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Well, this blessing of Nebuchadnezzar hath some sparks of humanity in it. He now says more expressly, God sent his angel As angels afford supplies to the elect and the faithful, I treat the subject here but shortly, since I am not in the habit of dwelling upon ordinary passages. 1. Although Nebuchadnezzar was very like a log or a stone with relation to the doctrine of faith, yet God wished by means of this stone and log to instruct us, to inspire us with shame, and to reprove us of incredulity, since we are unable to conform our lives to his will, and to approach all dangers boldly, whenever it becomes necessary. 2. that is extraordinary and miraculous. His servants, upon this title, they plead for protection. Compare “Excursus I.” to Prof. Stuart “on the Apocalypse.” See also Luke 1:11-20, Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:20-21; Matthew 2:13, Matthew 2:19-20; Matthew 4:11; Matthew 18:10; Acts 12:7-15; Genesis 32:1-2; 2 Kings 6:17; Exodus 14:19; Exodus 23:20; Exodus 33:2; Numbers 20:16; Joshua 5:13; Isaiah 63:9; Daniel 10:5-13, Daniel 10:20-21; Daniel 12:1. Right here is the secret of why they were able to return; and the absence of such a wonder upon behalf of the Northern Israel who went captive into Assyria is exactly why they were never able to go back to Jerusalem. And the prophet upbraids Amaziah for choosing those gods that could not deliver their own people out of his hands (2 Chronicles 25:15). Indeed, deliverance is the work that God delights in, by which He will make Himself known to be the true God. And this, his testimony, will appear in three evidences and manifestations of it. He had given them time to deliberate on the subject Daniel 3:14-15, and he knew that they had resolved to pursue the course which they did from principle, no matter what might be the results Daniel 3:16-18. 29 At the end of the twelve months he was walking about the royal palace of Babylon. And how they have since been rewarded in a better world, no tongue can express, no human imagination can conceive.]. Although Nebuchadnezzar seemed here to speak seriously, yet he did not consider himself; but he took away all pretext for excuse, since he could not afterwards pretend ignorance and error, after asserting with his own mouth that no other god ought to be worshipped. This strength of principle - this obedience to the dictates of conscience - this determination not to do wrong at any hazard - he could not but respect; and this is a remarkable instance to show that a firm and steady course in doing what is right will command the respect of even wicked men. The Pharisees taught that it was lawful to hate enemies. Hence he may cause those who now wish to be called Christians to be ashamed, unless they depart far away from all superstitions, and consecrate themselves entirely to God, and retain his worship in its sincerity. With mankind in a state of nature, fear forced the acknowledgment of a superior being, so their worship was cruel and their manners were barbarous. But infinity implies unity; and if this being is One, Divine worship must be due to Him alone. This sin of idolatry, it hath been an over-spreading evil. (Romans 14:23.) Secondly, in their ready yielding to the penalty of it upon their refusal. Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, and delivered his servants that trusted in him â. If any other deity is opposed to him, his majesty is already buried in complete obscurity. I. This is doubtless the sense of the passage. 3. For, when a short time ago Daniel said the fourth appearance in the furnace was called by the king of Babylon âa son of a god,â then, as I have explained it, Nebuchadnezzar professed some belief in angels. Chald., Secundo loco habuerunt. That which distinguishes the Gospel is its being so admirably disposed to beget love and peace, justice and charity, among all men. Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the province of Babylon.". and what a report must now be carried into all the provinces of the empire, by those who had been summoned to attend the ceremony! (Galatians 5:25. He blesseth God for four things. What is the minister and instrument? 3. Daniel’s prophecy of the seventy sevens extends from Nehemiah (445 B.C.) As God showed his approbation of those Jews’ refusal to worship the image by the miracle He wrought in their deliverance, so, I doubt not, but He has showed so many wonders in delivering this nation so often for its constancy in the same refusal, though, in all other respects, most unworthy of the least of His mercies. Daniel 3:1-7 Daniel 3:8-17; Daniel 3:18 Daniel 3:19-23; Daniel 3:24-25 Daniel 3:26-30; ROB SALVATO. It must be rich and costly, all of beaten gold. This book of Daniel Bible study is brought to you by True Riches Academy. Fourthly, it is done with great content and universality. The endeavouring to recommend ourselves to man rather than to God. ], 2. They who know how the mind and conscience are apt to be biassed by such reasonings as these, will see, that they must of necessity present a very formidable obstacle to the preservation of integrity under such circumstances. What’s this to the infinite immensity of our God, that fills Heaven and earth? Therefore I make a decree, that every people, nation, and language, which speak anything amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill; because there is no other god that is able to deliver after this sort. Religion must be a free consent of the soul; it can be acceptable to God only as it is voluntary. II. (Juvenal, Sat. How can full conviction be wrought but by gentle usage, calm reasoning, and good example. As he does not act thus, his confession is worthless; not because he wished to obtain menâs favor or good opinion by what he said, but he deceived himself after the manner of hypocrites. They might possibly compare the act required of them with the con-duct of the whole Jewish nation, both priests and people: the Jews had erected idols of their own, and, of their own free-will, had worshipped them in preference to Jehovah: but these youths were brought into the situation against their will, and in their own minds intended no disrespect to the God of heaven. 3. We have seen what is commendable in this benediction; but yet it hath its defects; something is wanting here in Nebuchadnezzar, more would have been expected from him. that they might not serve nor worship any god except their own God; they chose rather to deliver up themselves to death, to be burnt in a furnace, than to serve any other god than the God of Israel; such was their constancy and firmness of mind; such their attachment to the true God, and their faithfulness to him. But he spoke to no purpose, because God did not thereby touch his heart, as he usually works in his elect when he regenerates them. They changed the king’s word. Thirdly, it is done with great pomp and solemnity. Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, &c. — So Darius offers up his acknowledgments to the God of Daniel 6:26, looking upon him as superior to other gods, but not as the only true God. III. Observe also here the power of faith, it quencheth the violence of fire, Hebrews 11:34; and the presence of God with his people, even in the fire, and in fiery trials, Isaiah 43:2 1 Peter 1:7 4:12. שׁלה, from שׁלה, to err, to commit a fault, is changed in the Keri into שׁלוּ, which occurs in Daniel 6:5 and Ezra 4:22, and in the Targg. They were resolute and constant in holy profession. Daniel 3:28. But faith cannot be acquired by any miracle, or any perception of the Divine power; it requires instruction also. The first six chapters tell of four young Israelites in the Babylonian captivity (chapter 1)—Daniel (also known as Belshazzar), Hananiah (aka Shadrach), … - Here is a noble testimony from a heathen. This strength of principle - this obedience to the dictates of conscience - this determination not to do wrong at any hazard - he could not but respect; and this is a remarkable instance to show that a firm and steady course in doing what is right will command the respect of even wicked men. So when the impious feel Godâs power, they do not dare to proceed with obstinacy against him, but wish to appease him by a false repentance, without putting off their natural disposition. The marvellous deliverance of the three from the flames of the furnace produced such an impression on Nebuchadnezzar, that he changed his earlier and humbler judgment (Daniel 3:15) regarding the God of the Jews, and spoke now in praise of the might of this God. Behold too, now “one like unto the Son of God,” “an angel,” (who, I doubt not, was “the Angel of the Covenant,” the Lord Jesus Christ, who had often assumed the form of an angel before,) came into the furnace, and walked with them. Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who hath sent His angel and delivered His servants. This monarch, with all his pride, and haughtiness, and tyranny, had not a few generous qualities, and some of the finest illustrations of human nature were furnished by him. To His servants God promises protection. The utmost we can expect from force is an outward compliance. For whoever rests in God, easily despises all mankind, and whatever is lofty and magnificent in the world. [Note: These are now put aside by the repeal of the Test Act in 1828.] Praise for The Moody BiBle CoMMenTary This commentary is concise. So it is with men amongst ourselves. This theme runs through both the books of Daniel and Revelation.. Mt 24:15-28, 15 “Therefore when you see the ‘ abomination of desolation ,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place ” (whoever reads, let him understand) , 16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. This, taken in connexion with the mercy vouchsafed to these faithful youths, marked indisputably the indignation of God against the persecutors, and his approbation of those who had braved death for his sake. The Stoics reckoned compassion an infirmity. 2) predictions that we are to decode and … Continue reading "Commentary on Daniel 3:1-30" Thirdly, this mixture in religion, to serve the Lord, and yet, withal, to conform to the worship of any other god; it is contrary. Some think it was a short time after t… Their conduct, and the Divine protection in consequence of their conduct, had had the effect wholly to change his purpose toward them. St. Paul speaks it to another purpose, but it is true in this case also, God leaves not Himself without witness. The image being erected, the chief men in all the provinces of the empire were summoned to attend at the dedication of it, and, at a given signal, to how down and worship it. "[34] This additional information does not appear in our text; but there would appear to be no grounds for not believing the truth of it. That they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God - They gave up their bodies to the flame rather than do this. Decision for God at last gains the respect even of the worldly (Pr 16:7). Decision for God at last gains the respect even of the worldly (Proverbs 16:7). But look upon this speech in itself, and so it carries with it an intimation of three truths. 1:5-17 Daniel risked death by choosing to reject the king’s food and drink, but he determined to be true to God and obey the dietary requirements set out in His law.See Leviticus 11; 17:12; Deuteronomy 14:3-21.Daniel also knew that the royal diet would not be good for his health. Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came forth of the midst of the fire. Daniël 3:28 NBG51 Nebukadnessar hief aan en zeide: Geloofd zij de God van Sadrak, Mesak en Abednego! He had resolved to destroy them; he now resolved to honor them. As the Chaldeans in this case had watched the Jews and accused them of disobedience, so also could the Jews scattered throughout the kingdom bring before the tribunal the heathen who blasphemed their God. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach -, That they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God -, HE PARTICULAR CAUSE OF THE GREAT DANGER WHICH THESE MEN WERE BROUGHT INTO, XAMINE THE PRETENCES OF RELIGIOUS CRUELTY, OMPARE THE DELIVERANCE MENTIONED IN THE TEXT WITH OUR OWN, blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, that they might not serve nor worship any god except their own God, "Now Nebuchadrezzar ... gave charge concerning Jeremiah to Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard, saying, Take him, and look well to him, and do him no harm; but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee;", "I beseech you ... by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service", âIf ye live in the Spirit, walk also in the Spirit.â, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. In Daniel 3:28 the same personage is called an angel of God, Nebuchadnezzar there following the religious conceptions of the Jews, in consequence of the conversation which no doubt he had with the three who were saved. Hence it follows, that all others were fictitious and utterly vain. Quia confidentes. It must be of metal, too, lasting and durable. That an angel should be employed on an embassage of this kind, we have seen, is in accordance with the current statements of the Scriptures. And I repeat this again, to shew that repentance does not consist in one or two works, but in perseverance, as Paul says, â, âIf ye live in the Spirit, walk also in the Spirit.â A wicked man may pray and praise God extemporally. Nebuchadnezzar responded and said, "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, who has sent His angel and delivered His servants who put their trust in Him, violating the king's command, and yielded up their bodies so as not to serve or worship any god except their own God. One particular reason against the rashness of zealous cruelty is because the good should not suffer with the evil. Being convinced, but not converted, as appeareth by the next chapter, whatever Augustine and others charitably thought to the contrary. Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, &c. — So Darius offers up his acknowledgments to the God of Daniel 6:26, looking upon him as superior to other gods, but not as the only true God. Without Daniel’s visions, we would not know much about the hierarchy of angelic powers, both good and evil, in the heavenly places. Scholars wonder why. Read Introduction to Daniel . Hence we may collect that Nebuchadnezzar was not touched with true repentance when he blessed the God of Israel. nor worship — by prostration of the body. He had given them time to deliberate on the subject Daniel 3:14-15, and he knew that they had resolved to pursue the course which they did from principle, no matter what might be the results Daniel 3:16-18. ].” “If our afflictions for his sake abound, our consolations through him shall much more abound:” and in due season he will bring us forth “out of the furnace, purified as gold.” But oh! But, behold! And have changed the king‘s word - That is, his purpose or command. Although they dared not persuade themselves that he would notice them yet they reposed their lives in the hand and care of God. A list of the best commentaries on Daniel ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users. Superstition and idolatry will be no niggard, it will spare no cost; but be expensive and sumptuous to maintain an invented and superstitious worship. This was, as it were, a kind of anticipation and previous persuasion, since all people are persuaded that angels exist, so that they had some idea of angels, although but a partial one. And this, their yielding, hath four things observable in it: "Nebuchadnezzar spake and said, Blessed be the god of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king's word, and have yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God. The intrepidly pious conduct of these three noble Jews. The king had exultingly said, “Who is that God who shall deliver you out of my hand?” But they told him, that their God was able, yea, moreover, that he would deliver them out of his hand: but that, whether he would or not, they were fixed in their purpose, never to violate their conscience in bowing down to this golden idol [Note: Daniel 3:16-18.]. 1.) Secondly, the Object or Person to whom he ascribes this blessedness, that is, the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, Thirdly, the benefit for which he blesses Him, that is, the sending of His angel to work this deliverance. Well, what is the success? It is much to hear praises and benedictions of God out of such a man’s mouth. 3. Nebuchadnezzar now admits that God's law should be obeyed, rather than his (Ac 5:29). Who hath sent his angel - This proves that the king regarded this mysterious fourth personage as an angel, and that he used the phrase Daniel 3:25 "is like the son of God" only in that sense. COMPARE THE DELIVERANCE MENTIONED IN THE TEXT WITH OUR OWN. Why then does he praise in others what he does not imitate? finds the command partly too narrow, partly quite unsuitable, because an error, a simple oversight, should find pardon as soon as possible. EXAMINE THE PRETENCES OF RELIGIOUS CRUELTY. It is implied here that they had done this voluntarily, and that they might easily have avoided it if they had chosen to obey the king. But if, when men had got thus far by the light of nature, anyone should have started up and pretended to have offered violence to his neighbour, by a particular commission from God and for His glory, then love must at once have given place to fear, and human nature turned savage and wild again. 1. a. Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold: There is considerable debate regarding when this happened. But further, these very Hebrews were not only restored to their respective governments, but were promoted to yet higher honours, as a recompence of their fidelity to God. Forerunner Commentary Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown John Wesley's Notes Matthew Henry People's Commentary (NT) Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) Scofield: Definitions: Interlinear: Library: Topical Studies: X-References: Commentaries: No entry exists in Forerunner Commentary for Daniel 3:28. Commentaries on Daniel. Thus out of the mouths of blasphemers and contemners of God can the Lord ordain praise: yet all this did not draw off this king from his idolatry, for he saith. The oppressed had such communion with their Lord as they had never enjoyed before, such as was a foretaste of heaven itself: but their oppressors were filled with shame and confusion of face. ‘His supernatural agency.’ More than an angel, but similar to the idea of ‘the Angel of Yahweh’. the God of Shadrach, & c., not his God. And faith hath this prevailing power with God: III. The meaning is, that rather than bow clown to worship gods which they regarded as no gods; rather than violate their consciences, and do wrong, they had preferred to be cast into the flames, committing themselves to the protection of God. Daniel is the only prophet who mentions “the prince of Persia” and “the prince of Greece.”2 Daniel’s prayer of confession was pivotal … But distrust is the cause of slothfulness, and wherever we deflect from a straightforward course, we deprive God of his honor, by becoming backsliders, while some want of faith betrays itself and is palpably apparent. Blood and fire and persecution, they are the great promoters of idolatry. (m) He was moved by the greatness of the miracle to praise God, but his heart was not touched. Some argue that the whole book was written in Aramaic and only later … Continue reading "Commentary on Daniel 6:6-27" 3. 4. They have preferred God’s word before it. Zeal is as necessary to the life of devotion as the natural heat is to that of the body. Let us be thankful for this inestimable privilege. This is to recommend love by hatred, mercy by cruelty, and forgiveness by destruction. And this consideration, that they are His servants; it is a well-alleged motive why they are delivered, His faithful service; it is a safe protection. Then Nebuchadnezzar ... said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach. Decision for God at last gains the respect even of the worldly (Proverbs 16:7). For how can Godâs praise exist without his being solely conspicuous? See also Luke 1:11-20, Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:20-21; Matthew 2:13, Matthew 2:19-20; Matthew 4:11; Matthew 18:10; Acts 12:7-15; Genesis 32:1-2; 2 Kings 6:17; Exodus 14:19; Exodus 23:20; Exodus 33:2; Numbers 20:16; Joshua 5:13; Isaiah 63:9; Daniel 10:5-13, Daniel 10:20-21; Daniel 12:1. Nebuchadnezzar knew the God of Israel to be majestic from the display of his power, for he had such a spectacle presented to him as he could not despise, if he wished. And this context is worthy of observation, since faith ought to be put as a foundation, and then fortitude and constancy must be added, with which Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego were endowed; because any one who reposes upon God can never be moved aside from the discharge of his duty; and however numerous the impediments which may occur, he will be borne aloft on the wings of his confidence. Hitz. Daniel 3 Commentary; GRANT RICHISON. In fact, there is no sacrifice at all, except of a negative kind: all are at liberty to serve God in their own way: the infidel, the Socinian, and the idolatrous Papist, are as free to follow the dictates of their conscience, as the servant and worshipper of our Incarnate God. The youths were bound in their clothes, that nothing belonging to them might be preserved; and they were cast into the furnace, according to the king’s commandment. It may fright people into counterfeiting, but not persuade them into believing. Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was sixty cubits and its width six cubits. Come we to the First, Nebuchadnezzar’s act of benediction and blessing, the thankful acknowledgment he makes of this great deliverance. The fourth chapter of the book of Daniel reveals yet another dream by King Nebuchadnezzar along with another unfortunate interpretation by the great Hebrew prophet, Daniel. He was not anxious about a Mediator; hence he neglected the chief point of piety, and rashly seized upon one part of it only. Because they trusted in Him. This, indeed, is no common confession, but the event proved how suddenly King Nebuchadnezzar was acted on by impulse, without having, the living root of the fear of God in his heart. ‘They have changed the king’s word.’ Once a sovereign lord had made a decree it was not usual for it to be altered (in the case of the Medes and Persians it could not be). If we are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, we need not be concerned about it; for our God will come and walk with us in the fire, and make the wrath of our enemies the occasions of richer Communications of his love. Have made the king ’ s glory or our neighbour have had its difficulties esteemed them factious, refractory turbulent... Is meritorious for the Moody Bible Commentary this Commentary is concise daniel 3:28 commentary great deliverance principle... Not work conversion till God work upon the heart testimony, will appear in evidences. 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