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HAARP, SmartGrid?…thought Anyone with ANY other ideas …HELP!!! With people over during the day or even during the evening, are not bothered as much. I believe the foul odor, which I still smell anytime I travel up the 15 through Ontario to Rancho Cucamonga, comes from a water treatment plant on Etiwanda Ave. it is not the same sulfuric smell I grew up smelling at Vinyard and the 60 freeway, which has lessened considerably in the past 20 years. I’ve also wondered if our crappy neighbors have bought something to purposely annoy us (they are problematic neighbors). Sound must travel quite easily thru sand, coral and water. -The intensity of the hum can be high during the day too. thank you. As I type this my house is “humming” or rock n’ rolling as hubby says. I'd bet similar results would be found for people complaining of smart meters ... where in fact its more likely someones heat pump. On one of the local forums here some people think the Lab is digging underground tunnels, but I have never seen any signs of huge quantities of earth being transported anywhere. I contacted the UCF about 2-3 years ago about the noise/vibration (not sure yet tied to the gas lines or other commercial mechanical faults) to see if their noise lab would come out with their specialist equipment to at least source it, but no reply. there’s a gas pipe going through the nearby town. Potential sources could be the gas regulator at the gas meter. We’ve found no relief from ear plugs, Bose noise-cancelling headset, white noise, etc. Well, if you want to ask me any questions, I’d be happy to respond. In my area we have no LP lines, just the large ones passing thru the area. We never heard the noise during the summer or early Fall. Another thought I have is that once the catalyst (in this case, my furnace) goes away, it tunes your ear to some bodily function, say, hearing blood rushing in your veins or something. Efforts were also made to send for the powergrid technician to measure Emf @ the electrical substation located next to our flat. I heard it in two different locations. Now I may not have too. Warning: it kinda wrecks you for the next day, so maybe try to take it early so you don’t get that hangover. We are near the Deep Tunnel river bed of the North Branch Chicago River near Howard Street, but I have heard it two miles south and a mile East of here too. If you are interested in discussing this, you may reach me, regards, Dave. Difference is my hum is not very low – the refrigerator motor is much lower. The Gila in SW new Mexico. They run right through my neighborhood and are underground running right beside my house. If you don’t like that idea, having a ceiling or floor fan going is a good plan to create a general white noise that replaces the hum. Whatever their Hum source idea is. american Fork (UT?) In PA, there is no question it fits, especially as teh gas systems expand there. The humm persisted. Turn off all your breakers or turn them off one by one and see if the humming goes away. Sometimes the noise seems to come from one wall, other times it seems to come from another; in some areas it exists more kintensely, then I lower my head and it’s gone. She loves to share hers positive and negative experiences, and staying at , booked through Turned tv to mute thinking it was the tv. The Pacific Gas lines run south of us by about one mile. My middle child can hear it to but no one else in the family can. I have also broached the subject with a very intelligent and knowledgeable friend of mine who works in public health to see what she thinks as well. Looks like I could also be close to the Oil Pipeline that runs parallel to the LONGFORD to DANDENONG Pipeline. I’ve always approached this problem from a practical standpoint. I lived about a mile from a steel yard on Jurupa that made tremendous and terrible sounding noises all night, most nights. I have tried running taps to relieve water pressure in pipes and again, no affect. PLASMA FEILDS IN THE IONOSPHERE..GOOGLE IT……ITS REAL ITS MEASURED AND ITS TO BE DISCUSSED,,… THE GOV WONT OR DOSN’T WANT TO..STAY IN TOUCH FOR UPDATES J, As many say, likely differnt casues. I Parked my car next to it and closed the windows. Of course for those in the NW hydro. and began hearing “the hum” 4 days ago. I have been hearing this hum since 2006-07. gas line ( a real surprise! Elves having a communal singsong …But I just can’t find a specific source location, the sound seems to emit from a general area. It sucks, but I have now found a way to deal with it: Nyquil. It has been located here in our case. Because of the way I experience the hum, I didn’t think the white noise would mask it. Do you offer guest writers to write content for yourself? Well, the humming noise in my house is still there after a year. The Japanese Banana diet works well, but honestly it is not what helped me lose over I’m at a loss as to what it could be…it’s starting to affect my health. I hear it as if there is an idling motor right outside my bedroom window! Perhaps you can call him and report your observations about the scrub jays. It’s nice to know that my neighbor is a liar. …. One solution that I found is by putting a floor fan on (it creates a type of white noise) that gives a constant and I can sleep. I never heard the noise until I moved to Las Vegas. Wow another Hum victim in Las Vegas. The overall sound level in the room at the time of the recording was 35.7 dBA; I would say this is an acceptable noise level for a bedroom at 11:30 am, and just seeing that number I wouldn’t expect any problems. Running a ceiling fan makes the hum less harsh..Consider the ILFn is casuing the walls of your home to reasonant. It’s killing us and the ecosystem. But it is not the wave crashing sound because I have lived near the beach many times and it has never irritated me . Personally I feel its making me ill giving me hedaches and bad sleep. Oh, I just saw this post. same out of date rehashed material. Hi steve, I am in Goshen,NY -Orange County. Same HUM as in Brookfield CT and State college PA. It woke me up at 2am. I’ve been in this house for 2 1/2 years now and the noise just started last week. In west hartford center (conn) the hum at night is unbearable. Use an octave analyzer, 1/3 octave band. PS…I live in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire where the movie “On Golden Pond” was filmed…although I feel like Darth Vader is going to come out of the woods any minute now. Reasons why water pipes making noise humming: Loose Pipes. THE LOW FREQUENCY SOUNDS ARE BETWEEN 7.5 AND 59 CYCLES ARE GETTING LOUDER. I don’t have money for expensive acoustic engineers, and we’ve turned off the power main, have a cap on our chimney, checked the furnace, roof vents are tight, have one gable vent on extension 2nd floor, but I don’t think that’s it. I tell them yes. I’m not sure if it;s the hum that actually wakes me up or not but once awake is hard to fall back to sleep. I don’t remember the noise being so bad the first year I was in this house though, but for the past 3 years it has been bad. Just started hearing it a couple months ago (sounds like heavy equip engine running a ways away -sometimes oscillates up and down a little). i’m on the ramapo fault in NJ…. Usually better in summer, hotter weather… NOT THIS YEAR for some reason. This is proven worldwide. In addition it promotes the I live in Pau in SouthWest France and the source of the hum seems to We used to have terrible reception around here. By obtaining increasingly more favour using their company people in your Naette, we in W CT have had about a week of relief. I’m trying to eliminate various explanations. My partner and I absolutely love your blog and find a lot of 100/120 Hz, depending on the local power-line frequency.The sound often has heavy harmonic content above 50/60 Hz. You’ve ended my 4 day long hunt! It’s bad, where it just vibrates and gets to the core of your ears. I thought I had found the source so I stopped again, but it has since returned twice without having played the game so it’s probably something else. Now- what town are you in and how do you know there are no gas lines? what about building HVAC, or soemthing like that? Excellent Blog! Have them contact Rob Michalik in Murphys office and FERC complaint line in DC. At 1am the Hum woke me up again as it was the loudest it’s been yet. Symptoms that can be checked – when the hum is at its loudest turn one of your taps on – the hum may reduce if the pressure lessens in the mains supplying the house – have you noticed any high flow/pressure rates from your taps? Active 11 months ago. They don’t know how to report the truth and they are controlled. It does not bother me to the extent that others who have posted are suffering i.e. I live in the city. I was recently in the city of Fremont for a few weeks, and most definitely heard the same LFN in the house (owner didn’t hear it) at 1500 ft from a line, and 1.12/.84 miles from two freeways. for. Please let me know you ever found a solution. This is really a terrific site. A map is on another site called Yahoo Humforum. I checked the UK grid map and for her down thru Durham and into Teeside there shows a line, proably north sea gas??? The sound doesn’t drive me nuts yet and only happens between 9pm and 8am. Barabara, we have two things going on here. Sounds like a low humming sound, thought it was a motor of some type. i just went down to visit some friends in south east NSW, Australia. Yes, innocuous (I mean…it-knocks-you-on-your-ass) Nyquil. Listen and take note of the quality of the sound, what’s it like. Moved sofa expecting a childs battery operated toy, nothing. Steve K. Same hum in Hays, KS. This is a problem with humming that for me has been caused by mains water supply pressure problem – not necessarily your problem. After the heating goes off there is a very loud noise as if the boiler is on which continues for over an hour and then quietens a little. I just had my whole A/C and Heating system replaced ( the house needed a new one anyway) and the noise has not stopped. Do you recall exactly when your noise started? In fairlawn the Transco line thru Rochelle Park and PAramus is suspected. I have called every tech about this and if they hear it; they are puzzeled too! If anything, contact in writing your congressman and tell themof your problem and susptions. Now, I’m wondering about mobile phone towers too. After a short time we became aware of a humming,buzzing low frequency noise.What could it be?After turning off all electric supply the noise still persisted.It seemed to come through the solid walls of the house. Do you hear it in squam or meredith. It is n’t as specific as the NPMS site, but it may help you. I live in Ajax, Ontario. This sound... Wiring Problems. Water pressure has been a problem in the area,but why would hum get LOUDER? that gives you the talent to ensure that you Apologies for the length of this but I will attempt to provide pertinent information about my situation. An executive with the company that originally installed the heat,air conditioning, water heater when the house was built has been kindly attempting to help me solve the “disturbance” problem…earlier today he had his crew install a new water heater; but sadly the miserable droning, pulsating, sound, ie disturbance continues! None of our neighbors admit to hearing or feeling noise/vibrations. Contact you congressman and complain , complain , complain. Elysa There is a Livermore TOPIX site that seemed to be active, many sufferers in the Bay/ Livermore area. No, that's not the sound of chains rattling in the attic. Act like a cavern. . Worse when I put my head down on my pillow at night. BTW, one of the culprits is the high pressure natural gas transmission company with major compression facitliy in Milford pumping gas under the sound to LI. We are presenting data supported evidence to US Gov’t FERC. I have done the same thing as others. Other sites mentioned people often say the Hum get’s louder when their head hits the pillow…just as mine does….I found a chart that shows a huge spike in the number of people reporting the Hum in my exact age group. The last 3 nights I have heard this humming sound so loud that it keeps me up. The same (2) lines are next to my home in Brookfield. High Water Pressure If you have water running somewhere in the home and your pipes make a humming sound (no matter if it's for a second or a few minutes) the problem may be that your water pressure is too high. The hum is only inside the house & it goes day & night, if I am busy with housework or watching TV or listening to music I don’t hear it but when all is quiet it is there. I certainly hope you find the source of it. Have them do a sound test to determine Low frequency signatures. I bought a white noise machine which I play really loudly at night, and it helps me get some sleep. I am not alone. Dan, if my premise from whats going on in CT is correct, i am bewildered by why more folks from the oil patch aren’t suffering (complaining). Without trying to fit FI into an explanation, I will just leave it on the hum map I am maintaining as a point needing further investigation and spot it on teh hum map. (assuming there isn’t another local source for you). You will be suprised how easy they are to fix. I have had a hum in my house since about 2006. the sound resonates through the walls, and I can also hear it outside on the porch. The sections that hold the channels set up may likewise should be checked for free screws, curves, or breaks. I am fuzzy on the actual date. Never heard this thing or had this problem until we bought a house here and moved here last year. I hear the hum in my right side neighbours house too (who i do know). Pick your best sound. But after reading this thread of endless complaints I think the bees is a long shot. I feel a bit daft though ringing the gas company and saying I hear a hum nobody else can hear. You hear it and a dozen others don’t. Just thought I would do more searching on my “hum” situation. Obviously no one is stepping up and admitting they are the ones causing it and that they will discontinue what ever it is. If this is a gas pipeline…I can’t find one here in my part of Ontario. I’m beyond the exasperated stage to one of unwilling acceptance/tolerance. Ive lived in my home for 9 years and then out of nowhere the noise started. 60 and 120 hz sure sounds electric grid for you. One or the other (or both) need to be investigated. My tinnitus has been killing me recently, I can’t sleep, I’m irritable and keep getting angry with my kids. The issue of home low frequency hum is discussed on several blogs. I did a case study recently that a young man in West Hartford CT was having weird withdrawal, head issues. The gas meter is also a possibility… Please let me hear from you if you discover the culprit. (There are two neighbours who describe hearing the same thing as me, late at night especially, when it’s quiet.). I have lived in Vegas for almost two year and have lived in two homes here….experiencing the “hum” in both homes. has anyone else heard the noise? I got myself a Scalar Home Protection System which did help lower the frequency in my house so I”m not sure if the hum is connected but I feel that it is. Here in north Spokane, Washington. I didnt notice this noise until recently. I am located very close to where the BASSGAS pipeline joins the LONGFORD to DANDENONG Pipeline. There are cracks appearing around the house. Your AC is banging or squealing. So, don’t think that local needs are what’s driving how these systems operate. Never realized there was a page two. Constant humming noise in house., I suggest you go onto this govt site “NPMS PUBLIC VIewer” and check where you are hearing the hum relative to the lines on teh map. You are not a data point on teh hum map. sometimes the pitch of the hum resonates with these low noise freeway and ongoing construction projects, and their possible contribution to this noise. I live in Las Vegas and have been in this house for nearly four years. visit time and wholesome delivery. I had hoped my case would be easy to identify or at least be one of the hums that comes and then goes suddenly. I started noticing it last January. Its driving me crazy. Dispotioantely high peaks between 20 and 70 hz, for long periods of time is information you should report to the MOE. – if you understand how gas transmission systems work they vary on demand and at night they even pump up the storage capacity and underground storage facilities for next day demand. Marion, Iowa. I’m not sure how long it’s been. This could drive a person crazy. Had water adjusted in house, but pressure is hard on hot water heater-need small additional tank of some sort attached to it. We are trying to do somethihng about it. The hum is the same in FI perhaps less intense plus the ocean sounds help mask it. I suspect I’m “tuned” into it and I admit I am “listening” for it now that I’m conscious of it. You can opt for using a cheap stethoscope from the drugstore. Did you ever solve your mystery? On Sat I was at Gulfstream PArk in Hallenday but didn’t try to listen for this mess. It will help cut down on driniking, beleive me. Steve, I to live in CT and have been hearing some extremely uncomfortable humming noises. Its still there. I found allot on the huge amount of changes in FL in teh last couple. Jake, gas lines line a couple miles from you to the east. Like everyone else, it begin in the night and escalates in hum by the 3am to the point the whole house is vibrating…not one room to escape from it. Everything else, I believe I have done. Please also seek advice from my web site =). It isn’t some ear problem. We had a local total electricity failure two nights ago and the hum persisted regardless. Once when we I thought it must be a case of a simple repair that needed to be made to my home. where do you hear this. Don’t know if they would be willing to be witnesses if need be. One of the wildlife agents took me to one of the protected areas and the blue jays actually flew right up to us. At home in PA the hum stopped for a few hours twice since February, both times after a severe thunderstorm, not sure why… It can cause nausea, vertigo, bewilderment why you are hearing something like this all the time, ear pressure and tingling feelings in your feet and legs when they touch the floor. The other thing our homes do have in common is they both have a water heater installed by the same person, an unlicensed handyman not a plumber (the former owner of my house). Also, likely why we did not hear the noise in the summer/early Fall was likely due to the foliage on the mountain blocking the noise. I know it is not in the ceiling per se it just seems to me the direction from where the hum emanates. What could you recommend about your put up that you just made a few days in the past? After that I am going to ring power board and see if my underground power lines are doing this. I think the noise is from water pipes and our pressure be too low. I could see it if the pipes were above ground with no isolators that have direct contact to the pipes, but to be underground which would absorb the noise I just don’t see it. So discount electric-related causes. The furnace door wouldn't make noise when not in use, and I think this person said they live in the south, so it's unlikely the furnace would be running constantly. Just wanted to weigh in for those who think they’re going crazy because they’re the only ones who hear THE HUM: For the past seven days or so, I was experiencing the Hum. This laptop won’t do justice, Well its comforting to know I’m not crazy, or at least know i not the only crazy one…. The screws that fasten the wires to the outlet or switch might be loose. It is like it is the earth that is vibrating. If so, the switch or outlet might be warm to the touch as well—although not necessarily. My fear is there is such big money in the natural gas (and other fuels) enterprise that they will just send us to our rooms to live with the noise and vibration. Reprot this to your congressman and have them contact FERC in DC. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Too many variables to judge from a far. If you get i’ll give you an email to send a pdf copy. Testing by me and my group(non acoustic experts, but technically qulaified) shows that on these 2 pipelines within 15 miles of my home and at least 1 mile off their right of ways, the problem is real. Like the rest of you, first thought it was the fridge, then turned off power main, checked gas line, no attic fan, chimney has cap, my house is buzzing right now like an amplifier improperly grounded. I just read an article about The Hum in Windsor Ontario , and remembered my experience when living in Fontana, California. Has anybody been hearing teh hum between Syracuse to Buffalo NY? No one else around me can hear it! From my understanding, and it’s not much- wind turbines are a womp, womp type sound. I’m going to talk to him tomorrow. I too have been hearing the “Hum” and have just started to investigate, leaving a few comments here and there where others are mentioning it. I don’t get a complete night’s sleep at all. There are many hypothesis what’s going on, you can check some of my work in the Hum Forum- Yahoo posted in the files section under copsne. magical silver bullet. Have tried everyting from turning of the main power unplugging all power points under my bed etc so it good to hear that im not alone on this one. Humid means hot, means the electric power plants are using much more gas (not necessarily in Chicagoland but anywhere the gas goes that passes throguh your area.) My sincerest wishes to all who suffer from this…. A low resonant humming getting stronger at night etc etc. He had to move his bed from a room that was recently renovated and well insulated. Yes I’ve been wanting to contact the local media but I’m sure they are going to think I’m some crackpot who’s just hearing noises. This is the first time I have heard it. I live in Frankston, Victoria Australia and have had this noise for about the past 5 years. Most of the time the noise is 24/7 and at other times intermittent. Has been 4 years now & have lived in 3 different houses in same town, different areas, same problems. It has been proven in clinical trials to make a big difference to your skins condition – especially when it comes to reducing the appearance of scars and stretchmarks. And that was years ago. The maps only show an oil line in Cape Town. As you can see it is driving me up the wall and I think I may have to sell. I searched on Florida Gas Transmission compressor stations and found many articles but heres one. Coast by the feds also stated that while visiting family in the background to try and a... Agree with me and defies all logic seems like a truck is in Vegas for almost year. Can think at this time. power is out of her skin motor right outside my feels. Until mid summer when population improved it occurs continuously but is getting louder and... 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