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Commiseration in a sentence 1. See more. Stop your querulous self-commiseration. How to use commiserate in a sentence. hunglish. Example sentences with "commiseration", translation memory. Example sentences with "commiseration", translation memory. commiseration synonyms, commiseration pronunciation, commiseration translation, English dictionary definition of commiseration. Clive Barker COLDHEART CANYON (2002) Example sentences from Collins dictionaries After half an hour's commiseration, we turned to more practical matters. How do you the word "commiseration"? They looked now to where he stood outside the door, receiving commiseration from a group of mourners.. Greutz, of surprise and commiseration from the German, and of something that might have been fright … powered by carambola commiseration in a sentence - Use "commiseration" in a sentence 1. “Charlie commiserated with Sally after she lost her job.” The implication is generally one of empathy, as in “I understand how you feel. 4. 3. Commiserations to our footballers who were defeated in their eastern Intermediate semifinal on Saturday evening in Fenor against a stronger De La Salle side. Join. Commiseration meaning in Urdu: درد مندی کا اظہار - Dard Mandi Ka Izhaar meaning, Definition Synonyms at English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu translation and meanings of Commiseration and Dard Mandi Ka Izhaar Meaning. In general, outside of mathematics (and other technical stipulated vocabularies), there are no 'perfect' or exact synonyms. Normally this would have been the cue for some sympathetic teasing and, 14. See commiseration used in context: 1 rhyme, 3 Shakespeare works several books and articles. sentence examples. 2. What is the meaning of commiseration? Information and translations of COMMISÉRATION in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Commiserate definition is - to feel or express sympathy : condole. The Clintons commiserated over lunch with the Blairs the next day. Significant mentions of commiseration:. French Translation of “commiseration” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Did You Know? 3. My hearty commiseration for both! Commiserate definition is - to feel or express sympathy : condole. While he wanted to commiserate with the man on death row, he simply could not do it. : The young ones don't complain, nor do they want us to commiserate with them. All rights reserved | Email: [email protected], And while Super Bowl champions hardly elicit much commiseration the process has come under question, When he left the other actors offered him clumsy commiseration as to some one who had been bereaved, Poor man! You are offline. When he left, the other actors offered him clumsy. (David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens) And whenever Mrs. Gummidge was overcome in a similar manner during the remainder of our stay (which happened some few times), he always said the same thing in extenuation of the circumstance, and always with the tenderest commiseration. Definition and high quality example sentences with “commiseration” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Examples of commiseration There is but a single step from commiseration to stigmatisation and from victimisation to contempt and exclusion from public debate. Women often have less commiseration for … How do you the word "commiseration"? Tushin's large, kind, intelligent eyes were fixed with sympathy and commiseration on Rostov, who saw that Tushin with his whole heart wished to help him but could not. Starts with c, ends with n, seven consonants, six vowels and five syllables. Kipps stared in commiseration of such success. What does commiserate mean? en Harvey Birch had, however, been a name too long held in detestation by every man in the corps, to suffer any feelings of commiseration to mingle with these reflections of the sentinel; for, notwithstanding the consideration and kindness manifested by the sergeant, there probably was not another man … Login; ... Is there a lot of commiseration about how difficult your rookie seasons have been? Translate commiseration into Spanish. . How to use commiserate in a sentence. Poor man! The Cambridge Dictionary gives the meaning of the word: an expression of sympathy for someone, especially someone who has lost a competition. Until you have walked in his shoes, you cannot commiserate with him. Check the meaning of commiseration. I hate it when rich people pretend they commiserate with the poor! You commiserate together about life's problems. When words sound different in isolation vs. in a sentence, look up the pronunciation first in a dictionary, then use https://youglish.com His every pout is a plea with us for commiseration. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "commiseration "Whether from commiseration for a woman of so miserable a destiny; or from the morbid curiosity that gives a fictitious value even to common or worthless things; or by whatever other intangible circumstance was then, as now, sufficient to bestow, on some persons, what … www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage use "commiserate" in a sentence They commiserate and help me with the readiest kindness. Learn Ludwig. The feeling of commiseration is the beginning of humanity; the feeling of shame and dislike is the beginning of righteousness; the feeling of deference and compliance is the beginning of propriety; and the feeling of right or wrong is the beginning of wisdom.Men have these Four Beginnings just as they have their four limbs. See more. Word, phrase, or sentence: New: You can type any word, phrase, or sentence into box above to find relevant quotes and lyrics in this tab. 3. . English Throughout the world, people have expressed their sincere solidarity with and commiseration for the victims and their families. How to use commiseration in a sentence is shown in this page. How to use. Sentence with the word commiseration. In general, outside of mathematics (and other technical stipulated vocabularies), there are no … Commiserations to our footballers who were defeated in their eastern Intermediate semifinal on Saturday evening in Fenor against a stronger De La Salle side. Significant mentions of commiseration:. 11. Yet it can't be denied that drink and 'armchair football' do often go together: there is always an excuse to knock back one more drink, either in celebration or, 15. commiseration (n): Sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others; compassion. Context sentences for "commisération" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. A good teacher is always able to commiserate with her students. 1. Get your answers by asking now. Traducir commiseration de Inglés a español. (noun) 2. But if anything, the rally was more for commiseration than confrontation. 5. Commiseration is a 13 letter word, used as a noun, with Middle French origins, and has the letters aceiimmnoorst (aceimnorst). The following example sentences will help you to understand how commiserate is used in a sentence. And while Super Bowl champions hardly elicit much, 10. Examples of commiseration in a sentence: 1. We should've called each other to commiserate ." His every pout is a plea with us for commiseration. People outside of the temple did things that the Lord hated, one woman making herself an abomination in his sight. Example sentences with the word commiseration. But if anything, the rally was more for commiseration than confrontation. . Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Another justification (if that isn't enough), you just don't say 'we give our commiseration to you'. 2. 3. Trending Questions. To feel or express sorrow or pity for; sympathize with. Define commiseration. You cannot commiserate with a man until you walk in his shoes. How to Use Commiserate in a Sentence. The shortest, complete sentence in the English language is "Go." Is the word is a synonym of "sympathy"? commiserate may be used as a transitive or an intransitive verb, meaning it may or may not take an object. Commiserate definition, to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for; empathize with; pity. General commiseration. How to Use Commiserate in a Sentence. Filter. French On a dit à la mission que c'était la justice, et non la commisération , que réclamaient les survivants. Commiserate means to sympathize, to express pity for someone or something. And you tell me this magistrate expressed great sympathy and. Examples of commiseration in a sentence: 1. Another justification (if that isn't enough), you just don't say 'we give our commiseration to you'. In my experience, ‘commiseration’ and the verb ‘to commiserate’ are used almost exclusively when one person shares the unhappiness of another, e.g. : Commiserations go to the nine beaten players, but there is still some consolation for those who finished in profit. Another word for commiserating. 2. What does commiseration mean? (open, save, copy) news-journalonline.com. So the following usage is correct? Context sentences for "commiseration" in French These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. : She knew of his death and was to commiserate … Commiserate definition, to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for; empathize with; pity. Find more ways to say commiseration, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the … We will have 24 hours to think about the game, to have a few drinks and commiserate with each other, and then tomorrow we will get back to work. Trending Questions. May 3, 2017 - What is the definition of commiseration? : Commiserations go to the nine beaten players, but there is still some consolation for those who finished in profit. ‘the other actors offered him clumsy commiseration’. ‘In commiseration I let him know things could have been worse.’ ‘It's possible we've reached a moment of creative commiseration.’ ‘Our society is drowning in a sea of alcohol; every celebration or commiseration is awash with it.’ ‘Sophie was all welcoming friendliness, but he was looking for commiseration.’ : Commiserations to Anna on missing the guild's trip to Tenerife. Sentence: The only thing I hate worse than feeling like crap is not having anyone to commiserate with me in my agony. See commiseration used in context: 1 rhyme, 3 Shakespeare works several books and articles. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. My sympathies are reserved for the great mass of mankind …. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. How to use commiseration in a sentence is shown in this page. 10. Example sentences with the word commiserate. How do you use commiseration in a sentence? As a mother, I commiserate strongly with the woman whose child was kidnapped. 2. Definition and high quality example sentences with “commiseration” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. Did You Know? (David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens) Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Synonyms / Related Phrases [Mentions] Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Stop your querulous self-commiseration. 2. ‘He simply didn't wish to degrade either of their sensibilities with points of commiseration.’. 2. 21. commiseration (n): Sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others; compassion. 4. "Ah... "the monk replied, the tone of commiseration in his voice indicating that he was far from indifferent to Katya's charms. She remained there at least an hour, in the greatest agitation, deeply commiserating the state … commiseration translation in English-Hungarian dictionary. : Commiserations to brave Chelsea, who … Tom sent Julie's family a letter of commiseration. Commiseration. He plugged in a Coltrane disc and then a Gerry Mulligan and laid back to commiserate … How to write 10 o'clock at night? A good teacher is always able to commiserate with her students. Commiserate may be used as a transitive or an intransitive verb, meaning it may or may not take an object. Examples of in a sentence IT WAS a day of celebration and commiseration for hundreds of pupils in Bromsgrove as they received their A Level results They've donated nearly $140,000 to him on Gofundme, and left telling comments of commiseration and support attached to their pledges the blind are too often objects of pity To commiserate is to "share sadness" with someone. 23. You cannot commiserate with a man until you walk in his shoes. 2. Sentence Examples for commiseration. My hearty commiseration for both! : The young ones don't complain, nor do they want us to commiserate with them. Some one went to commiserate with Harbury and Harbury went to lacerate Riley for announcing an … More example sentences. powered by carambola Early uses of the word "twerking" involved practice of twisting the hairs of one's moustache. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Related words are commiserates, commiserated, commiserating, commiseration, commiserative, commiseratively. Inviting compassion and commiseration, they tell us we're all in the Family. People outside of the temple did things that the Lord hated, one woman making herself an abomination in his sight. The Cambridge Dictionary gives the meaning of the word: an expression of sympathy for someone, especially someone who has lost a competition. Check the meaning of commiseration. How to use commiserate in a sentence. Another word for commiseration. Examples of Commiserate in a sentence. noun. To : 4. commiserations [ plural ] an expression of sympathy for someone, especially someone who has lost a competition: commiserations on los ing the match! commiserate example sentences. Commiseration sentence examples commiseration He tried to avoid his old acquaintances with their commiseration and offensive offers of assistance; he avoided all distraction and recreation, and even at home did nothing but play cards with his mother, pace silently up and down the room, and smoke one pipe after another. Find more ways to say commiserating, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 4. What is normally said is that you give or offer your condolences. Women often have less commiseration for women than men. Find more ways to say commiseration, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, ... derdini dinlemek. We will have 24 hours to think about the game, to have a few drinks and commiserate with each other, and then tomorrow we will get back to work. Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Synonyms / Related Phrases [Mentions] Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Although the noun form is not common, it can be used in that context. Word, phrase, or sentence: New: You can type any word, phrase, or sentence into box above to find relevant quotes and lyrics in this tab. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences. 'To commiserate' means you share their grief (a noun form is rare); 'condolences' (the verb form is rare) means you feel bad for them. : Local councillors come and go, all express a sincere desire to commiserate, but none has ever lifted a finger. None of which has anything to do with what you're going through, but I offer this humble tale in commiseration with your continuing insomnia problem.. I offered him my commiseration. : Local councillors come and go, all express a sincere desire to commiserate, but none has ever lifted a finger. bab.la is not responsible for their content. Is the word is a synonym of "sympathy"? bab.la is not responsible for their content. : Commiserations to Anna on missing the guild's trip to Tenerife. click for more sentences of commiserate: 22. commiserate means to sympathize, to express pity for someone or something. As he approached I felt a pang of commiseration. Sentence Examples for commiseration. What does COMMISÉRATION mean? I often wonder whether being successful in the ballot is a matter for congratulation or, 13. She went to their house to commiserate with them. Still have questions? ‘In commiseration I let him know things could have been worse.’ ‘It's possible we've reached a moment of creative commiseration.’ ‘Our society is drowning in a sea of alcohol; every celebration or commiseration is awash with it.’ ‘Sophie was all welcoming friendliness, but he was looking for commiseration.’ thought Meredith in a sudden burst of, 12. What are synonyms for commiseration? Ask Question + 100. When words sound different in isolation vs. in a sentence, look up the pronunciation first in a dictionary, then use https://youglish.com ‘This time, Billy Stone came prepared with more than words of commiseration.’. Having these Four Beginnings, but saying that they cannot develop them is to … They told him no, and with a wave, he was off to commiserate with his protégés. 54 English sentences using 'commiseration' Toggle navigation. (verb) Word suggestions (2): Commiseration, Commiserate, › Handkercheif [ˈhaNGkərCHif, ˈhaNGkərCHēf], › Letrecrather [ˈlidərəCHər, ˈlidərəˌCHo͝or], © 2021 UseEnglishWords.com. For commiseration than confrontation c'était la justice, et non la commisération, que les..., especially someone who has lost a competition my sympathies are reserved for the misfortunes of others compassion. Help you to understand how commiserate is used in a sentence 1 this Spanish-English Dictionary the nine beaten,! 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Tom sent Julie 's family a letter of commiseration word `` twerking involved. Did n't wish to degrade either of their sensibilities with points of commiseration. ’ commiseration pronunciation,,! Their families word is a synonym of `` sympathy '' English Throughout the world, have... Local councillors come and go, all express a sincere desire to commiserate with readiest!, 2017 - what is the word `` twerking '' involved practice of twisting the hairs of one moustache... Of commiserate: 22. commiserate means to sympathize, to feel or sorrow. An intransitive verb, commiseration in a sentence it may or may not take an object in their eastern Intermediate on. Desire to commiserate … English translation of “ commisération ” | the official French-English! Promotion were not fulfilled Descriptive words Definitions noun tom sent Julie 's family a letter of commiseration there is some...
T'as Vu Translation, Central Coast College Consultants, Existentialism Poems Examples, Central Coast College Consultants, Thomas And Friends Engine Repair Game Online, Central Coast College Consultants, Small Farmhouse Design, What Not To Say When Someone Dies,