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Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6. But behind this flawless appearance, hides a deep wound. During one of his escapades, he sees himself propelled into a parallel, Deoking: Yeongwonui Gunju , The King: Forever Sovereign , The King: Permanent Monarch , The King: Forever the Monarch , The King: Monarch of Eternity , The King , Deo King: Youngwonui Gunjoo , The King: The Eternal Monarch , The King - Lord of Eternity , Deo king: yeongwon, Copyright © 2020 DramaCoolApp. The following The King: Eternal Monarch Episode 15 English Sub has been released, watch The King: Eternal Monarch (2020) Ep 15 Eng Sub at kissasian, will always be the first to have the latest episodes so please Bookmark and add us on Facebook for update!! Unfortunately for him, our hero has other issues to concern himself with aside from his lady love and begins piecing some things together. So keep visiting our website for latest Asian drama list. PANDUAN. document.write('