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While on the hunt for Horcruxes, Harry finally visited Godric’s Hollow on Christmas Eve and found his parents’ graves in the snow. However, it’s no surprise a flashback isn’t used to describe the death of Ariana Dumbledore. The Potter movies are popular because they enable just about everybody to escape reality. Starting in 1981, when Harry was just one year old, his parents, James and Lily, were murdered by the most powerful Dark Wizard, Lord Voldemort (subsequently called "You-Know-Who" and "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" by those too superstitious to use his actual name). However, it’s actually first explained in the Order of the Phoenix book. 10 Questions - Developed by: Maria P. - Developed on: 2020-05-24 - 318,036 taken - User Rating: 3.5 of 5 - 202 votes - 3030 people like it Find out which Hogwarts house you’re in! It was a particularly cruel move, even by Snape’s standards. A bittersweet moment for the wizard orphan: Harry glimpsed his parents and extended family in the ancient mirror, giving him a taste of what his life could have been. Harry offered his son the advice and reassurance that he, himself, didn’t have before getting on the Hogwarts Express for the first time. Fleamont was an accomplished, yet retired cosmetic potioneer and entrepreneur best known for inventing Sleekeazy's Hair Potion in 1926. And, like the last line of the book, all was well. The out-of-the-blueness of this scene completely knocked us for six, and was made particularly more devastating when Harry discovered a terribly-timed gift from Sirius later on: a two-way mirror that would have allowed Harry and Sirius to talk to each other easily. The Dementors kiss is something from a horror movie - which may explain why we never got to see it in the movies. Via Warner Bros. Obviously, the death of the wise and kind headmaster continues to rip hearts everywhere into shreds. And that means Harry has to die in order for Voldemort to die. The retelling of the story shocked Harry and readers alike, and gave us a new side to Dumbledore’s character. Ron, caught up in the depressing effects of the Horcrux locket, stormed out and left both Harry and Hermione alone and anguished. Hermione was hit by a stray curse during an altercation between Harry and Malfoy, and her front teeth began growing out of control. The scene where Harry and Ron have an argument is very intense and sad because they have been friends for a long time. the scene isn't in the book; j. k. rowling only writes from harry's point-of-view (mostly, because there are chapters focused on other characters, … This quiz will tell you which two Harry Potter characters would be your parents. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Harry Potter actor Devon Murray is a dad! At the end of Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius offered the one thing Harry desired more than anything – a real home, with a real, loving, parent-figure. Nagini ends up dying soon afterwards, with Neville Longbottom beheading Lord Voldemort’s prized pet. Harry's first visit … And Neville, after a slightly rough first year, was recognised for his own bravery. Fred and George throw snowballs at Quirrell. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – The Tri-Wizard Tournament is so dangerous that no wizard under 17 is allowed to compete but when, at age 14, Harry Potter’s name flies out of the Goblet of Fire, he is forced to take part. Seeing two people so disturbed would have likely prompted awkward questions from younger viewers and that may explain why it didn’t make it into the movie of the same name. We knew Snape wasn’t exactly chummy, but this was a real tipping point. At the Quidditch World Cup, seedy Death Eaters get to work on a muggle family by making them hang upside down with their underwear showing. And as for the final exchange between Snape and Dumbledore? So, uh, that's some bad news. It is set 19 years after Voldemort's defeat at the Battle of Hogwarts. Cedric Diggory, Sirius Black and Albus Dumbledore are just three good guys who lose their lives amid the fight against Lord Voldemort and his dastardly followers. This rankles with the Hogwarts headmaster, who blasts Cornelius Fudge for going behind his back. The scene in Knockturn Alley has a unexpected moment: it is very quiet when Harry is examining an item in the shop (the Hand of Glory) and suddenly it grabs Harry's hand with a loud sound effect. Flashbacks are sometimes used in Harry Potter to tell stories that happened years ago. This is the scene where Harry sees his parents in the The Mirror of Erised. The brains try and strangle him with tentacles showing moving images and Ron is left scarred for life after the incident. For the most part, the Harry Potter movies do a brilliant job at bringing the adventures of the Boy Who Lived to the big screen. While there, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione happen to visit the same ward and are surprised to learn the truth about Neville’s parents – that they were tortured to insanity by Bellatrix and … Underwear showing in a Potter movie just doesn’t seem right. It’s alluded to but never said out loud, that Lord Voldemort murdered his bloodline while he was still at Hogwarts. There's a scene in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix when Harry, Ron, and Hermione duck out of the temporarily authoritarian-ruled Hogwarts to … Again, this was probably to protect younger viewers. Chillingly, neither knows who performed the fatal curse that ended her life. Christmas. The 32-year-old Irish performer (who played Seamus Finnegan in the movie series) and Shannon McCaffrey welcomed their … If you’re solely a fan of the movies, you could be forgiven for thinking the place contained just prophecies. ‘Always’ tear-jerking. Sorry to bring this one up, but we really do have to... During Deathly Hallows, Dobby the house-elf’s adventures came to a tragic end when he was fatally injured in his efforts to save Harry from Bellatrix’s knife. Snape dismissed the curse as bearing no change to her appearance, causing Hermione to flee in tears. Thanks to this reverse spell effect in Goblet of Fire, Harry was able to see his parents again, as they offered advice to escape a newly revived Lord Voldemort. That certainly wouldn’t have been appropriate and, with Dobby dying in the same movie anyway, could have been too much to take. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Dark Things That Almost Happened (& Would Have Been Terrible). RELATED: Harry Potter: Every Movie, Ranked Smallest To Biggest Budget. Lily, age 9, is moaning – very m… You've been warned. Most of Harry's time at the Dursley's on Privet Drive doesn't appear in the movies. Snape calls Harry's father names like "swine". The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points. Ariana Dumbledore, sister to Albus and Aberforth, met an early and tragic end. This scene is from Sorcerer's Stone . Ron, in a confused state, summons one of them - which proves to be a mistake. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Coolest Things You Can Buy In Hogsmeade. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling.The first novel in the Harry Potter series and Rowling's debut novel, it follows Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage on his eleventh birthday, when he receives a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We can’t help but feel people may have been afraid seeing Weasley nearly throttled to death, so it’s for the best this was left out. The Harry Potter movies don’t shy away when it comes to deaths. In the Prizoner of Azkaban after Harry was banned from … The journey of … The MCU's Villains Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses, 10 Scenes In Harry Potter Books That Were Too Dark For The Movies, Harry Potter: Every Movie, Ranked Smallest To Biggest Budget, Harry Potter: 10 Dark Things That Almost Happened (& Would Have Been Terrible), Harry Potter: 10 Shadiest Characters Who Frequently Visited Knockturn Alley, Harry Potter: 10 Coolest Things You Can Buy In Hogsmeade, Harry Potter: 10 Murders Committed By The Good Guys, Disneyland: Best Magical Pixar Pier Concept Art You Have To See, Army Of The Damned, Ranking The Characters Based On Intelligence, 10 Of The Most Impractical Costume Designs In The History Of Superhero Cinema, Ranked, 5 Alien Invasion Movies That Were Huge Hits At The Box Office (& 5 That Flopped), 10 Big Movie Scripts That Got Their Start on The Black List, Star Wars: 10 Times Dark Siders Redeemed Themselves, 10 Disney Shows Or Movies You Didn't Know Were Filmed In Canada, Indiana Jones: Raiders Of The Lost Ark - 10 Retrospective Observations As The Movie Turns 40, Every Simon Pegg & Nick Frost Collaboration (Ranked According To Rotten Tomatoes), Fitzcarraldo: 10 Crazy Behind The Scenes Facts About The Movie, Die Hard 3 & 9 Other Sequels That Brought The Franchise To New York City, 10 Most Rewatchable Movies Of The Last Decade, 10 Actors Who Could Be Breakout Movie Stars In 2021, 10 Terrifying Action Movies That Border On Horror, Harry Potter: 10 Mistakes JK Rowling Made In The Chamber Of Secrets Book, Shadow In The Cloud: The 10 Most Awesome Moments. We saw the date once and for all in the emotional scene where Harry visited his parents’ graves. The first stop in your magical Harry Potter tour of Lacock needs to be Lacock Abbey. Harry has several of these nightmares throughout the movie. Fred and George show zero remorse for their actions and, had this scene been included in the movie, it could have tarnished fans’ views on the pair. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Shadiest Characters Who Frequently Visited Knockturn Alley. It’s a top contender and a real shame it didn’t feature in … The unfairness of Cedric’s death was particularly painful seeing as Cedric had just helped Harry win the Triwizard Tournament together for a joint Hogwarts victory. There, he lets Voldemort fire the Killing Curse directly at him. We get to see Harry starting out at Hogwarts in The Sorcerer’s Stone before vanquishing the threat of Lord Voldemort once and for all in the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, with the two blockbusters released a decade apart. Need we say more? The … More importantly, however, he sees his parents for the first time. Harry Potter star Matthew Lewis, who played Neville Longbottom in the hit franchise, admits he cringes watching himself back in the wizarding … Had Greyback been portrayed like his book self, then the movies’ certifications may have had to change. Harry sees a memory of Snape being bullied by Sirius, James and Peter Pettigrew; he's hung upside-down from a tree and made fun of. Upon discovering the mirror too late, Harry truly realised he’d never be able to talk to Sirius ever again. He is an exceptionally skilled wizard whose sarcastic, controlled exterior conceals deep emotions and anguish. JK Rowling has described them as her scariest creation which, when you consider she’s the author responsible for introducing the world to Lord Voldemort, really is saying something. Imagine if we’d actually seen Wormtail throttle himself? When Harry gazes into the mirror, he sees his parents surrounding him. Like … After a wee bit of a misunderstanding, Harry got to properly meet the godfather he never knew he had. Yes, Neville! 2. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part I, we finally get to meet Hermione Granger’s parents, after having seen Harry’s folks in flashbacks and Ron’s parents in multiple scenes. James, the eldest, is already at Hogwarts, while Albus Severus, 11, is starting his first year. After being tasked with the huge request of killing his headmaster from Lord Voldemort, we see a darker, more troubled Draco during his sixth year, which Harry stumbled upon when he witnessed his enemy uncharacteristically sobbing in the school bathroom. Too many beloved characters died here. Hagrid gets knocked TF out by Voldemort's minions aka Death Eaters and Hedwig, Harry's owl, … There’s a reason we don’t see much of them – they’re muggles – and the circumstances of their … In the Half-Blood Prince, the concept of the Vanishing Cabinet is explained. NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Murders Committed By The Good Guys, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Horifificaly, there’s a room with ACTUAL brains inside it. The Harry Potter film series wasn’t safe from controversies, and one of the weirdest ones was all about a “nude scene” in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, with parents complaining about it even before they knew what it was all about. Draco hadn’t really been in our good books, but there’s a particular moment of poignancy during Half-Blood Prince when he revealed his vulnerable side. The connotations this have are obvious and it’s for the best that it wasn’t included in the film of the same name. This part may make you jump. For millions across the globe, the Harry Potter book and film series was the closest thing they'd ever come to experiencing actual magic. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Harry Potter’s first Christmas at Hogwarts is the most special by far. Both Fleamont and Euphemia were elderly even by wizarding standards.Having been conceived so late in his parents' lives, he was raised in a doting household with little material limits, and pampered a great dea… A devastated Harry insisted on digging his grave the non-magical way, and we were with him every step of the way. Lacock Abbey is a beautiful property with a long history dating back to the 13th century. We can’t even bear to go into it. A glorious moment of victory, Gryffindor finally won the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup! Despite Snape’s nastiness, we saw his true motivations at last during this swim inside his memories – revealing a deep, enduring love for Harry’s mother, Lily. In the Order of the Phoenix book, however, this isn’t the case. Just when we all thought Slytherin would keep the Cup, Dumbledore stepped in to award Harry, Ron and Hermione some last… He must face three increasingly difficult magical challenges but something dark is slithering in the background, manipulating events towards a more sinister conclusion. However, none of this was said out loud in the blockbusters and a flashback showing this would have likely given children sleepless nights. Due to some clever camera work, we don’t actually see Nagini’s sharp fangs sinking into the neck of Severus Snape. Turns out, Voldemort made one extra Horcrux that he didn't mean to: Harry. We see torture in the Harry Potter books, such as when Lord Voldemort uses the Cruciatus Curse on the likes of Harry and Ollivander - as well as when Barty Crouch Jr uses the Unforgivable Curse on a helpless spider while disguised as Auror Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody. Disturbingly, Fred and George Weasley trap Slytherin student Montague in one of the cabinets and he spends months there, unable to reach out or contact anybody. Just when we all thought Slytherin would keep the Cup, Dumbledore stepped in to award Harry, Ron and Hermione some last-minute Gryffindor points for their daring exploits to stop Voldemort. But there’s a scene in the Goblet of Fire book that would have made for some uncomfortable viewing. Is this the best Harry Potter snow scene? The first Harry Potter book, which comes complete with a couple of spell-binding central mysteries and plenty of amateur detective work, perfectly sets the tone for the series as a … The time Ron Weasley sticks his foot in it. However, there’s one death that was seemingly too horrific for the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 movie to show. The Department of Mysteries is appropriately named because most people don’t have a clue what lies within. SOB. Plenty of people are still confused by that final scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.After Harry goes through Severus Snape’s memories, he learns that he is one of Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes and must die at Voldemort’s hand. Sirius Black, fierce protector of his godson, was suddenly killed at the end of Order of the Phoenix, with his body taken through a mysterious archway in the Department of Mysteries. Just after his fifth year, where he opened the Chamber of Secrets, the Dark Lord went to the village of Little Hangleton to find out the truth about his origins. Mistletoe. The day Harry, Ron and Hermione became a trio On a very different Hallowe’en, one decade later and barely a handful of months since Harry had started his new magical life at Hogwarts, he experienced a far more traditional night of festivities. What isn’t shown, however, is just how evil the werewolf is. Once there, he does some despicable things. There’s one in the Sorcerer’s Stone, when Harry learns the truth about the death of his parents, and another notable one is in the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 when Xenophilius Lovegood explains about the Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone and Invisibility Cloak. Like the rest of Lord Voldemort’s followers, he carries out his master’s villainous schemes without any hassle and seems to relish the opportunity to bite anybody he can. To make things even worse he framed Morfin for the crime. Harry leaves Dumbledore's office in shock, and heads pretty much directly to the Forbidden Forest. Having his parents (in some form) there to encourage him gives Harry the extra bit of strength he needed to get away – but didn’t help make the whole experience any less emotional. We’re talking about when Peter Pettigrew’s silver hand turns on its owner, choking him to death while Harry and Ron desperately try to save his life. Poor Cedric was unceremoniously murdered during the final task of the Triwizard Tournament – leaving Harry completely haunted by the experience. However, not all of the scenes from the book made it into the films - most likely because they were catered for younger audiences. The family took on the simplified nickname as a surname, thus leading to future generations calling themselves Potter.The Potters were also descended from the Peverell family, through Iolanthe Peverell, and therefore were … On Christmas day, Neville and his Gran visit Neville’s parents in St Mungos. They are at King's Cross to see off their two boys to Hogwarts, where Neville Longbottom is now the Herbology professor. AKA Hogwarts’ Corridors. The epilogue is the final chapter of both Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and the Harry Potter series. Each one was like a wound to the heart. Inevitably, there are dark moments along the way. Harry Potter Quiz: Which House Are You In? James Potter was born on 27 March, 1960 to Fleamont Potter and his wife Euphemia. Draco Malfoy fixes one at Hogwarts and uses its twin, based at Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley, to smuggle the Death Eaters into Hogwarts so they can wipe out Albus Dumbledore once and for all. Harry’s first kiss. It’s a sad, emotional moment. Greyback’s Lust For Hermione. Warning: Major spoilers for all of the Harry Potter books and movies ahead. He attacks his uncle Morfin before going on a killing spree, murdering his father and his grandparents in their manor. Harry and Ginny are married and have three children, James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna. Severus Snape is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. In the Room of Requirement scene, you can see the knight that Ron rides in the first movie. In the movies, Fenrir Greyback is just your usual Death Eater. He enters the house using magic and kills Harry’s parents, leaving baby Harry behind. Linfred was given the nickname 'Potterer', which over the years was corrupted into 'Potter'. Yikes…. Disturbed after being attacked as a child, she ends up being caught in the crossfire of a huge duel between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald. In the movies, Fenrir Greyback is just your usual Death Eater. He eventually ends up getting out of his prison via Apparition but the effort nearly kills him. The Harry Potter movies may have had some dark scenes, but the books were even darker. Neville’s parents had been tortured into insanity and left shells of their old selves and it’s heartbreaking to read of Neville sneaking wrappers they give him into his pocket behind the back of his grandmother. The scene is already touching enough, considering Harry gets to look at his deceased mother and father as if they were standing face-to-face, but one Tumblr user keenly points out an additional reason this scene is so moving. In the Goblet of Fire book, it’s used on Barty Crouch Jr without Albus Dumbledore giving consent to the act. And that may explain why they didn’t show the tragic scene of when Neville Longbottom visits his parents in St Mungo’s hospital in the Order of the Phoenix movie. Greyback likes to bite people while they’re young, so they can be shunned by their communities and forced to live a life of misery. J.K. Rowling brought the Wizarding World to the lives of many readers around the world in 1997 with Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the first entry in … After years of thinking the Dursleys were his only surviving family, Harry discovered that the bloodthirsty Azkaban escapee Sirius Black was actually a very nice man connected to his past in a big way. Harry rarely cried in the books, but finally seeing where his parents lay was completely overwhelming for him. Instead, we merely hear the creature chomping on the Hogwarts Potion Master. Tears of joy. If that wasn’t vile enough, he also makes it clear how much he wants to eat Hermione Granger at Malfoy Manor (although the connotations, again, suggest he had even more of a sinister motive). So, if you’re hoping to follow the magical trail of Harry Potter in Lacock, here’s where you need to go: 1. During a scene in The Philosopher’s Stone, Hagrid and Harry are sitting in The Leaky Cauldron.Hagrid explains to Harry what happened to his parents, and we see a flashback scene involving Voldemort. The movie did make things dark by having Lord Voldemort slash Snape’s throat first but, fortunately, shielded most fans from further bloodshed. The Dementors Kiss is when the guards of Azkaban use their scabby hands and force themselves on you, sucking your soul out through your mouth. The Potters were an old and wealthy pure-blood family, descended from their founding patriarch Linfred of Stinchcombe. The Lacock Abbey Cloister. The couples are both canon and fanon. 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