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38 special wadcutter loads

Load with 38 S&W data. Over the years I’ve had a love affair with this round, particularly when shot from a semi-auto. It is an accurate gun but the consensus among my brain trust is that it’s not as accurate as other semi-autos chambered in .38 Special. A.38 Special wadcutter (second from left) compared to hollow point, semiwadcutter and full metal jacket bullets. There’s just no room for it! I have settled on the 125gr XTP over 5.0 gr of Titegroup. My bullet choice is Zero’s 148 gr WCHB. Lastly, the micrometer on the Seating Die takes the guessing out of this process. The lead serves as a buffer to prevent damage to the threads. Meet 8 Year Old Kaiya Mack with a Voice and a Mission to Raise $10,000 to Help Kids in Need! I experimented with BE and others such as 231 but discovered that Accurate #5 (distributed by Western Powders) is ideally suited for semi-autos. That is enough to load an additional 83 cartridges if you’re using 3.0 grains of Hodgdon Titegroup with a 150-grain lead wadcutter. Every cop on the beat carried one, and this was reflected in the competitive shooting world. This load, taken from the Speer Reloading Manual Number 13, uses Speer cases and CCI 500 primers. The second option breaks down the reloading process into two steps. Reloading safe ammunition always requires vigilance and attention to detail, never more so than when reloading small powder charges in relatively large cases. (To loosen it you’ll need to give the ring a tap to free up the lock ring). Rifle Hollowpoint 41 Caliber 45 Rifle 40 Cal/10 mm 475 Caliber 512 Caliber cast bullets, casting, cowboy action shooting, 500 S&W, mold, mould, semiwadcutter, keith, round nose, wadcutter Gil Hebard, the iconic shooter of yesteryear, suggested loading the bullet flush with the case mouth with a .370″ crimp. Instead of locknuts, which are utilized by Dillon to secure the dies on the toolhead, Redding uses lock rings. The 158-grain Lead Semi-Wadcutter Hollow Point (LSWCHP) +P round was likely the leading .38 Special loading for police forces across the U.S. from the 1980s through the 1990s, until the revolver was replaced by the semi-automatic pistol as the standard police duty handgun. I guess Speer is serious about discontinuing this bullet, which is a shame. ( Log Out /  The lock rings are cinched down with Allen head screws which makes them easy to adjust. Sadly the 15th edition of the manual has no data for this combination. Shooting the Model 52 is a different experience than firing a 1911 — some shooters may not care for the trigger action. Rather than a crisp, clean break it has a slight, perceptible smooth movement immediately before the trigger breaks away from the sear. I also acquired their Taper Crimp Series A die specifically for the wadcutter application. It seems counter-intuitive that a bullet with a flat face could be so accurate but they certainly were. Over the years, I shot a lot of .38 Special. It makes an easy shooting round that is very accurate to 50 yards, and cuts clean holes in paper. Of course quality brass and bullets are necessary for this equation. Not only is this less precise, it may mean scraping your knuckles on the tool head or rounding the lock nut—neither of which is desirable). Expansion is generally desirable in defensive ammunition, but in the case of these expanding,.38 Special loads, it may also lead to shallow penetration. A wadcutter round loaded with 4.0 gr of #5 cycles perfectly and is oh so precise. While slower-moving target loads for the .38 Special and .45 ACP are not on the minds of many in this fast-paced world, we should all take a timeout, slow down a little and enjoy what wadcutters offer today’s shooters. Hodgdon’s Clays, International, Universal and HP38 are good choices. Load it using wadcutter specs, and seat the bullet flush, like a wadcutter. There’s another advantage to the Redding design. I used to shoot my S&W model 14 full lug 38 special in a winter indoor league 5+ years ago. Even light .38 Special loads, including target wadcutters, are painful. It makes an easy shooting round that is very accurate to 50 yards, and cuts clean holes in paper. Is … I reached an interesting number the other day. If you use just one tool head on the 550 you’re not going to be able to include this wonderful die. 3.25, 3.5 grains). The bullet cuts a crisp perforation on the paper, kind of like those hole punchers that we used in grammar school. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Heads Up! The Way You Are Sleeping May Be Killing You, On Target Interview: Rob Ski--Founder AK Operators Union Local 47-74--Part 1. Even better, is get some 38 S&W brass. He implores us to use the “same make” rather than unsorted range brass. ( Log Out /  These gallery loads are almost silent when fired from my Marlin 1894 lever-action. The Model 52 was a completely different design than a 1911 but like the 38’s built from conversions, it was engineered to only fire .38 Special wadcutter bullets. You can add Redding’s taper crimp die, which I recommend. Opinion. Powder Bul Weight C.O.L. Lots of it was for plinking, some for cottontails, a bunch for snakes and turtles on the river and loads of it for rats at the local dump. In 1974, the SAAMI established standards for today's .38 Special +P loads, which replaced the .38 High Speed and are suitable for use in most medium frame revolvers, including the Colt Diamondback and S&W "K" frame models of that time. Speer 14, says in a S&W Model 14 with a 6″ barrel, their 148 grain LHBWC seated flush in a Speer case, with a CCI 500 primer, gives 690fps with 2.7 grains of Accurate #2 (improved) and with a maximum velocity of 789fps using 2.9 grains. #50? This will allow the proper amount of powder to drop accurately in the case without expanding the flare that you’ve already established. They are fun to shoot, have minimal recoil and offer great accuracy. (38 S&W) 9mm/380 Misc. The Redding dies differ slightly in function from the Dillon set up so you’ll end up re-orienting your die setup. For example adjusting the seating depth on the Dillon die means using a wrench to loosen and then tighten the nut. Thank you for your patience and understanding. John’s most-used bullets for.38 Special Trail Loads are the Speer 158-gr. And no wonder. Hawaii Reporter. I tested a couple of home cast bullets over different amounts of Bullseye ( 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.0. It'll look funky, but it will shoot. Note that Redding’s Seating Die (which also serves as a crimping die) provides a roll crimp which will work for a wadcutter but is not ideal for this particular task. Redding’s Seating Die comes with two micrometers–one that will accommodate a conventional, rounded projectile and the other with a flat surface for a wadcutter. It is the user’s responsibility to follow safe handloading guidelines to develop safe ammunition. Although the recoil is slightly more pronounced it’s still very, very mild compared to a .45, thus re-engaging your target is not problematic. I’ve even tried .38 Short Colt ammunition. I did some chronograph testing with wadcutters from six different ammo makers and took the average velocity of 10 shots fired from a 2-inch barreled revolver. Just wanted to share my favorite .38 special load after experimenting with many weights and styles of bullets, and various charges of Titegroup. (Sort of like some of my past relationships). I use Starline 38 Special, which is the choice of many competitors. I shoot in an informal PPC league and just switched to revolver. I realized that I had hit a very special count for a very special cartridge: 20,000 rounds of.38 Special. Here’s a few devices to improve…, How thieves can use your card AFTER you’ve cancelled it, HPD Email Bomb Attack dissected by Attila Seress of Cylanda, Meet 8 Year Old Kaiya Mack with a Voice and a…, When the Media Embraces a Talent-Less Know-Nothing Has-Been. LSWCHP, the Lyman #358477, Lyman/Keith #358429 and a 167-gr. Wadcutter loads for the .38 Special and the .32 Smith & Wesson Long—which was also a popular cartridge used in the heyday of centerfire cartridge bullseye competition—were known as “Mid-Range” loads and were so marked on the box. Re: 38 Special Loads by ric1911a1 on 3/29/2016, 9:18 am Zero 158 grain swaged SWC, Starline brass, Winchester or Federal primer, 2.8 grains of Bullseye, roll crimp. Designed with a protruding rim for use with a revolver, it was not intended for a semi-automatic pistol like the 1911. Perhaps the best known example of a Type I wadcutter is the Lyman 358063, introduced in 1963 in response to demand from bullseye shooters competing with custom made 1911s chambered in .38 Special and .38 AMP, the S&W Model 52 (introduced in 1961), and the Colt 1911 National Match .38 Special Gold Cup Mid-Range. The Mid-Range was not a conventional Colt 1911. The two-stage system allows me to incorporate Redding’s (case) Expander Die. And Vihtavouri’s N320 and N321 fall in this range for burning times. Minimal taper-crimp, case-mouth was expanded but case was not sized from factory. With the Redding set you get a dedicated die to do the same job. Entertainment. However, if not perfectly maintained and precisely hand loaded, they are finicky. The. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out /  Shooting .38 Special Wadcutters is a favorite of American Handgunner Editor Roy Huntington. With either the one or two-stage technique you can make use of Redding’s Taper Die which I much prefer over the roll crimp. News. The UN-MEDIA. Mr. Clark built the .38 specials by converting Colt’s 38 Super model. This feature enables the hand loader to make fast, accurate, and repeatable changes in bullet seating depth, with no guesswork. Some of the more popular models were crafted by the iconic gunsmith, Jim Clark of Shreveport, LA. […]. 2 lead alloy was used to cast wadcutter bullets in an NEI 150-358-WC mould for.38 Special and.357 Magnum loads. Calipers say the bullet is 0.3585″ in diameter, 0.633″ long, has a light waxy “dusting”. Revolvers chambered in .38 were widely used in matches and even semi-autos were built to shoot the .38 Special wadcutter. The most popular propellant for Bullseye shooters (both for .38 and .45) has traditionally been Bullseye powder. It is like the Home Shopping Channel…but with Local Girls! ~ handloadingnotebook The “38 caliber” 0.357″ to 0.359″ wadcutter is most common wadcutter, at least in the CONUS. Jacketed hollow points, I was wanting to shoot hollow base wadcutters, mainly for the reduced recoil. This configuration will consist (going clockwise) of the Expander Die, the Dillon powder drop, the Seating Die and the Tapered Crimp Die. What would be the most accurate load up to 25 yards. Once the proper flare is established, the powder is dropped from the Dillon powder system. Consistency may be the hobgoblin of little minds, to paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, but if you’re shooting for accuracy, you need to be boringly thorough when making ammo. Please be prepared for possible delivery delays.. We strive to ship your order within 2 business days but have been seeing delivery delays in some areas that we can not control. Because they are so easy to control in a small gun, out-penetrate hollow points, and have a more “crushing” wound channel than a round-nose bullet some folks even use them for self defense in very small guns. The top of its barrel did not have locking lugs to engage in the slide and the toggle beneath the barrel did not pull the rear of the barrel down. Molds were Lee 148 DEWC microgroove, H&G 148 grain solid base button nose wadcutter (. powder coated, gas-check HP. They are pretty weak, too, so … […], […] Loading the venerable .38 Special wadcutter – It seems counter-intuitive that a bullet with a flat face could be so accurate but they. The .45 ACP headspaces on the mouth of the case. No responsibility for the use or safety in use of this data is assumed or implied. (38Spl,357) - 38 Cal. Colt M1911 Gold Cup National Match .38 Special Mid-Range, Child Abandonment and HIV/AIDS in Northern Thailand (Part One), Something Congress Can Do To Actually Help Our County, Introducing Jim Mielke, Public Health Doc, Travel Writer and Bon Vivant–Part 1, 6 Books from Moorea and Tahiti – More Mistakes Faster, A Tribute to Tahiti’s Alex du Prel (1944-2017), Biting the Dust in Cambodia (Part Three) | Traveling Road Show, Biting the Dust in Cambodia (Part Two) | Traveling Road Show, 808 Viral Still Going Strong – Hawaii News Desk. The winning combination of a 38 Special case is why. A database of .38 Special handloads. Some guys are shooting 125 gr. You use this data at your own risk. Most.38 Special slugs just don’t have the requisite energy to overcome the drag generated by the expanding projectile, so you get a larger diameter bullet that doesn’t go as deep. Hebard called it “soft” and explained in the Pistol Shooter’s Treasury that it could be very desirable, if the shooter happens to like it. When it comes to brass, none other than Jim Clark stated (in Hebard’s The Pistol Shooter’s Treasury) that case consistency is of utmost importance. The first step is to resize and add primers to your cases. Though the wadcutter is not extremely rare, it is still a relatively specialized bullet type … In addition to the Clark conversions (and those of other gunsmiths such as John Giles) Smith and Wesson produced the Model 52 (photo at top of page) a production target gun made specifically for Bullseye competition. […], […] Loading the venerable .38 Special wadcutter – 45 ACP cartridge case. 38 Special bullets for sale. You will be, essentially, making 38 Short Colt. Zero makes consistently high-quality products at a very reasonable price. Launched in 1961, it was based on the earlier Model 39, which was developed for the US Army. In factory ammo, target wadcutters cost at least 2X what 158 gr. Otherwise the force of the shell holder repeatedly impacting the die may cause the carbide ring to crack. 148 hbwc. […], […] Loading the venerable .38 Special wadcutter – 38 Special Over the years I’ve had a love affair with this round, particularly when shot from a semi-auto. The 1911 was specifically engineered around the .45 ACP, which features a case rim that does not protrude, allowing for smooth stacking and feed from a box magazine. (Of course you can always use these dies with other Dillon presses such as the XL650.). April 18, 2018 By Lane Pearce Snubnose revolvers continue to be popular for self-defense. Matts Bullets : 38 Cal. The first method is to swap out the Dillon sizing and seating dies with Redding Carbide sizing die and the Seating Die. Most major ammo manufacturers produce some kind of 148 grain.38 special wadcutter load but they can have pretty drastically different velocities from one brand to the next. Loading the venerable .38 Special wadcutter, More Taxes on the Rich – But Guess What, You’re Rich, What the world’s largest eyewear company’s data breach means for Hawaii…, Homebound in the Covid-19 era? This article discusses a relatively uncommon bullet type: the wadcutter. Trying out some .38 Special loads using different seating depths to see how it effects the uniformity of the load. When you reach the seating die you’ll also turn it up a full rotation so that it won’t crimp the case. It will then fit in your 38 Special gun. You’ll need to move the funnel up half a turn so that it makes firm enough contact with the case. Relatively hard Lyman No. It is a +P rated at 1,069fps(7.7"bbl) and 18,700 CUP. […], […] Loading the venerable .38 Special wadcutter – 45 ACP cartridge case. The Dillon dies work fine but the Redding dies allow for a more precise set up. You can then seat the bullet accurately with the micrometer. The downside is that it’s brittle. ), so it may be a while until I shoot these. (Precise alignment is especially important with new brass or it may crumple when seating the bullet). The winning combination of a 38 Special case is why. It may be a tiny bit more time consuming but I prefer the two stage method outlined above. This means a very stable place, a bearing surface, to align the bullet before it’s seated. IMR Red is similar in burn rate to Red Dot. Bullets cast by your own hand are even cheaper. The die creates a smooth entry radius to accommodate the bullets which is essentially a tiny shelf to seat the bullet. Even when wadcutter bullets are seated flush with the case mouth, there is ample room in .38 Special … The other popular .38 semiauto of the era was the Colt M1911 Gold Cup National Match .38 Special Mid-Range, which also began production in 1961. Min Charge Max Charge Optimal Charge Bullet Make Bullet Type There’s no question the Model 52 is extremely accurate and I agree with Hebard, it’s a challenge to shoot. […] Loading the venerable .38 Special wadcutter – The .38 Special cartridge case is much longer than a .45 ACP cartridge case. The Premium dies offer a smooth, consistent reloading experience. Heads Up! Minimal taper-crimp, case-mouth was expanded but case was not sized from factory. Once the ring is tightened down you hand screw the die on the tool head and you’re quite secure. When using a carbide sizing die, you’ll need to set the height of the die so that there is some clearance between the shell holder and the die. Their Premium Die Set includes a Titanium Carbide Sizing/Decapping Die, an Expander Die and a Seating Die. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. .38 Special +P loads have a MAP limit of 20,000 psi. But I am loading for recreational target-shooting out of a large 10″ single-shot T/C Contender pistol. To quote the legendary marksman, Gil Hebard, “it is a two-stage affair with about 1/4 inch take-up before the sear is engaged”. 38 CAL Hard Cast Lead Reloading Bullets. (With this method you wont’ use the Redding expander die.). There was a time, in a galaxy far away, when revolvers chambered in .38 Special were among the most common handguns in the world. Designed with a protruding rim for use. Plenty of components for making good.38 Special ammunition for snubnose revolvers are available, but the handloader needs to be mindful of certain concerns when assembling the ammo. That leaves you with two Redding dies in the Dillon toolhead. Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new posts by email. lead RN ammo costs - a waste of good $$, IMO. (38Spl,357) 500 S&W Cowboy Action Wadcutters 32 Caliber 44 Caliber 45 Handgun 38 Cal. The Redding Seating Die doubles as a crimping die so you can remove the Dillon crimp die (if you already own a Dillon die set). We have a good selection of 38 Special Bullets and 357 Magnum Bullets. Bullets in bulk for sale with Priority Free Shipping. The chief attributes of carbide is that it’s harder, smoother, and more abrasion-resistant than steel. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The author is not responsible for mishaps of any kind, which might occur from the use of this data in developing your handloads. There are two ways to load the wadcutters using the Premium set. bullets are about the cheapest factory-made .38 Special loads around here. Produced mostly in the 1960’s and 1970’s semi autos designed to shoot .38 wadcutters were quite the rage with Bullseye shooters. (This necessitates using an extra Dillon toolhead). The theory is that this makes the Mid-Range more accurate. In the .38 Special factory-type soft-swaged 148-grain hollow based wadcutter bullets can be flush-seated with as little as 2 grains of Alliant Bullseye and provide acceptable ballistic uniformity with good accuracy for indoor shooting at 25 to 50 feet. This was shot in both .38 Special and .357 Magnum guns. Load it in 38 Special dies. Improved Red Dot is cleaner burning. The “38 caliber” 0.357″ to 0.359″ wadcutter is most common wadcutter, at least in the CONUS. ( Log Out /  The micrometers are adjustable for bullet seating depth, each with increments equaling .001” which equates to .050” per revolution. If you don’t use the special die, you can use the seating die to perform the same function but it’s going to give you a roll crimp. What’s not to like? Loading with Dillon Precision and Redding Reloading Equipment, The Dillon 550 series combined with Redding’s Premium die sets are a potent combination. Designed with a protruding rim for use with a revolver, it was not intended for a semi-automatic pistol like the 1911. Red Dot powder has been a good choice for low-velocity handgun loads for decades. Four .38 Specials pose for comparison; (l.-r.) jacketed hollow point, lead round nose, lead semi-wadcutter and full wadcutter. There are other reasons why semi-autos chambered in .38 are fussy. ), and a commercial swagged ( Delta?) Change ), some folks even use them for self defense, 230 Grain Speer Gold Dot Hollow Point Short Barrel 45 ACP. After your cases are prepared, swap out the toolhead with the sizing die and replace it with your second toolhead. The Redding Expander Die is an animal that doesn’t exist in the Dillon universe. 9mm Luger (Parabellum) Load Data; 357 Sig Load Data; 38 Special Load Data; 357 Magnum Load Data; 357 Remington Maximum Load Data; 40 S&W Load Data; 10mm Auto Load Data; 41 Remington Magnum Load Data; 44 Special Load Data; 44 Remington Magnum Handgun Load Data; 45 Auto (ACP) Load Data; 45 Colt (Single Action Army & Replicas) Load Data It’s easier and more precise to operate than the Dillon powder drop funnel. A good full power load for .38 Special +P revolvers uses the 140 grain Speer bullet in front of 7.0 grains of HS6 powder for a MV of 960 fps from a 6" revolver barrel. Load with a very moderate flare and finish with a taper crimp. With Dillon you achieve the same objective, flaring the case mouth, with the powder funnel. AA #5 is slightly snappier than BE, but in a nuanced way. The .38 Special cartridge case is much longer than a .45 ACP cartridge case. Despite his bias he said it was the “finest example” of a soft trigger that he’d ever seen. (If you don’t want to buy the entire Premium die set you can pick up the Taper Crimp die separately and swap it out with your Dillon Crimp die). That still works. That means adding only the Redding sizing die to the toolhead. Winchester 231 is between Bullseye and Unique for the.38 special (see my personal load above). CCI/Blazer aluminum case loads w/ 158gr. Sadly the Contender decided to break during dry-fire (even with a snap cap! Redding has refined this system by utilizing a tiny piece of soft lead between the front end of the retaining/tightening screw and the threads of the (steel) die body. I’m not a hoarder and I don’t keep them, but I am detailed in my process. Instead the pistol has a blow-back action, which means the barrel could be kept in alignment throughout the cycling of the action. 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