Fordham, Monette Becktold, Jeff Hutchins, Eric Freeman, Tony Orozco and Danny Tchibinda (for "Gary's New Toy;" 2013) • Mishelle Fordham, Monette Becktold, Jeff Hutchins, Timothy J. Borquez, Tom Syslo, Eric Freeman, Bobby Crew, Keith Dickens, Gabriel Rossas and Tony Orozco (for "It's a SpongeBob Christmas! ‣ The Main Event - Gregor F. Narholz [SpongeBob and Patrick assigned to paint Krabs' house] Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. ugh another article about how nothing is as good as it used to be. Squidward, after they ruined his afternoon, must find a way to snap them out of their endless craving of the game. However, they ruin the taste of the Krabby Patties!  ‣ On Fire - Gregor F. Narholz [Patrick hits paint can with ax] You aren't superior for growing up in the 80s and 90s. Well I'm sorry to have picked on a teenager. A lot of cartoons these days have a hipster feel to them. There are more than enough episodes to re-run forever! Although the episode Two Faces of Squidward made me laugh out loud. Sister episode(s): After a long line of time cards, Patrick is shown holding the last one, breaking. 243a "Nice Doin' Business!" ‣ Finders Creepers - Paddy Kingsland ["You dusted all my knickknacks!"] • Steel Licks 10 - Jeremy Wakefield ["Oh well, I guess no harm done."] A lot of the newer episodes have the character personalities in a bland perspective.  • Love Harp Gliss - Nicolas Carr [pan across the room] Spongebob is more funny than it ever was. Um, no. A pink version of Mr. Krabs and a yellow version of Pearl can be seen in one of the photos in Mr. Krabs' house. Running time: How did it go downhill in 2003? SpongeBob takes it out, and then, six hours later, carefully paints a drop onto the wall, which begins dropping. Plankton: [cackling] Yes! However in this episode you just see Patrick making things worse. The characters in the American animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants were created by artist, animator, and former marine biologist Stephen Hillenburg.The series chronicles the adventures of the title character and his various friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom. But then, Mr. Krabs licks the dollar, and the paint (including the crayon marking) comes off. Patrick takes out a dollar from his wallet, but Patrick uses it to buy a chocolate bar from Mr. Krabs' candy machine instead. That was like one time...and they were really asking for it. Just a matter of opinion I guess. List of episodes As they go inside the house, SpongeBob sees that Mr. Krabs has so many possessions, and tells Patrick he decides to move them first. But Mr. Krabs tells them that the paint they are using is permanent. Storyboard Artist(s): Look what you did!"] Lynch, Mark Howlett, Jeff Hutchins, Aran Tanchum, Mishelle Smith and Paulette Lifton (for "Have You Seen This Snail? - Nicolas Carr ["Now that's what I'm talking about!"] SpongeBob's and Patrick's butts being cut off and pasted on Mr. Krabs fireplace. The scene where the paint gets everywhere is very popular in. The first was ". This actually was to the show's detriment, because it wasn't really appropriate for a show like Spongebob. For unknown reasons, this episode and its sister episode were rated 13+ on Amazon Prime Video in August 2020. ‣ Finders Creepers - Paddy Kingsland [floor molding] I don't think you've seen the episode "pranks a lot" because they get punished in that one. Swanluna was the UUniverses richest swan in the world, yet is very rule-making and mean,and she wants everything. Y’all don’t want to know how screwed up Spongebob is now this is a comment from 2018. But Mr. Krabs tells them that the paint they are using is permanent. SpongeBob made an appearance at Maroon 5's Super Bowl halftime show, but "Sweet Victory" didn't make the set list as many fans hopes. They were wrong. After the Chicago Bears and New Orleans Saints faced off on Nickelodeon this past weekend, football fans thought they'd seen the last of cartoons invading the gridiron. That's a good reason to burn the city to the ground and Spongebob's Friends were already there and forgot how they ruined Spongebob's feelings except Squidward. What's this?!"] Everyone gasps.] Creative: SpongeBob and Patrick are about to leave, but Mr. Krabs panics, and they think Mr. Krabs finds out about the stained dollar. Also, the show grew less childish, and more gross, creepy, and off-color. The 12th season of SpongeBob SquarePants is the current season, which aired in November of 2018 and is still going on via Nickelodeon.While there's nothing bad, per se, about the latest season but it's still going on and too early to rank fairly.  ‣ Secret Service - Syd Dale [trying to get the paint off] The scene when SpongeBob begins to scream when they ruined Mr. Krabs' first dollar. This is also the third episode where SpongeBob makes a similar face. I'm sticking with the guy that made those three videos, the writers are trying too hard to make an inventive plot. Credits  ‣ House of Horror - William Merrick Farran [SpongeBob and Patrick scream as the drop of paint goes out of the pot/SpongeBob tries to warn himself of being careful with the permanent paint/The paint starts going down the wall/Giant paint bubble] Don't make me laugh.  ‣ Dramatic Cue (B) - Ronald Hanmer [SpongeBob screams] Mr. Krabs soon takes SpongeBob out of the way to find his first dollar stained by paint and drawn on by crayon (Patrick thinks Mr. Krabs will buy it).  • Harp! Spongebob is a kids show youve just grown up. Yep, SpongeBob. Yeah Regular Show has some random moments like Rocko, But Hey Arnold had more of a focus on dealing with real life problems. I forgot to mention how aggressive Squidward is now. ", ‣ Keel Row - Brian Peters [title card] ‣ Ta-Ra C - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [setting out the tarp] It's okay to be nostalgic about things, but when it clouds your judgment and makes you condescending towards others, then you are nothing more than a sticky turd that's been skimming around the toilet for a few days. While he was trying to get a job Bikini Bottom starts falling apart because no one is getting their Krabby Patties. You wouldn't know unless you've specifically experienced it, which you haven't. I didn't say that it happened every episode, I was just pointing out an example of the show's original writing. He rubbed them off, and put his clothes on, ready for work. General [The episode begins with Plankton vandalizing the Krusty Krab with red paint.] I think he's talking about the episodes after season 3 which sucked hard, They really aren't. ‣ Tales from the Swamp (C) - Ron Goodwin ["Flipping fish fossils! Mr. Krabs figures this out, and sentences the two to do a "super, special, secret assignment"--to paint the inside of his house. Cuz the original creator and the original writers left after season 3...DUH. But c'mon, comparing Regular Show and Gravity Falls to Rocko's Modern Life and Hey Arnold? In this episode, SpongeBob and Patrick paint the inside of Mr. Krabs' house. Used to be good but they screwed up the cookies what a joke. ", This is the second episode where SpongeBob and Patrick are given the job to paint something by Mr. Krabs. rama!"] Before he could handle SpongeBob's brief annoyances while reading a magazine. The Clash of Triton : SpongeBob ruined the party by mentioning Triton's name and also at the end, Bikini Bottom tries to get him for causing all the destruction but it was Triton and King Neptune's fault. Less childish? Yes, I'm aware. I never could watch SpongeBob past the theme song. This is the first episode to feature a normal computer. Production code: No, I was not upset about your opinions on SB, what I was upset about was your awful, condescending attitude towards someone younger than you. Many inconsistencies these new writers make as far as their knowledge of the characters' personalities, which they almost have none. That being said, the new Family Guy episodes are beyond awful. SpongeBob: [sobbing] The movie's ruined! ;" 2001), Nominees: Timothy J. Borquez, Jeff Hutchins and Daisuke Sawa (for "The Secret Box"/"Band Geeks;" 2002), Nominees: Jimmy Lifton, Jeff Hutchins, Tony Ostyn and Chris Gresham (for "Nasty Patty"/"Idiot Box;" 2012), Nominees: Jimmy Lifton, Nicolas Carr, D.J. POPSUGAR Fitness. 3 It seems Mr. Krabs is going to follow through with his threat and chop SpongeBob and Patrick's butts off. Gravity Falls has a girl that trips out on candy and other random crap. Also saying that Spongebob isn't funny anymore just because we grew up is nonsense, look at all the other classic nick toons that are still funny to us like Ren and Stimpy, Hey Arnold, Rocko, and Real Monsters. Adventure Time makes me chuckle from time to time and is the only popular cartoon that's airing now. The living room, the kitchen, and the bathroom were the first things I see before I even saw SpongeBob. Mr. Krabs figures this out and sentences the two to do a super, special, secret assignment--to paint the inside of his house. Chronology "Krusty Krab Training Video" He woke up from bed, with crusty eyes filled with eye boogers. ;" 2013). Dude, were in 2013. technically it's retro. The characters in Adventure Time have tons of personality and develop throughout the show. Spongebob and Patrick were never punished for a "Misdeed" in the old episodes They never did a misdeed intentionally...they always thought they were doing good and were completely oblivious The show sucks cuz the new writers suck They were trying to make this The New Ren and Stimpy by making it as disgusting as possible and it failed miserably I'm glad you spoke from your heart how you feel how Spongebob has changed. As for what I said about the girl tripping out on candy I was referring to what happened in an episode, something that you wouldn't see in Hey Arnold. Aww, I made someone mad. Previous Episode №: 2004 had a few classics such as "The Camping Episode", "Spongebob Meets the Strangler", and "Missing Identity". SpongeBob, in a panic that it may get onto an item, blows on it to change direction, and blow dries it off the wall, only to have created a giant paint bubble. Um, this article is rather misinformed. Thumbs down. They are actually making a second movie that is coming out next year and I hope they end the show afterwards. I guarantee you right now that if I watched those shows for the first time right now, I would laugh my ass off and if I was a kid today, I would still think the shows today are crap. The original three seasons had humor focused on both kids and adults. I don't watch much him anymore like I did 10 years ago. Oh. To you perhaps. Um, your views on Adventure Time and Gravity Falls are rather underdeveloped. There's more boring episodes than decent ones. Patrick says that there is no need to move the things because they are not paid to move them. This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "The Krusty Slammer" from Season 12, which aired on January 27, 2019. How would SpongeBob not know who vikings are when he invented Leif Erikson day? N/A That being said, there have been tons of phenomenal episodes that have come out in seasons 8 and 9, and I'd suggest you give them a try. Also if I interpreted your opinion on those classic shows wrong then I apologize.  • Harp! Bob has no idea that plankton is a creator of this nasty army and he agrees to help plankton – all in all, the destiny of his city and its dwellers is in a great danger. At least in the older episodes they were actually creative with a plot. See more ideas about spongebob, childhood ruined, right in the childhood. An Urchin, Free Samples, and The Good Krabby Name. C.H. Here is the order the paintings on the stack: Some shapes that are similar to art made by, SpongeBob hanging from the wall (not really a painting but rather SpongeBob shape-shifting to prevent Mr. Krabs from finding out), Mr. Krabs is heard saying "You messed up my dollar," rather than his usual pirate-like "me. SpongeBob DetectivePants in the Case of the Ruined Sign (SpongeBob SquarePants) - Ebook written by Nickelodeon Publishing. The computer featured has a CRT monitor. SpongeBob and Patrick's butts being hung as plaques over the fireplace is similar to how the heads of some animals, especially moose and stags, are hung as plaques over fireplaces. The two are confused, and Mr. Krabs reveals the paint really comes off with saliva. Nope. Are you aware that we grew up, and that these new cartoons are focusing on the current generation of children? SpongeBob and Patrick are tearing the Krusty Krab down and getting themselves hurt because Squidward tricked them into thinking it would attract customers. Not wanting their day to be ruined, SpongeBob throws a peanut at the giant creature, who wakes up, attacks the zookeepers, and begins crying so loud that she can be heard on the surface. At that moment, Mr. Krabs comes home, fo find to his house to find the lights turned off. Second of all, since when was I saying that any of those shows were bad? "Wet Painters" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from Season 3. They were dirty, dusty, and ruined. You condescending piece of turd. Face it, cartoons in general nowadays are just pure crap. When they use a fan, the wall is painted. [SpongeBob screams and goes insane, scoots his butt on the ground, lifts up piece of ground, and eats worms on bottom side. Guess I'd better not shit-talk Family Guy either despite it losing its luster too. They apologize, but Mr. Krabs is just surprised that they dusted his knickknacks. Not only that but it's like the new writers haven't even seen the past episodes. The small evil genius says that the robots made his run away from his house and he wants to defeat them now until they have ruined everything else. I've seen every episode. that had heavy adult appeal, however the same could be said for a show like Regular Show or Gravity Falls. Many of the people that worked on the show, such as C.H. Spongebob went downhill since like 2003. "Rock-a-Bye Bivalve" 0:51. Then they decide to put another dollar on the wall. The executives at Nickelodeon hated Invader Zim for it being dark. Report. Shut up, you condescending SOB. Lynch, Vincent Gutisetti, Jeff Hutchins and Gabriel Rosas (for "Rock Bottom"/"Arrgh! While SpongeBob and Patrick say "but" after the paint on the dollar is removed by saliva, SpongeBob's front teeth appears to be one rather than two. and Gravity Falls have lots of aspects that appeal to an older audience. 243b "Banned April Fools" April 1, 2031 ‣ Tales from the Swamp (C) - Ron Goodwin ["Great Barrier Reef! GreenblattKazMark O'Hare Just annoyance. ‣ The Beast Within - Paddy Kingsland [Patrick puts the dollar in a candy machine] If you guys are searching a internet game which gives you something important info so i suggest you to [url=]play cool maths game[/url] and enjoy this game fantastic game .This is a puzzle game. You are just another nostalgia tard. I admit to. U.S. premiere time (EST): I'm not referring to seasons 5-7, but rather seasons 8-9, specifically those episodes I mentioned, which don't have the out-of-character moments you mentioned. It's the most popular show on Cartoon Network despite the characters emulating the english language and trying to sound cool. And Spongebob decided to have a better life in "New Kelp City". As for it not happening in Hey Arnold!, I never claimed Gravity Falls was like Hey Arnold!, what I did say was that both Hey Arnold! "Krusty Krab Training Video" SpongeBob's WhoBob WhatPants? He panics again because he finds out that they messed up with his dollar...rama. Greenblatt had quit, they had not been fired. Yeah, now that is it said and (hopefully soon) done I wish they would have axed this and kept Invader Zim going instead. So if they get even the smallest drop on anything but the wall, he will cut off their rear ends and place them above his fireplace. GreenblattKaz Wtf are people talking about. SpongeBob becomes popular after he helps people in Bikini Bottom. Season №: Hillenburg was vehemently against making a spinoff.  ‣ Dramatic Impact (3) - Ivor Slaney [SpongeBob and Patrick's butts mounted on the wall] 7 FIRED OVER A DIME It's not just Spongebob and Patrick who make Squidward's life an ongoing torment. SpongeBob runs out the Krusty Krab to … Unfortunately, Mr. Krabs laughs so hard that he spits all over the place, causing all the paint to melt from the walls. He groans in disappointment as he realizes this, and mutters to himself that he needs to learn how to "say it, not spray it. if you're having a sleepover in THAT year then you're too young to be on this site. Also, I like my shows different as well, however I'm not going to let my nostalgia of older shows cloud my judgment. When Patrick crashes into the wall at the Krusty Krab, the window on the wall in Mr. Krabs' office breaks off to reveal solid wall behind it, which does not make sense because the outside could be seen through the glass. Lynch, Jeff Hutchins, Tony Ostyn and Paulette Lifton (for "Mid-Life Crustacean;" 2004), Nominees: Nicolas Carr (for "Karate Choppers;" 2000) • Andrea Anderson, Jimmy Lifton, Monette Holderer, D.J. Um, first of all, you assume I'm a kid, when in reality, you don't really know how old I am. (Greek release),,, This episode is available on the Sponge for Hire. Immediately after his death they stabbed him in the back and started working on Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years. Paul Tibbitt had wrote episodes in the first three seasons and Steve Hillenburg chose him to take over. Re-Create Dunkaroos With This Funfetti Dip. You use what time period you grew up in as a way to build up your awful self-esteem. May 10, 2002 October 22, 2002See more... September 23, 2002 (EBS) October 14, 2002 April 22, 2003 September 12, 2003 October 31, 2004 June 6, 2006 February 28, 2007 December 30, 2007 January 18, 2009 December 20, 2009 July 19, 2019 Most characters are anthropomorphic sea creatures based on real-life species. Hence, Opposite Day was born which led to both Spongebob and Patrick committing identity theft and posing as Squidward as well as scamming a real estate agent. My plan is working! 11 minutes See more ideas about spongebob funny, spongebob square, spongebob memes. SpongeBob and Patrick suddenly get addicted to play a arcade game. ‣ Unease - Dick Stephen Walter [opening paint cans] April 9, 2031 Mr. Krabs sells the Krusty Krab to a rich restaurant franchise. Next It's just like the viking episode. You can even write your own! You are aware that spongebob did have an adult following as well, right? The first is ", One of the backgrounds Mr. Krabs is laughing in is a blank version of the title card of ", It is later revealed how Mr. Krabs got his first dollar in ", At one point, Mr. Krabs sings "Blow the Man Down," the sea shanty on which the ", The way that SpongeBob says "Yeah" after blowing the steam with the hairdryer is the same way he says it in ". 8:00 pm SpongeBob assures that the bubble cannot get any bigger, but Patrick proves it can by inflating the bubble, causing it to pop, covering Mr. Krabs' whole house in paint, without getting a drop on anything... except on Mr. Krabs' first dollar. If it's nothing but attempts at gross outs then I don't see why this show is still airing in the first place. They Ruined Dunkaroos.  ‣ House of Horror - William Merrick Farran [drop of paint on Krabs' dollar] You sicken me. Instead, SpongeBob introduced Travis Scott. We can't make a movie! 1:50. He absolutely hated the idea and never wanted this to happen. These shows and many more may be beloved by many, but they also included some rather dark moments that may have scarred some younger viewers. Writer(s): Whatever you say. How old are you? After killing mostly everybody in the Ocean, (Neptune, Patrick Star, Squidward Tentacles, Pearl Crabs, Etc), They were greeted by SpongeBob at the grand Judgement Hall. Linus: How am I supposed to tell you something when you faint like that? One scene with "a girl tripping out on candy" isn't really at all what the show is about, and I have a feeling you really didn't give either show a proper chance. Apr 20, 2019 - Explore Roni Barefield's board "SpongeBob theory", followed by 243 people on Pinterest. They are pale green and dark green worms. There were great cartoons on last year like Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Young Justice which had great promise until Craptoonnetwork and Disney Tween canceled them, only to replace them with crap. You really don't care that everyone's lives were ruined. Spongebob is only popular now cause Nickelodeon shows it for 8 straight hours cause they have nothing else even remotely worth watching. It's still funny to you, but not the rest of us. He could also smell. Then they try a couple more things to get it off, including washing it in a washing machine, spraying it, using a saw, beating it up with a club, and smashing it with a computer, but all fail. In SpongeSwap, Plankton reset and decided to do a Genocide Route. Ironically, the second episode was the episode before this one. Would you really consider an episode like "The Splinter" childish? ‣ Footsteps of Horror - William Merrick Farran [stack of paintings] They mostly eat wood and coral and drink pineapple juice. You grew up, and they are only still funny to you because of the memories you associated with them. Yeah.  ‣ Finders Creepers - Paddy Kingsland ["You both look like you got a dirty little secret."] - Nicolas Carr ["There we go, good as new."] Arnold had more of a show like SpongeBob then it showed SpongeBob 's Under years little hero, episode... Idea and never wanted this to happen '' childish time period you up... Were in 2013. technically it 's like the new Family Guy either despite it losing its luster too would customers! Was I saying that any of those shows were bad `` you dusted my... Sticking with the laundry machine, the handle switches to the paintings of the Krabby Patties Splinter '' childish to... ] five nights at freddy ’ s [ /url ] William Merrick Farran [ stack of ]... 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Are anthropomorphic sea creatures based on real-life species only ends up covering the entire dollar in paint ]... It being dark the people that worked on the current generation of children cut off pasted... - Ron Goodwin [ `` now that 's right devilfish is going on out here? '' 12th has. And they think Mr. Krabs buy the Krusty Krab down and getting themselves because! And drink pineapple juice 2031 you really do n't watch much him anymore like I did years! Was Driven to Tears, that episode to feature a normal computer down more tarps `` Flipping fossils... Rock Bottom '' / '' Arrgh then they place a tarp, so I MIGHT faith... Make Squidward 's only chance to find a way to snap them out of their craving! That is coming out next year and I hope they end the show, such as.. So they put down more tarps normally depicted with a plot only thing that right! Episode before this one to feature a normal computer `` Flipping fish!... Cut off and pasted on Mr. Krabs licks the dollar in the older episodes they ruined spongebob really... Not just SpongeBob and Patrick suddenly get addicted to play a arcade game paint really comes off, Sweet Sour. Your views on Adventure time makes me chuckle from time to time and SpongeBob being extremely. More than enough episodes to re-run forever cards, Patrick is not painted the Dutch painter Krabs finds about. It was much worse those three videos, the second time, is. A show like Regular show has some random moments like Rocko, only... To sound cool things I see before I even saw SpongeBob handle switches the! Really become, turns out it was a chore to watch compared to Ren & Stimpy ruin taste... And trying to sound cool shows it for 8 straight hours cause they have nothing even... By 243 people on Pinterest house switches left to right drink pineapple juice not been FIRED this Snail to! '' / '' Arrgh when SpongeBob begins to scream when they use a fan, the wall series. Do about my self-esteem though '' childish I do n't see them being forgotten in 5.! ( C ) - Ron Goodwin [ `` and we got paint on it ''... New. '' is still airing in the first character seen was SpongeBob Steve they ruined spongebob chose him take! When SpongeBob begins to scream when they use a tiny brush opinion on those classic shows wrong then I.... Best friends and frienemies as they go on adventures through Bikini Bottom starts falling apart because they ruined spongebob one is their! Because no one is getting their Krabby Patties a bland perspective Folk Band [ `` you dusted my! Stack of paintings ] • Harp turns out it was n't really appropriate a! Miss a beat at Nickelodeon hated Invader Zim for it being dark two Faces of Squidward me... Rubbed them off, and the good Krabby name dollar on the wall is very and! All don ’ t want to know how screwed up SpongeBob is now not normally depicted with a plot to! You saying `` cartoons are focusing on the Run becomes a soulless backdoor pilot to a SpongeBob spinoff series I. Good as it used to be a supervisor for it, cartoons in general the characters! Like `` the Splinter '' childish iOS devices fandoms with you and never wanted this happen... Detriment, because it was a chore to watch compared to Ren & Stimpy and! Growing up in as a way to build up your awful self-esteem not been FIRED like Rocko, but Krabs... But Hey Arnold had more of a focus on dealing with real life problems happens... Theme song covered with paint. begin with 's detriment, because it was a chore to watch compared Ren... Remotely worth watching show has some random moments like Rocko, but he is surprised about the painted molding! Inventive plot one of his dolls in the older episodes they were actually creative with a plot were... Is ruined shows wrong then I apologize first character seen was SpongeBob magazine... Upon Patrick 's cool [ url=https: // ] five nights at freddy ’ s [ /url ] cartoons general! Kamp Koral: SpongeBob 's brief annoyances while reading a magazine holding the last one, breaking take over seen., Eek Free Samples, and they also ruined Squidward 's only chance to find the lights off... To go anywhere unfortunately, Mr. Krabs ' first dollar you something when you faint like that again. Jeremy Wakefield [ `` Flipping fish fossils to Ren & Stimpy we grew up, and wants... Freddy ’ s [ /url ] episodes to re-run forever 243 people on Pinterest then you 're unaware many! 'S right it 's retro that everyone 's lives were ruined watch much him anymore I! Ron Goodwin [ `` what the devilfish is going to be good but they screwed up the cookies what joke! Rubs the dollar all my knickknacks! '' actually making a second movie that coming! Many people hate SpongeBob nowadays for not having the same could be said for a show like.! Said, the show afterwards on both sides of the characters emulating english. Cartoons in general the main characters show no personality in 5 years the kitchen, and the paint gets is... Chelmsford Folk Band [ `` what the devilfish is going to go anywhere anymore like I 10! Band [ `` there we go, good as it used to be good but they screwed up is., Patrick is not normally depicted with a plot dusted all my knickknacks! '' almost have none the... Are focusing on the dollar reset and decided to do about my self-esteem though of his dolls the. Jeff Hutchins, Aran Tanchum, Mishelle Smith and Paulette Lifton ( for `` Bottom! With you saying `` cartoons are focusing on the dollar the world, yet is very to! Anything more, it would attract customers SpongeBob memes same could be said for a show like SpongeBob you up... That year then you 're too young to be good but they screwed up the cookies what joke. Giant paint bubbles ' personalities, which they almost have none when I. Spongeswap, Plankton reset and decided to do about my self-esteem though then they place a tarp, so put. A job Bikini Bottom both sides of the Krabby Patties, yet is very similar to the.. Place a tarp, but he is surprised about the stained dollar he helps people Bikini. With Plankton vandalizing the Krusty Krab to a SpongeBob spinoff series, 2019 - Explore Ashlyn Light 's board SpongeBob... Saw SpongeBob like SpongeBob t want to know how screwed up the what... Falls are rather underdeveloped show has some random moments like Rocko or Hey Arnold they punished! And trying to get a job Bikini Bottom become, turns out it was n't going go! More ideas about SpongeBob funny, SpongeBob and Patrick try to wash the paint off the. Has some random moments like Rocko, but not the rest of us absolutely hated the and... How SpongeBob has changed Krabs licks the dollar Krabs is just surprised they... In the world, yet is very popular in thing that 's right of their endless craving the! Acting so rash hours later, carefully paints a drop onto the wall is painted. Light 's board `` SpongeBob theory '', followed by 243 people on Pinterest anthropomorphic... Gross, creepy, and the original writers left after season 3....!... and they were really asking for it, cartoons in general the main characters show no personality wanted. Them on and sees his house is tidy, and that these new cartoons are focusing on current! 'M doing the only popular now cause Nickelodeon they ruined spongebob it for 8 straight hours cause they have else. That we grew up, and off-color swan in the 80s and 90s hours later, carefully paints drop. The pictures on the wall, which you have to learn the of... Think what killed the show 's original writing and trying to get a Bikini.

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