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duke nukem funny quotes

Duke Nukem Forever/Funny < Duke Nukem Forever. May 8, 2019 - Explore Liberato Picciano's board "Duke Nukem" on Pinterest. Some other lines may be as good, but none is better, or as memorable, as this one. You almost missed it. [After Doctor Proton says "Ah, much better"], That's the last thing you'll steal from me, douche bag. Well that’s it. Duke Nukem is a classic 2D side-scrolling shooter video game that was released back in 1999 for the Game Boy Color (GBC) handheld pocket console. Now that's what I call reducing headcount. [pissing on a urinal, beginning of game] This is taking forever. Like, totally bad news, man, really tripping on my karma. Banned In Australia: (Averted. It doesn’t matter what game they came from or how well written they were or weren’t. Funny Quotes. Today, Ladies and Gentlemen, I will be mostly looking writing about videogame quotes specifically those ones we all consider to be badass and memorable. 36 Tracks. The greatest game ever made? – Duke Nukem Duke Nukem is the crazy, macho protagonist of the titular game series of FPS games involving crazy aliens, explosions, and more. video game quotes. Cut List New Edits Edit … Blast your way through hordes of ugly aliens in four classic Duke Nukem 3D episodes plus an additional ALL NEW FIFTH EPISODE from the game’s ORIGINAL EPISODE DESIGNERS with NEW MUSIC … Time to bring the pain! I lied. That’s all I have to say. Duke Nukem is a cyborg, or a robot. None of these quotes are _ORIGINALLY_ from Duke Nukem, they are all borrowed from past campy movies and general pop culture, so quit already with the copyright worries. Duke Nukem - Your Face...Your *** Duke Nukem - Time To Kick *** Duke Nukem - Come Get Some. Sorry. See you in hell. It’s not higher on the list because even I struggle to get it into everyday conversation. Everything she says is memorable and hilarious. After a few days of R and R, I'll be ready for more action! Ultimate Duke Nukem Soundboard. May 8, 2019 - Explore Liberato Picciano's board "Duke Nukem" on Pinterest. Christ, what a fucking pussy. [Third round in above level], Time to blow shit up. One of the best video game quotes ever said, by a wall. The Loop (TV) Do you like this video? And yes, there's an achievement/trophy tied into finding and stealing a piece of poo. I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of ass. You do a barrel roll. Created by the Gmod video maker DasBoSchitt, also known for creating the The Gmod Idiot Box, Duke Nukem Foreverquest is an animation depicting the time before Duke Nukem Forever came out. The problem with Kerrigan is just choosing one line as everything she says is badass. Duke Nukem always has been and always will be a Stealth Parody of America, sexism, action heroes, and the '90s. I wonder how many pork chops I can make outta you. I doubt quotes like this will ever get old. Duke Nukem is a video game series named for its protagonist, Duke Nukem. Was it any good? Maybe, but when I said this at a financials meetings, my now ex boss looked like he wanted to kill me. That's when I kill you. Unique Duke Nukem Stickers designed and sold by artists. This Fart … Ultimate Fart Soundboard. [possible reference to Blood II: The Chosen] When you get to hell, tell 'em Duke sent ya. If nothing else this list should at least make for interesting reading. … An EDF team member gets sent to escort Duke, only to almost immediately get killed when he goes charging into the open and gets cuts down by gunfire from an alien ship Duke : Dammit Leeroy! [after gibbing a Pig Cop with his fists, consuming beer right before that], You're one ugly motherfucker. I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of ass. Unique Duke Nukem Stickers designed and sold by artists. [facing the real Cycloid Emperor in Final Battle] I'm gonna rip your eye out and piss on your brain, you alien dirtbag. Join the world’s greatest action hero in Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour as he saves Earth once again, kicking alien ass and saving babes across the globe along the way. Mar 10, 2018 - Explore Sin Volvagia's board "Duke Nukem" on Pinterest. All of the classic o... dank memes. 58 Tracks. Nukem (Duke Nukem Forever Cocktail) Ingredients:1 glass Mello Yellow1 shot vodka1 splash spiced rum1 splash moonshine (or any other high proof liquor) Directions: Mix the first three ingredients and pour into a glass. Let's see what they look like... Oooh, nasty! [First round in Me Myself and I], Lesson Two: Don't fuck with the real Duke. The eponymous Duke Nukem, self-proclaimed hero extraordinaire, who is very angry about the fact that the attack … All rights reserved, Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture, 20 Badass Quotes From Video Game Characters. See more ideas about duke, wolfenstein 3d, 3d realms. Duke Nukem soundboard with over 90 of his best quotes including his insults like Rip Your Head Off. Work, Video Games/Funny, Duke Nukem Forever, Funny. 2. Yes, pretty everything she says is also an overworked and overused cliche, but as Mass Effect proves, that doesn’t matter if it's done well and Kerrigan does it well. Included in this download are every single update to the original mod, as well as new voice lines and additional easter-eggs. [Gears of War reference]. A valid e-mail address. Duke, we've got your green power armor here and ready to go. Duke Nukem is the first game of the Duke Nukem series.. But do these 10 stars have what it takes... 20 Badass Quotes From Video Game Characters. Unexpected from a DS game. It’s just a scrawl on the wall. At his best—in Duke Nukem 3D—he’s a soundboard of stolen action movie quotes. [killing Pig Cops] Squeal harder next time. (Talking to future self)? Blonde action hero Duke Nukem takes on murderous aliens and mutated Los Angeles police officers that have taken over Los Angeles. Duke Nukem used to be Johnny Bravo. Looks like Lady Luck just gave you the finger. The Price is Wrong... bitch! Edit. That oughta wipe the ugly off that mug. It’s ironic because it is just a game, but it’s oh so much more than that. [Drives Moon Rover through Alien Empress' closed teeth], Let's test your gag reflex.... [Drives Moon Rover through Alien Empress' throat], It's a damn good day to bet on Duke. It was fucking hysterical. [Predator reference] Oh yeah, if it bleeds, I can kill it. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail. Get up to 50% off. I am the real Duke Nukem. Duke's very delayed reaction after #1 walks right past him with his money. This game has a page about it's (in)famous Development. Balls of steel. Have fun... Games 32 Tracks 57736 Views. Go ahead, make my day. I think Lara Croft is the female and Duke Nukem is the male. Who are the best fighters in Hollywood? The most broken English phrase of all time? Life Quotes. Games 167 Tracks 70449 Views. Features. It would be great to get our readers point of view. Copyright© 2020-2021 GamersDecide. Password must be at least, 10 Badass Celebrities Who Should Be in Street Fighter. Team Fortress 2 Taunts. I will take your head off and shit into your neck. Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos Ask The Tropers Trope Finder You Know That Show... Trope Launch Pad Tools . Kickass quotes just are and that’s all there is to it. Wow. (also heard in Duke Nukem 3D, lightly bleeped out). I'm Duke Nukem - and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards! It can take one to sublime heights or harrowing depths. 1. I'm gonna get medieval on your *****. [quoting Ash from Army of Darkness] Come on! [2001 DNF Trailer reference], Dylan: Duke, good to fuckin' see ya. Ok, so not many people say it now, but when the NBA was at the height of its popularity during the Michael Jordan years back in the 90’s, this was one of the first video game quotes that transversed itself into mainstream American culture and it was an amazing feeling when you managed to stuff the ball over Patrick Ewing from the halfway line. Ultimate Duke Nukem Soundboard. Spaces are allowed; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and underscores. This is the ultimate Duke Nukem soundboard, with new stuff added as I find it. Created by the company Apogee Software Ltd. as a series of video games for IBM-compatible personal computers, the series expanded to games released for various consoles by third-party … - No. Players take the captain's chair as they command their own starship and crew. Duke Nukem Forever/Funny < Duke Nukem Forever. The entire game is art in motion from beginning to end. Duke utters this while blowing aliens away and it just adds to the action, humor, and fast-paced gaming. 460 Tracks. Bitchin'! Did you fart? However, many posters (especially at the beginning of the game) also have pictures of the original Duke Nukem platformgame (1991 for DOS). So, whenever you liked Duke Nukem Forever or not, the game … [being brought back to full size by the Particle Expander] Yeah, this should help. I am A#1. What about the game, Duke? See more ideas about duke, wolfenstein 3d, 3d realms. 3: "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum.”-Duke. 460 Tracks. The mouthpiece of the gaming generation, The Escapist aims to capture and celebrate the contemporary video gaming lifestyle and the diverse global video game culture by way of in-depth features, thought provoking articles and relevant columns authored by leading video game authorities, as well as cutting-edge video shorts, engaging forums and robust social media elements that incorporate … Work, Video Games/Funny, Duke Nukem Forever, Funny. I'm looking for some alien toilet to park my bricks... Who's first? [Mortal Kombat reference] Duke wins, Fatality. The problem with Duke Nukem being in Bulletstorm is that Duke Nukem isn’t a character. Blast your way through hordes of ugly aliens in four classic Duke Nukem 3D episodes plus an additional ALL NEW FIFTH EPISODE from the game’s ORIGINAL EPISODE DESIGNERS with NEW MUSIC from … Duke’s constant stream of hilarious one-liners throughout the game make this an out loud good time. [ (Possible) reference to an Insane Clown Posse song of that name], I got your Planck length right here, baby. Despite the humour supposedly being one of the main draws.The original Duke Nukem 3D (the only entry in the series worthy of note) wasn’t very funny either. By Zoe Delahunty-Light 18 December 2018. Balls of steel. [When killing an Octobrain] Time to redecorate in Brain Matter Grey. [Destroying Duke Clone], I'm gonna rip your head off, you freakin' space monkey! Um... well, okay, uh, you want a gun instead? It is! I doubt quotes like this will ever get old. No, it was Vice City. Funny game quotes. All of the classic o... dank memes. Jun 1, 2017 - Explore Braden VanCaster's board "Duke Nukem" on Pinterest. I doubt quotes like this will ever get old. See more ideas about duke, wolfenstein 3d, 3d realms. Your heart skips  a beat. Well, no because Duke didn't say it first. If you’re looking for deranged maniac with a heartbreaking back story, then Tina is your girl. Eat shit and die. For every quote I listed here, there’s another three on the floor that didn’t make it. Aah, much better! Did you fart? (After defeating the Battlelord) I'm gonna get medieval on your asses! [Total Recall reference] You think this is the real Duke? [when playing pinball and losing]. [after punching an Assault Trooper's head off in the air], Right in the jewels. And Duke Nukem, I think he is the most iconic videogame character in the industry. [Happy Gilmore/The Price is Right Reference?] Some think his best role was in Goodfellas. [after punching a Battlelord in the balls], Hell, I'd still hit it! Float your moonshine on top (we used moonshine because it’s the closest thing to, you know, nuclear waste or gasoline. Wow. [Commando reference] Did I promise to kill you last? Well, no because Duke didn't say it first. [Near end DLC], Hey pal, what're you gonna do, save the world all by yourself? History Talk (0) Share. [Big Trouble in Little China reference, also Shadow Warrior reference] It's all in the reflexes. Looks like those alien bastards drank all my beer. I am doing a f****** barrel roll. Wisdom Quotes. I knew that retirement bullshit was just bullshit. [Second round in above level], Lesson Three: Remember lessons one and two. [Found twins in The Hive]. I'm coming back for more. [this one originates from a fan-made video ] Hello. It’s a serious one liner, worthy of anyone. Frag like it’s 1996 – this time with even more asses to kick! I'm gonna get medeival on your *****! [After killing Doctor Proton], Hmm, fuckin' do they work? Makes you want to pick up the controller and whack the bastard to death with it: Slowly, so he feels every second of it. 167 Tracks 786075 Views. Provide a password for the new account in both fields. Who knows, but it’s still in popular use in the end chat of multiplayer games. I'm gonna kick your ***, *****! He’s got balls of steel. In the Mirage Barrage level from the 20th Anniversary World Tour: A classic: "Your face, your ass; what's the … Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos. In the DLC Duke gets shrunk down and has to drove a pink toy car(a Take That! Team Fortress 2 Taunts. Yeah, but after 12 fucking years, it should be. This quote is spoken in the few seconds just before she avenges her parents death and is both funny, and righteous. Between them, they're the most iconic figures in videogames. 695 Tracks 1762369 Views. Alien boys, there's a new sheriff in town. Mar 10, 2018 - Explore Sin Volvagia's board "Duke Nukem" on Pinterest. Not number one? The 100 best video game quotes of all time. I will play pattycake on your ass. Duke Nukem close, but no cigar Saved by Usagi Cosplay Outfits Cosplay Costumes Funny Pranks Funny Jokes Funny Shit Funny Stuff Hilarious Cool Pictures Funny Pictures Join Login. Give me your top twenty or reorder the ones I did here. Hail to the king, baby! FEATURES. Not number one? Damn, I love this job! A page for describing Funny: Duke Nukem 3D. “The cake is a lie” spawned a host of memes and became part of the language of Gamers worldwide. Duke Nukem 3D. This soundboard combines a wonderfull range of quotes from varies games and some celebs . The Loop (TV) Do you like this video? [After shown KIA]. It looks like you've been fucked. Hate New Poor Who. [points at Master Chief's armor] Aah, much better! I … "; Ladies and gentlemen, Grabbag. Duke tries to charge forward with Duke Nukem 3D's famous bicycle kick exploit, where you kick with both of Duke's feet at once.Funny enough in the original game, but Das renders this by having a ramrod-stiff Duke Nukem model levitate forward feet-first, then cutting to first-person with … Stand. The game is a portable version of the PC and console Duke Nuke and features a story parallel to the game Duke Nukem II – with a few alterations to the story. I'm not crying over this! Mass Effect’s story arc is huge, so the lines have to be big too and they are. COMMENTS. Join the world’s greatest action hero in Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour as he saves Earth once again, kicking alien ass and saving babes across the globe along the way. This is a complete list of quotes spoken by Duke Nukem across various editions of Duke Nukem 3D: Aahhh... much better. Tina is the world’s most iconic and ironic teenage anti hero, ever, and she’s not even a playable character. In the Mirage Barrage level from the 20th Anniversary World Tour: A classic: "Your face, your ass; what's the … It was a no-brainer platform game, split in three episodes, and starts in the near future of 1997, where Dr. Proton, your average Mad Scientist, attempts to Take Over the World with his army of Techbots. White or transparent. Not number one? I ain´t got time to bleed! The Loop (TV) Do you like this video? Duke Nukem Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It's time to kick *** and chew bubblegum... You guys suck. Heavy. Frag like it’s 1996 – this time with even more asses to kick! [After killing the Octaking] There can be only one king, you fuck. But did I get it right? It wasn’t this ponderous, horrible, awful, cynical shitbag that it ended … Most are pretty funny - they show Duke Nukem as movie star, award-winnig musical star and so on. [After finding helmet in underwater level] Well at least HE had an ending. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Blow it out your knees! Directed by Greg Malone. As last words go, they’re pretty legendary. It looks like any one of Nintendo’s made for kids platformers, but for grown ups with a sense of humour. Female video game character who's not sexualised in a video game. It was actually pro wrestler turned actor ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper who uttered this immortal line this first in the alien invasion film, ‘They Live.’ But the developers knew that quote was wasted on that B-movie, so they resurrected it for the game, and history was born. Watch for original 1991s Duke Nukem-posters in Duke Nukem Forever. Work, Duke Nukem Forever, Quotes. All the better for it too. If you haven’t played this game, then play the game, and then you will understand why. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. Size only matters when you're full grown, baby! 3: "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum.”-Duke. As one liners go, this about as good as it gets. You realise, it’s not just a game. FYI the "shit down your neck" quote is from the 1983 Eddie Murphy movie "Trading Places", it was said by actor Paul Gleason as Clarence Beeks. In a blink and you'll miss it moment, when Duke is reading his phone for his tweets, you can see some pretty funny ones, including one from Dirty Renamon herself. … I hate to kick my own ass, but it's gotta be done. Aah, I love the smell of sewers in the morning! Talk about being bitch slapped. Dust of the N64 or get an emulator and play it because games like this should not be forgotten. 7 Tracks 810164 Views. Women: Do everything men can do, but in skin tight clothing, glasses, and high heels featuring guns…. Take those tentacles, and shove 'em up your ass! I beg to … [Half-Life reference] A crowbar would come in handy right now. I'll be ready for more action! Ultimate Fart Soundboard. What a put down, and from Ryu of all people. Tags: serious sam bomb logo, classic serious sam bomb explosion logo, serious sam, serious sam 1, serious sam 2, serious sam 3, serious sam 4, croteam, duke nukem, duke nukem forever, duke nukem 3d, serious sam the first encounter, serious sam the second encounter, serious sam the third encounter, serious sam the fourth encounter, serious sam the 1st encounter, serious … Give the quote, and the game it came from. Bitchin'! [300 reference] Tonight, you dine in hell. [after gazing at the Alien Queen]. Duke Nukem: Balls Of Steel Version . With Lee Jackson, Lani Minella, Jon St. John. The following quotes can be heard in Duke Nukem Forever. One of the biggest criticisms of Duke Nukem Forever was the character of Duke himself, who many reviewers described as a repulsively unlikable person. What did I miss? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [Starship Troopers reference]. [Doctor Proton Fight], Lesson One: Don't fuck with the real Duke. I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards! Duke Quotes - Page 4 - BrainyQuote. ... "It’s a funny thing, ambition. And Duke Nukem, I think he is the most iconic videogame character in the industry. Duke Nukem is a video game series named for its protagonist, Duke Nukem. ... Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem 3D "Life is cruel. SOMEONES FACE IS GOING TO HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS !!! An action MMORPG based on the acclaimed D&D fantasy game, epic stories and classic roleplaying await. Tags: serious sam bomb logo, classic serious sam bomb explosion logo, serious sam, serious sam 1, serious sam 2, serious sam 3, serious sam 4, croteam, duke nukem, duke nukem forever, duke nukem 3d, serious sam the first encounter, serious sam the second encounter, serious sam the third encounter, serious sam the fourth encounter, serious sam the 1st encounter, serious … BACK! The first two games in the main series were 2D platformers, while the later games … And every year, there's some new poor sucker at Duke who draws the ire of everybody. I'll rip your head off and **** down your neck. Dirty Renamon: CRABS AGAIN?! But as it’s not an original line, so it can’t be first in our video game quotes opus. Edit. The visiting CFO however went: ‘Yes, it does,’ then took me out for dinner, so we could talk about DOTA. Its down to you and me, you one eyed freak. Duke Nukem was really funny to begin with. Join the world’s greatest action hero in Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour as he saves Earth once again, kicking alien ass and saving babes across the globe along the way. Or give me the pistol you have. [driving his monster truck] Yipee-ki-yay, motherfucker! RECOMMENDED SOUNDBOARDS. It might be different than what you expected, but then this isn’t a cut-and-paste-click-bait ‘video game quotes,’ article. Created by the company Apogee Software Ltd. (now 3D Realms) as a series of video games for IBM-compatible personal computers, the series expanded to games released for various consoles by third-party developers. Babes, bullets, bombs. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. Give me all your ammo. Duke Nukem Forever is a first-person shooter video game developed by 3D Realms and published by 2K Games for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Shut the f***up. The largest Duke Nukem soundboard ever made, including new quotes from Duke Nukem Forever! *NBA fans will notice that the image above is not from the original game, but is taken from a 2010 release. That's my line, asshole. Here we have a great selection of free Duke Nukem wav sounds for you to enjoy. I am the real Duke Nukem. Duke Nukem Forever entered development in 1997 at 3D Realms and was finished by Triptych Games, … My freshman year, the hate was all directed toward Danny Ferry. Then which one is you? I will play pattycake on your ass. Get up to 50% off. You got alot of guts, lets see what they look like. So if we die, you’re saying you’re gonna what, like posses our souls or something? ; The big "fight scene". Updated version of Quotes of Duke pack including new voice lines and previous updates The final updated version of the Quotes of Duke mod pack for 2020. Randy Pitchford. Better than Shakespeare. 58 Tracks. You can buy “moonshine” from most … Character Think Industry. History Talk (0) Share. She does it very well indeed. (when facing the Alien Queen) I'm gonna put this smack dab on your ass! All aboard the midtown express to hell! 167 Tracks 786075 Views. The music in the reveal trailer True to the game, it's called "Invaders Must Die. "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum.”. You’re probably going to disagree with me, let’s just take that as a given, but that doesn’t mean I’m not right. Duke Nukem Balls Balls Balls Version. [RoboCop reference] I'd buy this for a dollar. White or transparent. [To Doctor Valencia], No fuckin' way I'm playin' that piece of crap! This line is famous thanks to an intrepid space fox, and the internet. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. What kind of shit ending is that? ... Duke Nukem - Rip Off Your Head. Duke Nukem 3D: 20 th Anniversary World Tour brings classic Duke Nukem 3D, plus an ALL-NEW 8-Level fifth episode from the original episode designers, to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. [Jon St. John- Duke's Voice Actor- Connecticon] It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of ass. You gonna let me in or what? Philosophy for life. Ah, just in time! Power armor is for pussies. Starring a deliberately badly animated Duke, it follows his quest to regain his lost money from 3DRealms after Mr. Goldblum emptied his bank account as an incentive for Duke to get off his … They don’t even have to be prescient or meaningful. [Inside Alien Empress], Time for some drive-by dental surgery! Counting down gaming's greatest ever lines. Duke Nukem is a video game series named for its protagonist Duke Nukem. Eat shit and die. Pretty badass though, all the same. What’s a witch to do except kill while looking hot at the same time. Any weapon. Mass Effect’s story arc is huge, so the lines have to be big too and they are. And … General Graves [edit | edit source] We need you Duke, now more than ever. Looks like it's time for me to go postal. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I never played Saints Row, but my buddy said he would consider bigamy if he got the chance to say this line before he passes. Created by the Gmod video maker DasBoSchitt, also known for creating the The Gmod Idiot Box, Duke Nukem Foreverquest is an animation depicting the time before Duke Nukem Forever came out. Upon seeing a giant three-breasted alien monstrosity, most people would probably run and hide. I doubt you'll live long enough to see Phase Three. Duke Nukem 3D. Duke Nukem 3D offers a large selection of weapons to choose from, all of which can be carried simultaneously with full ammo with no drawbacks. Awesome that it’s there. See more ideas about duke, 3d realms, geek guy. My evil twin? As Duke battles his way through waves of aliens, the once beautiful gambling haven and Duke Nukem franchise chains are crumbling before his eyes. [Refusing to play Pimp Slap], They keep getting uglier, and I keep getting meaner. [admiring himself] Who's that handsome devil? I've got balls of fail. This is the ultimate Duke Nukem … I'm not dead. NEW CANCEROUS SOUNDS ARE HERE CUNT BAG NIGGA PENIS! [After escaping laser path]. Don't have time to play with myself. When the aliens invaded, Bravo decided it was time to man up and changed his name to Duke. See more ideas about duke, wolfenstein 3d, 3d realms. I'm from Las Vegas, and I say kill 'em all! Bingo, the motherload! Author's Saving Throw: The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC has Duke react badly to a joke made at the expense of the deceased Holsom twins, after his glib reaction to their deaths in the base game rubbed a lot of players the wrong way. Well, no because Duke didn't say it first. In fairness, anything Manny says could be on this list. Share Funny game quotes: Related Boards: GLADOS (PORTAL,The Orange Box) 38 Tracks 737182 Views. ; Awesome Music:. With Street Fighter V not far away from our machines (unless you’re an Xboxer, sorry guys), I thought I’d give a run down of 10 celebrities that should, but probably never will, be in Street Fighter. watch 01:21. 1 Weapons 1.1 Mighty Foot 1.2 Pistol 1.3 Shotgun 1.4 Chaingun Cannon 1.5 RPG 1.6 Pipe Bomb 1.7 Shrinker 1.8 Microwave Expander 1.9 Devastator 1.10 Laser Tripbomb 1.11 Freezethrower 2 Trivia The weapon that Duke often … [Escape from New York reference] I am the Duke. Love Quotes. What a lot of people don't know is that I got started as a professional gamemaker when I moved out to Texas to join George Broussard … Duke's very delayed reaction after #1 … Unexpected from a grumpy wolf. [Army of Darkness reference]] Hail to the king, baby! History Talk (0) Share. Bust a Gut: Duke pulls no punches. Share Funny game quotes: Related Boards: GLADOS (PORTAL,The Orange Box) 38 Tracks 737182 Views. [Alien Empress Fight], Time for the real alien abortion. Google “Do a barrel roll.” Case closed. - No. There were others. [upon seeing a Battlelord, reference to Predator]. ill rip off you head and shit down your neckeat shit and dieblow it out your assive got balls of steelits time to kick ass and chew bubble gum BACK! Time to stop pissing around and get this big guy back into action! Incredibly, given Australia's reputation, Duke Nukem Forever will be arriving on Australian shores completely uncensored and unabridged., The game itself wasn't banned in the UK, but they had to change the cover art due to it being illegal to publicly depict smoking in the country. watch 01:20. [quoting They Live] Boooorn tooo beee wiiiiiiild... [singing "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf] Come get some! I will take your head off and shit into your neck. Due to Duke Nukem games featuring many popular culture references, a joke on the "development hell" of Duke Nukem Forever's production was included in the title itself, where Duke is playing it himself within the game, and when asked if it was any good, comments, "After 12 fucking years, it should be!" [Back to the Future part II reference] Sit down and shut up. [Army of Darkness reference] Come get some. Blast your way through hordes of ugly aliens in four classic Duke Nukem 3D episodes plus an additional all new fifth episode from the game’s original episode … Duke Nukem Forever/Quotes < Duke Nukem Forever. Gears of War 2 Soundboard. Fuck that retirement shit, I just got back from [mockingly] helping my friend find his wife. Listing quotes isn't a violation of copyright anyway. (reference to Predator) Who the hell are you? Christian Laettner. As a result, Duke… A page for describing Funny: Duke Nukem 3D. It spawned a host of memes, but it would just be too easy to put it at number one, or even find the time to be bothered to get an image. This is the ultimate Duke Nukem soundboard, with new stuff added as I find it. 36 Tracks. watch 01:21. Mass Effect’s story arc is huge, so the lines have to be big too and they are. Ray Liotta, who voiced the character of Vercetti, could order ice cream in a carpet factory and people would rush to do his bidding. Between them, they're the most iconic figures in videogames. It is the fifth installment in the Duke Nukem series and the sequel to 1996's Duke Nukem 3D. Duke's response? The 100 best video game quotes of all time. (reference to Duke Nukem 3D) Don't worry about it, saving chicks is what I'm all about! [When picking up Expander in Going Down], That was close enough to shave my balls. to Barbie) that has several vapid lines about how shallow girls are. So without any more introspection here’s my definitive compendium of the 20 most kickass, badass quotes in video game history. She says is badass 2010 release well written they were or weren ’ t be first in video! Always will be a Stealth Parody of America, sexism, action heroes, and I ], they the!, man, really tripping on my karma may 8, 2019 - Explore Sin Volvagia 's board `` Nukem. It doesn ’ t make it is huge, so it can ’ t even to. Because even I struggle to get the rest of you alien bastards Bulletstorm is that Duke Nukem is the.! 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