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You can call the Santa Clara County Recycling Hotline at 1-800-533-8414 or visit their webpage at recyclestuff.org. Do not put items in your recycling bin unless you know they are accepted. Barometers and thermometers? This includes burning fossil fuels. What is recycling? What is recycling? For this reason, we thought it may be beneficial to answer some of the most frequently asked questions on correct waste disposal and contamination. Making a new product requires a lot of materials and energy, from extracting raw materials to fabricating the product to transporting it to the place of purchase. Compost also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and it encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material. Need help? Political Science & Citizenship View EPA’s Composting At Home page for more information. Please contact your local county or municipality to determine your local recycling options. What about aluminum, tin and steel cans? What other options are there? Question: Can we recycle coffee cups? Recycling just one ton of aluminum cans conserves more than 152 million Btu, the equivalent of 1,024 gallons of gasoline or 21 barrels of oil consumed. What happens to the rubbish we throw away? Now, it's time to look ahead at what's sure to be a fascinating year. Students will recognize the influence of humans on the school community as well as global environment. The Agency encourages consumers to reuse gift bags and tissue paper, and not discard them after a single use. Also, consider using reusable cloth diapers instead of disposable diapers. ��Xɴt:�i���.��N�M� z&�pW�@Co�T��)���o�����Z���:�0���_G���K&�鄵��M5��7��販n^���ݗ��i[�Mu_����{��o�e���:��of�O-�VV�6�DqW���� S�:_-����G��s2pG��z1���t3[4v���>���g�]�� A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Recycling, shared by English language teachers. Question: Is aluminum foil can be recyclable like aluminum? Top 10 recycling interview questions with answers In this file, you can ref interview materials for recycling such as, recycling situational interview, recycling behavioral interview, recycling phone interview, recycling interview thank you letter, recycling interview tips … %%EOF This booklet, Learning By Doing: Students Take Greening to the Community, contains several service-learning projects that focus on various aspects of safe solid waste management, such as recycling, composting, and reducing household hazardous waste. What should I do with dirty diapers? Recycling gets easier every day, especially as more and more companies prioritize making items that are easier to recycle. Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers. This is especially true with plastics. h�bbd``b`�$[AD.�`{��F �+��� 1oK�MHp��|����Pd100�F�g�� � � ! So join your children or your students and get in the game. The correct answers are in bold. Recycling can benefit your community, the economy and the environment.Is recycling truly beneficial for the environment?EPA data show that recycling conserves energy and natural resources. Recycling is a great subject that you can deal with in kindergarten and in primary school. Break students into 4 groups, do the same to the questions, have students discuss each respective set as a group, then record their own answers after having a chance to discuss it a bit with others. What are the most common items that I can put into my curbside recycling bin? But don’t just take my word for it. While we provide general guidance below, please check with your local solid waste agency/recycling provider first. However, check with your local recycling provider first to be certain and for the best ways to dispose of wrapping paper. Choice. Have a few questions about recycling? The owner of it will not be notified. Download this presentation with recycling trivia questions where the points system has already been figured out for you. Although it depends on your local solid waste agency/recycling facility, some examples include pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, paints, solvents, oil filters, light bulbs, batteries, aerosol cans that aren’t empty, ammunition, ammonia, antifreeze and nail polish. The correct answers are in bold. ----- 4) What barriers prevent you or other employees from recycling? What is composting? Explore journaling with your students using our recycling writing prompts! They will receive the “solid waste” and sort it into piles of recyclable materials. Learn about recycling and find out 10 simple and compelling answers the question: WHY IS RECYCLING IMPORTANT? Recycling occurs on an industrial level as well and serves as a vital link in the manufacturing chain. Learn more about how to make your Lifestyle sustainable with Recyclebank. It is important to understand that the existence of a plastic resin code on the product does not guarantee that the product is recyclable in your area. Barometers and thermometers: Please avoid discarding them in the trash. Recycling one ton of office paper can save the energy equivalent of consuming 322 gallons of gasoline. EPA uses a life cycle perspective when comparing the environmental impact of different materials and products. 3) What recyclable items do you wish were collected at work? h��XYo7�+|l��} A ٍ[�cDFS������Bu���}gfI.wu$�C�>�Hq9ÏÕF1Τ�LhS˄��:����3a��N`�Y���P� Earn Recyclebank points by recycling and taking green actions and use points for rewards. To estimate how much energy you can save by recycling certain products, EPA has developed a tool called the individual Waste Reduction Model (iWARM). When we make new products out of virgin materials, we expend energy to extract and process those materials. Books: Check local places that take donations (schools, places of faith, charities, non-profits) to see if they will accept books, and contact your local recycling provider for ways you can recycle books in your area. Please. Non-recyclable items can contaminate a whole load of recyclables, causing them to all be thrown out. Learning By Doing: Students Take Greening to the Community. How can I dispose of gift wrap (wrapping paper) or gift bags? The quiz show can be used at a school assembly, in a school lunchroom or in a classroom. What are household hazardous wastes? How do I do it? Here are some common questions about recycling among students and kids. Portland Univeristy Student Recycling Guide For more information on successful school recycling programs, check out our blogs 5 Step Checklist To Start A Successful School Recycling Program and 4 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Campus Recycling . How can I recycle them? Generally, you should flush the excrement down the toilet and then place the diaper in the trash. Other students can pretend to be workers at the recycling factory. 252 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6218CB7457EEFA409BC985B7E127215C><643FB87EEC900E4C9BE707ADC97628B4>]/Index[237 28]/Info 236 0 R/Length 75/Prev 49641/Root 238 0 R/Size 265/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Perform tasks proving understanding of what can be recycled and how. Why are some items that look recyclable not accepted at my recycling facility? Please check with your local recycling provider first to be certain. To compost at home, you’ll need browns (dead leaves, branches and/or twigs), greens (grass clippings, vegetable waste, fruit scraps and/or coffee grounds), and water, along with a dry, shady spot for your pile or bin. Students will evaluate appropriate behavior for saving the environment, including use of the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Students will be able to: 1. OK. Read more comments marielynnissa. US EPA does not endorse any of these entities nor their services. Political Science & Citizenship Recycling can benefit your community, the economy and the environment.Is recycling truly beneficial for the environment?EPA data show that recycling conserves energy and natural resources. If so, how and where? Get students off on the right foot with the recycling program with their first step on campus. Recycle bags when they can no longer be used. The quiz show can be used at a school assembly, in a school lunchroom or in a classroom. Students will participate in a discussion that involves real-life items that either can or cannot be recycled. Make recycling expectations clear. Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. From why you need to separate your recyclables to what the plastic numbers mean, we’ve got the answers here. Identify why recycling is important. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Download the PDF images for class: Recycling Images PDF Related August 13, 2016 January 3, 2018 Admin Talker confidence , eal , esl conversation , esl discussion , recycling … Watch the video below to get the simple instructions, and learn how your classroom and school can make recycling fun and rewarding with Recycle Rally. Below are answers to some of the most common questions, broken down into five categories. For example: 1. Paint: Check local places that take donations (schools, places of faith, charities, non-profits) to see if they will accept paint donations, and contact your local recycling or household hazardous waste facility for ways you can recycle paint in your area. Egg cartons: It depends on the material of the carton. Are plastic or glass bottles better for the environment? FAQ: Recycling Questions for Students. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Earth Science: Recycling. Recycling is hands down, without a doubt, better for the environment than sending waste to landfill. Recycling Questions and Answers - Discover the eNotes.com community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on Recycling Compost is organic material that can be added to soil to help plants grow. Recycling is hands down, without a doubt, better for the environment than sending waste to landfill. 0 We have excellent ideas for your students, Kindergarten through third grade. 2. For example: How does recycling save energy? Is recycling the best mangement option? In the, Syringes, broken glass, and broken light bulbs should not go in the recycling nor in the regular garbage stream. There are plenty of common questions that come up when talking with students on campus, so UW Recycling is here to provide some definitive answers below: Do coffee cups from campus go in the recycling or compost bin? Have a few questions about recycling? 1) What items do you currently recycle at work? In addition to writing a letter, older students could also craft a short speech on the topic and present it to the class. Putting items in the recycling bin that can’t be recycled can contaminate the recycling stream. Students will evaluate appropriate behavior for saving the environment, including use of the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). The Waste Reduction Model is a tool that can help an individual, business or municipality compare the environmental impact of 54 materials and six management practices. I like to use days like Earth Day as a reminder for me to tackle current subjects and teach kids about recycling. What are recyclable items that I can’t put in my curbside recycling bin? Some items may also be accepted at retail locations or other at local recycling centers. Waste Reduction and Recycling “Quiz Show” Questions . Check with your local program first when recycling (whole) glass. We don’t promote a single material or management practice; alternatively, we encourage users to compare scenarios themselves. Contact Us to suggest any additional links. Find out what some of the experts say. Although students may not realize it, recycling affects them and their world in all kinds of ways, from family finances and economic opportunities to neighborhood aesthetics and the arts. 2. That is why it is important to check with your local recycling provider to ensure that they will accept certain items before placing them into a bin. They will direct you to reuse and recycling opportunities for … Many grocery and department stores will accept plastic bags and wrap/film. After these unrecyclable items arrive at recycling centers, they can cause costly damage to the equipment. That’s OK. Is it truly beneficial for the environment? How do I know what my local recycling options are? Learn more about how to make your Lifestyle sustainable with Recyclebank. For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at the Earth Science: Recycling webquest print page. Generally, these are the most commonly recycled items. endstream endobj 238 0 obj <>/Metadata 13 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 235 0 R/StructTreeRoot 20 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 239 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 240 0 obj <>stream There should be no shortage of relevant, academically-rigorous questions for students to investigate, across grade levels and subject areas. Please see our Household Hazardous Waste web page for more information on household hazardous wastes and tips for how to reduce it in your home. First, be sure to cut off the zippers (if necessary). United States Environmental Protection Agency, Source reduction, along with material reuse, Check out EPA tips for reducing and reusing, and donation, local environmental, health or solid waste agency. 3. Wet paper/food-soiled paper products may be compostable. A lot of gift wrap isn’t recyclable because of the coating on the paper, which is often shiny and laminated. a) Why not? Create a recycling game for class. Students will recognize the influence of humans on the school community as well as global environment. Geography - Explain how people's actions can have an effect on the environment. What should I do with old clothes and old shoes? RECYCLING 1. Furthermore, some recycling providers require different types of materials to be collected in separate bins (multi-stream recycling), whereas other providers may accept different types of materials that are put together in the same bin (single-stream recycling). Source reduction, along with material reuse, are the most functional ways to save natural resources, protect the environment and save money. All of the reduce, reuse, and recycle lesson plans have worksheets designed for students. EPA considers some leftover household products that can catch fire, react or explode under certain circumstances, or that are corrosive or toxic, as household hazardous wastes. https://cleanriver.com/commonly-asked-questions-campus-recycling Reduce the number of bags they throw away after one use. Please check with your local recycling provider first, though, to be certain since it depends on your local area. The confetti's all swept up, the influx of holiday waste handled. Generally, plastic bags and wraps, electronics, and textiles cannot go in a curbside recycling bin. Top 10 recycling interview questions with answers 1. Check out EPA tips for reducing and reusing, and donation. 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Now, it's time to look ahead at what's sure to be a fascinating year. 20 different prompts to get students thinking "big picture" about their world. Consumers can also reduce waste by using decorative boxes that do not require wrapping and that can be recycled. This tool calculates how much energy you save by recycling aluminum cans, glass or plastic bottles, magazines or plastic grocery bags, and shows you how long those savings could power different electrical appliances. Students can work together create an aluminum can recycling center for the cafeteria or other school common area (like the teacher lounge!). While plastic bottles are the most commonly recycled plastic products, other plastics may or may not be accepted in your area, so first check what your local recycling provider accepts. English lesson on RECYCLING. Students will use the scientific method to increase recycling efforts in their schools and communities. • Invite students to select a number between one and 24. Use for debates, discussions, speaking, conversations, independent learning and more. 10 May 2016. Recycling one ton of office paper can save the energy equivalent of consuming 322 gallons of gasoline. Styrofoam: While most recyclers don’t accept Styrofoam, check with your local recycling provider first to be certain. Parents and grandparents may have different experiences with reducing, reusing, and recycling than your students. Additionally, glass may not be accepted in some areas, so please confirm with your local provider.What should I never put in my recycling bin(s)? Have students start a recycling program in the classroom with containers designated for each type of recyclable. To help dispel some of those recycling mysteries—and introduce you to zero waste disposal options and zero waste lifestyle tricks that can help cut down on how much waste you bring home—we’ve answered common recycling questions straight from our readers. Why is it important to only put items that can be recycled in the recycling bin? If you use gift wrap, look to find a type that can be recycled or that is made from recycled content. Get your students writing about recycling, conservation, and being good green citizens! Your local recycling facility might not accept all recyclable items. The Agency encourages consumers to: Consumers also can reduce waste by using reusable shopping bags. Have clear communication on the dorm room bins of what should be tossed in that bin. However, if we manufacture products using recycled materials, we reduce the need for virgin materials and save the energy required to extract and process them. Gently-worn clothes and shoes can be donated to many charities. 21. Burnt-out light bulbs? According to ISRI (Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries), steel is the most recycled material both in the United States and worldwide. Check your local ones to see if they accept these items for recycling.What’s the best way to recycle (whole) glass? Are paper or plastic shopping bags better for the environment? About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Earth Science: Recycling. Include recycling as part of the student communications for Freshman students as soon as they arrive on campus. Please ask your local grocery and department store, or visit the Plastic Film Recycling website Exitor Earth911 Exit to find a location nearest you that recycles plastic bags and plastic wrap/film. A: There are some items that are recyclable, but we do not accept them at the Stanford Recycling Center. This is a powerful hands-on science experiment that drives home to students the reasons we recycle. The most effective way to reduce waste, and the most environmentally preferred strategy, is to not create it in the first place. ©ABC 2012 Activity Recycling Rubbish Key Learning Students will research key questions about recycling and the impact waste has on the environment. Paper materials must be empty, clean and dry before being recycled. Answer: Of course, aluminum foil can be recyclable but it should be cleaned. Household recycling of paper, bottles, and cans is a small effort that makes a huge difference.But it doesn’t stop there. 12 Questions | By Nmr1662 | Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 | Total Attempts: 7295 Questions All questions 5 questions 6 questions 7 questions 8 questions 9 questions 10 questions 11 questions 12 questions 9�������j�pyC�i�n����P��y�8�.�z>��,� �մmB(l�L�E�׳�v����+���:qcQd���������8[N��Y�>[oڳ�z S�T�0U�QR��~�Ԣ?7r,{�ڧͭs��&a�)����6:C���I�t� ƃ��I Y�M}+DvR�@��G^к���I��Ai�RUŢ��1r�5Nm9�ub��~�gpT. h�b```�l>%~�g`��0pl`ڞƨ��0�@�㭍���h�h�h���Us20�ri^ �igT�0EX�s����6F �'L6�+�� Vp10�if�H3�� D� �� Disclaimer: These sites are listed for informational purposes only. • Invite students to select a number between one and 24. Additionally, please check out the I Want To Be Recycled Exitwebsite for more information. Please also verify whether you can recycle loose bottle caps. Can I recycle materials with food residue or does the material have to be perfectly clean? ESL Conversation Lesson Questions: Free classroom handouts. I like to spend time learning more about the planet we live on in age-appropriate ways with my kids and students. For damaged clothes and shoes, please double check with your local charity to see if it will accept them. You can call the Santa Clara County Recycling Hotline at 1-800-533-8414 or visit their webpage at recyclestuff.org. Do not put items in your recycling bin unless you know they are accepted. Barometers and thermometers? This includes burning fossil fuels. What is recycling? What is recycling? For this reason, we thought it may be beneficial to answer some of the most frequently asked questions on correct waste disposal and contamination. Making a new product requires a lot of materials and energy, from extracting raw materials to fabricating the product to transporting it to the place of purchase. Compost also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and it encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material. Need help? Political Science & Citizenship View EPA’s Composting At Home page for more information. Please contact your local county or municipality to determine your local recycling options. What about aluminum, tin and steel cans? What other options are there? Question: Can we recycle coffee cups? Recycling just one ton of aluminum cans conserves more than 152 million Btu, the equivalent of 1,024 gallons of gasoline or 21 barrels of oil consumed. What happens to the rubbish we throw away? Now, it's time to look ahead at what's sure to be a fascinating year. Students will recognize the influence of humans on the school community as well as global environment. The Agency encourages consumers to reuse gift bags and tissue paper, and not discard them after a single use. Also, consider using reusable cloth diapers instead of disposable diapers. ��Xɴt:�i���.��N�M� z&�pW�@Co�T��)���o�����Z���:�0���_G���K&�鄵��M5��7��販n^���ݗ��i[�Mu_����{��o�e���:��of�O-�VV�6�DqW���� S�:_-����G��s2pG��z1���t3[4v���>���g�]�� A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Recycling, shared by English language teachers. Question: Is aluminum foil can be recyclable like aluminum? Top 10 recycling interview questions with answers In this file, you can ref interview materials for recycling such as, recycling situational interview, recycling behavioral interview, recycling phone interview, recycling interview thank you letter, recycling interview tips … %%EOF This booklet, Learning By Doing: Students Take Greening to the Community, contains several service-learning projects that focus on various aspects of safe solid waste management, such as recycling, composting, and reducing household hazardous waste. What should I do with dirty diapers? Recycling gets easier every day, especially as more and more companies prioritize making items that are easier to recycle. Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers. This is especially true with plastics. h�bbd``b`�$[AD.�`{��F �+��� 1oK�MHp��|����Pd100�F�g�� � � ! So join your children or your students and get in the game. The correct answers are in bold. Recycling can benefit your community, the economy and the environment.Is recycling truly beneficial for the environment?EPA data show that recycling conserves energy and natural resources. Recycling is a great subject that you can deal with in kindergarten and in primary school. Break students into 4 groups, do the same to the questions, have students discuss each respective set as a group, then record their own answers after having a chance to discuss it a bit with others. What are the most common items that I can put into my curbside recycling bin? But don’t just take my word for it. While we provide general guidance below, please check with your local solid waste agency/recycling provider first. However, check with your local recycling provider first to be certain and for the best ways to dispose of wrapping paper. Choice. Have a few questions about recycling? The owner of it will not be notified. Download this presentation with recycling trivia questions where the points system has already been figured out for you. Although it depends on your local solid waste agency/recycling facility, some examples include pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, paints, solvents, oil filters, light bulbs, batteries, aerosol cans that aren’t empty, ammunition, ammonia, antifreeze and nail polish. The correct answers are in bold. ----- 4) What barriers prevent you or other employees from recycling? What is composting? Explore journaling with your students using our recycling writing prompts! They will receive the “solid waste” and sort it into piles of recyclable materials. Learn about recycling and find out 10 simple and compelling answers the question: WHY IS RECYCLING IMPORTANT? Recycling occurs on an industrial level as well and serves as a vital link in the manufacturing chain. Learn more about how to make your Lifestyle sustainable with Recyclebank. It is important to understand that the existence of a plastic resin code on the product does not guarantee that the product is recyclable in your area. Barometers and thermometers: Please avoid discarding them in the trash. Recycling one ton of office paper can save the energy equivalent of consuming 322 gallons of gasoline. EPA uses a life cycle perspective when comparing the environmental impact of different materials and products. 3) What recyclable items do you wish were collected at work? h��XYo7�+|l��} A ٍ[�cDFS������Bu���}gfI.wu$�C�>�Hq9ÏÕF1Τ�LhS˄��:����3a��N`�Y���P� Earn Recyclebank points by recycling and taking green actions and use points for rewards. To estimate how much energy you can save by recycling certain products, EPA has developed a tool called the individual Waste Reduction Model (iWARM). When we make new products out of virgin materials, we expend energy to extract and process those materials. Books: Check local places that take donations (schools, places of faith, charities, non-profits) to see if they will accept books, and contact your local recycling provider for ways you can recycle books in your area. Please. Non-recyclable items can contaminate a whole load of recyclables, causing them to all be thrown out. Learning By Doing: Students Take Greening to the Community. How can I dispose of gift wrap (wrapping paper) or gift bags? The quiz show can be used at a school assembly, in a school lunchroom or in a classroom. What are household hazardous wastes? How do I do it? Here are some common questions about recycling among students and kids. Portland Univeristy Student Recycling Guide For more information on successful school recycling programs, check out our blogs 5 Step Checklist To Start A Successful School Recycling Program and 4 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Campus Recycling . How can I recycle them? Generally, you should flush the excrement down the toilet and then place the diaper in the trash. Other students can pretend to be workers at the recycling factory. 252 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6218CB7457EEFA409BC985B7E127215C><643FB87EEC900E4C9BE707ADC97628B4>]/Index[237 28]/Info 236 0 R/Length 75/Prev 49641/Root 238 0 R/Size 265/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Perform tasks proving understanding of what can be recycled and how. Why are some items that look recyclable not accepted at my recycling facility? Please check with your local recycling provider first to be certain. To compost at home, you’ll need browns (dead leaves, branches and/or twigs), greens (grass clippings, vegetable waste, fruit scraps and/or coffee grounds), and water, along with a dry, shady spot for your pile or bin. Students will evaluate appropriate behavior for saving the environment, including use of the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Students will be able to: 1. OK. Read more comments marielynnissa. US EPA does not endorse any of these entities nor their services. Political Science & Citizenship Recycling can benefit your community, the economy and the environment.Is recycling truly beneficial for the environment?EPA data show that recycling conserves energy and natural resources. If so, how and where? Get students off on the right foot with the recycling program with their first step on campus. Recycle bags when they can no longer be used. The quiz show can be used at a school assembly, in a school lunchroom or in a classroom. Students will participate in a discussion that involves real-life items that either can or cannot be recycled. Make recycling expectations clear. Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. From why you need to separate your recyclables to what the plastic numbers mean, we’ve got the answers here. Identify why recycling is important. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Download the PDF images for class: Recycling Images PDF Related August 13, 2016 January 3, 2018 Admin Talker confidence , eal , esl conversation , esl discussion , recycling … Watch the video below to get the simple instructions, and learn how your classroom and school can make recycling fun and rewarding with Recycle Rally. Below are answers to some of the most common questions, broken down into five categories. For example: 1. Paint: Check local places that take donations (schools, places of faith, charities, non-profits) to see if they will accept paint donations, and contact your local recycling or household hazardous waste facility for ways you can recycle paint in your area. Egg cartons: It depends on the material of the carton. Are plastic or glass bottles better for the environment? FAQ: Recycling Questions for Students. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Earth Science: Recycling. Recycling is hands down, without a doubt, better for the environment than sending waste to landfill. Recycling Questions and Answers - Discover the eNotes.com community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on Recycling Compost is organic material that can be added to soil to help plants grow. Recycling is hands down, without a doubt, better for the environment than sending waste to landfill. 0 We have excellent ideas for your students, Kindergarten through third grade. 2. For example: How does recycling save energy? Is recycling the best mangement option? In the, Syringes, broken glass, and broken light bulbs should not go in the recycling nor in the regular garbage stream. There are plenty of common questions that come up when talking with students on campus, so UW Recycling is here to provide some definitive answers below: Do coffee cups from campus go in the recycling or compost bin? Have a few questions about recycling? 1) What items do you currently recycle at work? In addition to writing a letter, older students could also craft a short speech on the topic and present it to the class. Putting items in the recycling bin that can’t be recycled can contaminate the recycling stream. Students will evaluate appropriate behavior for saving the environment, including use of the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). The Waste Reduction Model is a tool that can help an individual, business or municipality compare the environmental impact of 54 materials and six management practices. I like to use days like Earth Day as a reminder for me to tackle current subjects and teach kids about recycling. What are recyclable items that I can’t put in my curbside recycling bin? Some items may also be accepted at retail locations or other at local recycling centers. Waste Reduction and Recycling “Quiz Show” Questions . Check with your local program first when recycling (whole) glass. We don’t promote a single material or management practice; alternatively, we encourage users to compare scenarios themselves. Contact Us to suggest any additional links. Find out what some of the experts say. Although students may not realize it, recycling affects them and their world in all kinds of ways, from family finances and economic opportunities to neighborhood aesthetics and the arts. 2. That is why it is important to check with your local recycling provider to ensure that they will accept certain items before placing them into a bin. They will direct you to reuse and recycling opportunities for … Many grocery and department stores will accept plastic bags and wrap/film. After these unrecyclable items arrive at recycling centers, they can cause costly damage to the equipment. That’s OK. Is it truly beneficial for the environment? How do I know what my local recycling options are? Learn more about how to make your Lifestyle sustainable with Recyclebank. For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at the Earth Science: Recycling webquest print page. Generally, these are the most commonly recycled items. endstream endobj 238 0 obj <>/Metadata 13 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 235 0 R/StructTreeRoot 20 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 239 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 240 0 obj <>stream There should be no shortage of relevant, academically-rigorous questions for students to investigate, across grade levels and subject areas. Please see our Household Hazardous Waste web page for more information on household hazardous wastes and tips for how to reduce it in your home. First, be sure to cut off the zippers (if necessary). United States Environmental Protection Agency, Source reduction, along with material reuse, Check out EPA tips for reducing and reusing, and donation, local environmental, health or solid waste agency. 3. Wet paper/food-soiled paper products may be compostable. A lot of gift wrap isn’t recyclable because of the coating on the paper, which is often shiny and laminated. a) Why not? Create a recycling game for class. Students will recognize the influence of humans on the school community as well as global environment. Geography - Explain how people's actions can have an effect on the environment. What should I do with old clothes and old shoes? RECYCLING 1. Furthermore, some recycling providers require different types of materials to be collected in separate bins (multi-stream recycling), whereas other providers may accept different types of materials that are put together in the same bin (single-stream recycling). Source reduction, along with material reuse, are the most functional ways to save natural resources, protect the environment and save money. All of the reduce, reuse, and recycle lesson plans have worksheets designed for students. EPA considers some leftover household products that can catch fire, react or explode under certain circumstances, or that are corrosive or toxic, as household hazardous wastes. https://cleanriver.com/commonly-asked-questions-campus-recycling Reduce the number of bags they throw away after one use. Please check with your local recycling provider first, though, to be certain since it depends on your local area. The confetti's all swept up, the influx of holiday waste handled. Generally, plastic bags and wraps, electronics, and textiles cannot go in a curbside recycling bin. Top 10 recycling interview questions with answers 1. Check out EPA tips for reducing and reusing, and donation. To look ahead at what 's sure to be certain and cans is a powerful hands-on Science with! Or practice, print a copy of this quiz are based on information that can be recycled we. This is a powerful hands-on Science experiment that drives home to students the we... 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