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bear in the big blue house wiki

Strong sense of smell His jokes hurt people's feelings, though, and he learns that it's better to just be himself around others. Bear in the Big Blue HouseBreakfast with Bear Background information Category:Bear in the Big Blue House Spoofs | The Parody Wiki | Fandom. The Big Blue House is often described as warm … Since Bear's friend Ursa has never seen the Big Blue House, he has decided to take some pictures of things around the Big Blue House and make an album to send to her. From 2004, the DVD releases were released by Walt Disney Home Entertainment. Sometimes in the morning, Bear talks to the sun, Ray, and he always talks to his good friend the moon, Luna, before going to bed at night. 300px. The front door, where Bear greets the viewers at the beginning of each episode, is also downstairs. Molly as Shadow 8. Paul Andrejco Brown mouse, pink nose, wear a yellow bow with small red dots. "Coming Soon to Home Video" bumper 3. Alignment So the Henson Company developed the camera-in-the-eye, so for those shots, I had a camera in the left eye, and a matching glint in the other one. Home A student at Mouse School. Emily as Ursa Portrayed by "This Is Your Life, Bear" - Bear wins a trip to Sequoia City and when his friends hear him say he needs a vacation, they sing him a song to show him how much they appreciate him. Bear in the Big Blue House. Register Start a Wiki. Bear oversees everyone at the Big Blue House, a sort of combination daycare / group-home. Having fun, dancing, singing, getting mail, sniffing, honey, his friends 777 Pages. In her nursery rhyme about subtraction, all 5 little Monkeys bump their heads off the bed where the doctor monkey warns his Monkey parents about not letting 5 little Monkeys jump their bed. Recently Changed Pages. Tutter's mousehole is in the kitchen. Upstairs is the bathroom and Bear's bedroom. Source His live appearances include MuppetFest, an event for the Center for Puppetry Arts, various baseball-related appearances, and The White House Easter Egg Roll. Bear in the Big Blue House: Live on StagePlayhouse Disney – Live on Stage! Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment distributed the VHS releases and the first set of DVD releases, up to 2003. He looks just like Pip and Pop, except that he has a wave of white hair. Recently Changed Pages . Games Movies TV Video. Bear has his very own swing where he sometimes sits and reads in the living room. Bear's Sense of Smell | Bear in the Big Blue House Wikia | Fandom. Daisy as Luna 7. Lily (Bear in the Big Blue House) Edit. "Need a Little Help Today" - When Bear comes down with a cold, his friends help him and recall all the help he's given them. 148,573 Pages. Kind, generous, fun-loving, curious, wise, friendly, caring, forgetful, laid-back (occassionally) Basically it was like if you put your right hand over your right eye, and make a tube with your left hand and put it over your left eye like half a binocular, that was the vision I had. Bear in the Big Blue House Wiki. File:AWagonofDifferentColor.png. Television programs ""Oh hi, Tutter." Bear is the full-bodied, ursine title character from Bear in the Big Blue House. Season 3; L'os i el Casa Azul (Episodi Llista) Català/Catalan; Baa Baa Black Sheep; Stormy Weather (Credits) Lonely Home (Transcript) Another Big Blue Housecall (Credits) Kath Soucie; International Credits. He also made an appearance in the "We Are Family" music video alongside Big Bird, Barney, and characters from Between the Lions. Character information The Big Blue House in Woodland Valley Episodes of Bear in the Big Blue House.Episode order and season numbering follows the original production order and grouping; and does not necessarily reflect the original airing sequence. 1 Welcome to the "Bear in the Big Blue House" and Friends Wiki 2 Video of the Day 3 Poll 4 About the Series 4.1 Show Structure and Content 5 Latest activity "Bear in the Big Blue House" and Friends wiki is a wiki that anyone can contribute to, as long as what is shared and discussed is related to the "Bear in the Big Blue House" series. Percy as Pop 6. Other Appearances. Noel MacNeal wore a monitor strapped to his chest to see what Bear was doing. and Grandma Flutter Goes Away 1.2 Babysitting Blotter / Bear talks about Babies, Baby, Baby and What Do You Think? - Bear has to search for his rhythm when he forgets how to do "The Bear Cha-Cha-Cha.". But then when I did appearances on other shows like Hollywood Squares or Donny & Marie, and I had to walk out, I couldn’t really count on cameramen knowing how to shoot a puppet. Coming sooner... 1 Transcript 1.1 Welcome to the Big Blue House, What's That Smell? Bear oversees everyone at the Big Blue House, a sort of combination daycare / group-home. I would have the monitor giving me the feed of what you see at home, and then I would have the monitor showing me my actual vision. Another favorite food of his is triple-berry pie. Shy. The kitchen and the living room are downstairs. When they explain why they did so, he clears up the misunderstanding. There was a microphone strapped to my chest, and the string from the left hand to the right hand. and Live with Regis and Kelly. While they are mostly anthropomorphic, behaving in many ways like humans, they are also generally aware that they are animals and often exhibit animal behaviors as well. Episode 111: A Wagon of a Different Color, Episode 121: A Plant Grows in Bear's House, Episode 122: Eat, Drink Juice and Be Merry, Episode 206: You Learn Something New Every Day. Located in Woodland Valley, it looks somewhat small from the outside, but large and roomy on the inside. The Parody Wiki. Ooh, Baby, Baby- Bear helps Tutter learn how to care for a baby granddaughter mouse named Blotter. "Buster and Chauncey's Silent Night" VHS preview 4. Bear in the Big Blue House is an American children's television series created by Mitchell Kriegman and produced by Jim Henson Television for Disney Channel's Playhouse Disney preschool television block. 1. Mouse Party- Bear and his animal friends set up a birthday party for Tutter. How he got the money to build his house was never explained in the show, but was often suggested that he stole it. Add new page. WARNING: Do NOT edit or otherwise alter: Edit YOUR cast list ONLY. Bear attended Hazelnut High and sometimes he looks at his old yearbook, located in the attic of the Big Blue House. Category:Bear in the Big Blue House characters | Disney Wiki | Fandom. Recently Changed Pages. It is a separate re-release of Volume 6 with slightly different artwork. In the meantime, Breakfast with Bear aired in its place. … Bear In The Big Blue House is a TV show that aired onBowser Channel and is about a Bear who, for some reason, has to live in his own blue house instead of a cave like all of the other bears. This is where you can add your knowledge of Bear in the Big Blue House! He once had a shy personality, but adopted a "cool" one to fit in. Episode order and season numbering follows the original production order and grouping; and does not necessarily reflect the original airing sequence. 4,130 Pages. Bear lives here and runs a sort of daycare/group-home. He's Pip and Pop's cousin. Bear greets television viewers, whom he often addresses directly by facing the camera, with an appraising sniff and the information that he likes the way they smell. Episodes of Bear in the Big Blue House. • "Afraid Not" • "I Gotta Be Me!" A change of his appearance in the fourth season (or occasionally seen) is pointy eyes rather than circular ones. Like Big Bird, Bear was operated by Noel operating the head with his right hand and a string attached from the right arm to the chest to the left hand. Park attractions Likes His friends unhappy, things going wrong Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Nothing to Fear- When Bear receives a package from "L.L. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Allies Home . One morning, Bear wakes up and goes outside to check the mail. Games Movies TV Video. Wiki Content. Quote Wiki Content. Occupation. Character information. 1.3 Bear and His Friends Trust Blotter 1.4 Look at You Now, Treelo! Alignment. Bear in the Big Blue House was a puppet TV series made by the Jim Henson Company for Playhouse Disney. Good. Residents of Woodland Valley, Tutter, Treelo, Ojo, Pip & Pop, Luna, Ray the Sun, Shadow, Ursa, Doc Hogg, Grandma Flutter Games Movies TV Video. Wiki Content. (See SP:CAST) 1. Bear does not have any children of his own but seems to have a way with the younger members of his circle. Powers and abilities Register Start a Wiki. "Bear's Secret Cave" - The kids discover Bear's secret cave that he once played in when he was a kid. • "Wait for Me" • "Morning Glory" • "That Healing Feeling" • "The Tutter Family Reunion" • "Bats are People Too" • "Words, Words, Words" • "Let's Get Interactive" • "The Yard Sale" • "The Best Thanksgiving Ever" • "Read My Book" • "Go to Sleep" • "A Berry Bear Christmas" Knowledge about Bear and His Friends in the Big Blue House [edit | edit source] This is where you can write your knowledge! Steve as Tutter Mailbox asDoc Hogg Mr. Salt as Ray the Sun Tickety Tock as Ojo Joe as Bear Green Puppy as Pop Mrs. Pepper as Shadow Toni Braxton as Luna Miranda as Ursa Bear in the Big Blue House/Blue's Clues Wikis. Allies. Wikis. Singing and Dancing With Bear and Friends was a VHS tape released in 2000 exclusively to members of the Bear in the Big Blue House fan club, featuring sing-along versions of several songs from the TV series. Designer Bear never seems to get angry and often seems laid-back, but he loves to get up and dance the cha-cha. Bear in the Big Blue House Wikia. Bear in the Big Blue House was initially produced from 1997 to 2006. Starting with Why Bears Can't Fly, standard pictures are replaced with humans. Add new page. Personality. Trivia. Appearance. The show aired episodes regularly until 2003, when the actress for the character Luna, Lynne Thigpen, had suddenly died, and the show was put on hiatus. Bear has been immortalized as a balloon appearing in at least three different parades and has been produced in plush form and other merchandise. Rosie as Ojo 1. Wiki Content. It was what I call Big Bird technology. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Recently Changed Pages. Two years after Thigpen's death, Tara Mooney, who played the character Shadow, in an interview with Ray D'Arcy on Today FM stated: \"The crew's hearts just weren't in it anymore\". The show debuted in 1997 and ended in 2006. In a Tough Pigs interview, Noel MacNeal spoke a bit about the monitor: "There was a monitor. He was voted "Most Likely to Cha-Cha-Cha.". A Wagon of a Different Color is an episode of Bear in the Big Blue House. Tutter has his mousehole in the house, while most of the other young characters only spend the day here. Bear's favorite food, like most bears, is honey. Bear in the Big Blue House LIVE! "What's that smell? In one episode during the first season, Bear kneeled down to talk to Tutter, and at this point, Noel MacNeal realized that it broke the illusion, so afterward whenever he had to get down, Bear would get on all fours, with Jim Kroupa performing the right hand. Woodland Valley. Dislikes Lily Background information. Tall orange-brown and yellow bear, beady eyes According to Noel MacNeal, it was very comfortable and easy to move around in. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. To help his friends and have fun Good The Big Blue House is where most of the main action of the series Bear in the Big Blue House takes place. He also has an advanced vocabulary and is ready and willing to teach it to others. As he searches for good opportunities, he finds that the kids of the Big Blue House are curious about his camera. Thomas as Pip 5. Welcome to the Blue House, hello from the small mouse. "The Swan Princess 3: And the Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure" VHS pre… 46,304 Pages. Add a photo to this gallery A vast majority of the bridging scenes taken from earlier episodes have lines redubbed to accommodate the video's structure. Television programs. Oliver as Treelo 3. Goal • "Buggin'" • "Love is All You Need" • "It's a Mystery to Me" • "As Different as Day and Night" • "Grandparents Just Want to Have Fun" • "The Way I Feel Today" • "You Go, Ojo!" "I For-Got Rhythm!?" Characters from the series Bear in the Big Blue House. Appearance Bear in the Big Blue House Wikia. The Cat's Playhouse; Best of the Muppet Show: Volume 1 (Debut Appearance, 2002 VHS) Best of the Muppet Show: Volume 2 (2002 VHS) Best of the Muppet Show: Volume 3; Best of the Muppet Show: Volume 4; Rocky Mountain Holiday; Jay Jay the Jet Plane: Good Friends Forever ; Jay Jay the Jet Plane: Something Special in Everyone; Jay Jay the Jet … Of daycare/group-home dance the cha-cha TriStar Home Video logo ( 1993-2001 ) 2 last episode on 28. He learns that it 's better to just be himself around others meantime, with! Slightly different artwork produced from 1997 to 2006 Seuss VHS promo ( including Volume 1 and Volume 2 ).. Received a skunk clock rather than circular ones to build his House never. Somewhat similar in style to Fred Rogers and a well-ranged singing voice those shows I would two! Bear attended Hazelnut High and sometimes he looks just like Pip and,. Coming Soon to Home Video releases of Bear in the Big Blue Spoofs! 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