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wistar rat vs sprague dawley

… some of the key aspects will be plant biotechnology and plant-pathogen interactions. The inclusions occur in the olfactory, respiratory epithelium and mucous glands. Recent studies indicate new and improved therapies. FIGURE 2.7a Vaso vasorum in adventitia of a mesenteric artery blood vessel in the rat. ×100. The cells are distinct from the bordering myocardial cells, but may extend into muscle bundles. I have treated sample OD Value, Solvent control OD value and controlled OD value. ×200. The aggregates may represent resolved inflammatory foci and may represent a focal deficit in the pulmonary clearance mechanisms. I need some clarification about what is difference and specification of Wistar Albino, Sprague Dawley and Long Evans in the general as well as neurobiology aspects. . 2.36b). In addition to the incisor and molar area, the buccal mucosa as well as the hard palate and tongue should also be considered as possible sites of occurrence of Fordyce’s granules in rats. I thought it was chapter 15 which discusses different strains of rats and their physiological and behavioural differences. Dental dysplasia visible in the rat oral cavity. ×100. The most common site in the rat molar gingiva is probably adjacent to the first molar. Arteritis (polyarteritis, periarteritis, panarteritis nodosa) (Fig. Squamous cyst filled with keratin near limiting ridge in the rat stomach. i will go through it.. HI, hugh hugh differences. ×100. Researchers have noticed inflammatory lesions in the lungs of rats used in research in recent years. Apparent dilatation of alveoli can also occur due to excessive instillation of fixative into the lung at necropsy (Renne et al 2003). Multifocal aggregates of alveolar macrophages (Fig. ×100. Wistar and Sprague‐Dawley (SD) rats are most commonly used experimental rats. 2.26) may be visible in aging rats. in brief; sprague d's are nice and easy to handle, good to use in experiments re pain, hormons, behavioral aspects, not to be used in stroke or ischemia. Vascular ectasia (also known as angiectasia, vascular sinus dilatation, peliosis, telangiectasis) is the dilatation of vascular channels within the medullary sinuses (Frith et al 2000b). 2.10), particularly the mandibular lymph node, are observed frequently in the lymph nodes of both young and old rats. Mineralization may occasionally be seen in the walls of the blood vessels of the spleen as well as in the capsule of aging rats (, Ectopic thymus is a common finding adjacent to the thyroid. Hemosiderin pigment is occasionally observed in the bone marrow and may be associated with previous hemorrhage (Frith et al 2000b). 2.24). ×100. The etiology of this finding is unknown. 2.27) (also known as alveolar histiocytosis) within alveoli and terminal airways are observed in both young and old rats. ×100. Only experience person can recognize the two different strains with in a fraction of second. The current study was designed to compare the metabolic capabilities of the 2 strains in vitro to enable an assessment of their likely metabolic profiles in vivo.. … These inclusions are negative for periodic acid–Schiff (PAS), Alcian Blue, Von Kossa, mucicarmine, phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin (PTAH), Masson’s trichrome, Congo Red, and toluidine blue stains (Monticello et al 1990). FIGURE 2.32 Eosinophilic inclusion wthin a Clara cell in a bronchiole of rat lung. ×10. FIGURE 2.20 Thymic atrophy or involution in the rat thymus. ×100. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the endocardium may be seen in conjunction with the myxomatous valvular changes. Pancreatic, mesenteric and spermatic arteries are more commonly affected. Its calm temperament and easy handling are welcome features to both scientists and animal lab technicians. In rats, this is accomplished through inbreeding. Occasionally, small foci of neuroendocrine cells in the lung (Fig. ×200. FIGURE 2.16 Perl’s-positive hemosiderin pigment present in the red pulp of a rat spleen. ×200. Cystic degeneration (Fig. Thymic cysts are often lined by squamous cells or ciliated epithelium. Atherosclerosis is a rare background lesion consisting of focal areas of foam cells within the tunica intima or tunica media (, Pigmented macrophages in the sinuses (Fig. FIGURE 2.14 Capsular cyst in rat spleen. Ordinary  two-way ANOVA is based on normal data. ×100. However looking at our current budget we realize we won't be able to afford the common $2000 processing fees charged by most open access journals (all our targeting journals :<). I hope I have answered your question and it may help you in your research work. Eosinophilic inclusions (also known as globules and droplets) are observed commonly in aging rats in the nasal epithelium (Renne et al 2003). Wistar rat is another hybrid albino strain. FIGURE 2.10 Mast cells in the sinuses of a mandibular lymph node. Age-related vascular medial cartilage and mineralization may be encountered in the blood vessels of aging rats (Fig. β–cell maturation and glucose responsiveness should lead to effective strategies for developing fully mature in vitro derived β–cells for replacement therapy for diabetes”. Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats kept at room temperature do have a higher growth rate and food conversion compared to Wistar rats. The lesions consist of perivascular lymphocytes, inflammatory cells and alveolar macrophages in the lung alveoli and the presence of epithelial hyperplasia. Proliferation of neuroendocrine cells in bronchiole of rat lung. Small areas of alveolar hemorrhage (Fig. Average and Range Weights Male and Female Wistar and Sprague Dawley Rats from 3 to 12 Weeks held at ARC (updated yearly) Average and Range of Weights (g) of Commonly Used Strains of Mice* ×200. ×100. 2.14). Germinal centres and lymphoid follicles can occasionally be present in the bone marrow of normal rats (Frith et al 2000b). Hyperinflation (Renne et al 2003) or pulmonary acinar ectasia consists of areas of alveolar dilatation and may be observed in the subpleural region in aged rats (Renne et al 2003) (Fig. 2.4) (Johnson & Gad 2007). Studies on Schwann cell biology usually employ primary culture as an experimental model that is established by isolating Schwann cells from rodent nerves. Foci of mineralized concretions or corpora amylacea (Fig. Thymic cysts (. Tatto pigment in a rat popliteal lymph node. ×100. The OFT scores varied depending on the day and the age. This article states that Wistar, Long-Evans, and Sprague-Dawley are outbred stocks. 2.9) of various different lymph nodes (also known as sinus dilatation, lymphangiectasia, cystic ectasia, lymphatic sinus ectasia, lymphangiectasis, lymphatic cysts) is observed as a background lesion in rat lymph nodes. 2.44), often containing keratin, are common in the stomach, particularly in the region of the limiting ridge and antral mucosa. Yes sir I got all answers. Two strains of rats, Sprague-Dawley and Wistar, were assayed in order to determine which strain is the more suitable experimental model for the study of pharmacokinetic alterations induced by spinal cord injury. ×100. This lesion is common and generally occurs due to the presence of hemorrhage in the organs draining into the lymph nodes. A strain, according to Webster's, is a group of individuals which share a presumed common ancestry and have clear-cut physiological but not usually morphological distinctions (e.g. ×200. Cartilaginous foci at the base of the aorta are common in both young and old Sprague–Dawley rats (Fig. ×100. FIGURE 2.6 Medial hypertrophy in heart artery. However, underlying mechanisms that contribute to these differences are unclear. Ovarian enzyme activity of the 24-mo old rat was significantly less than that of the prepubertal animal. Wistar are because of their vasculature good for stroke and ischemic models. Cartilaginous foci at the base of the aorta are common in both young and old Sprague–Dawley rats (Fig. Dilatation of submucosal glands of the larynx or trachea may also occur as a background lesion in rats (Renne et al 2009) (Fig. 2.1) in aging rats (spontaneous cardiomyopathy) is a common lesion of older rats. Foci of minimal, generally mononuclear cell inflammation may be noted below the pleura in the rat lung (Fig. 2.41). FIGURE 2.4 Cartilage at base of aorta in a rat. The Hsd:Sprague Dawley ® SD rat has a wide array of historical research use including in the field of cardiology. The sinuses are dilated with lymph and occasional lymphocytes or macrophages and erythrocytes or proteinaceous fluid can be observed within the lumen (Stefanski et al 1990). Mineralization of Payer’s patches or other lymph nodes is occasionally observed and is likely to be secondary to tissue damage (Frith et al 2000b) (. For example sprague and albino don't have not a very good visual acuity compared to long evans; sprague have a nice ability to habituate to water deprivation schedules and are not stressed by + maze task... Also be careful, the three strains don't have the same the same strcture locations within the CNS so if you have to do some neurosurgery, you will have to check the coordinates with pilot groups. "Assembled Figure" is the final figure X that you create before uploading on the journal page (it could be a collage of images (i.e. Macrophages with brown pigment in the mesenteric lymph node. Foci of mineralized concretions or corpora amylacea (Fig. The lesion consists of focal or multifocal mineralization situated beneath the intima or within the muscular walls of the arteries. Hepatocytes of Wistar and Sprague Dawley rats differ significantly in their central metabolism Some macrophages contain brown pigment which may be hemosiderin (Renne et al 2003) or lipofuscin (Fig. ×200. ×100. 2.7b). FIGURE 2.13 Mineralization of Peyer’s patches in the small intestine of the rat. Adipose tissue infiltration in the heart is characterized by the presence of subepicardial adipose cells and is often observed in older, obese animals (Ruben 2000). The Sprague-Dawley rat is a hybrid albino strain with a long narrow head. Plasmacytosis of mandibular lymph node (Fig. Ectopic parathyroid tissue can occasionally be encountered adjacent to the thymus (Frith et al 2000b). ×100. ×100. Fischer 344 rats, especially the female sex, exposed to chronic daily irritation by gavage, are predisposed to high mortality rates on chronic studies due to the high incidence of cartilage degeneration, which presumably leads to a dysfunction of the larynx (Germann et al 1998). Arteritis (polyarteritis, periarteritis, panarteritis nodosa) (Fig. Recently spontaneous short-tailed rats appeared in a random-breeding colony of the Long-Evans stock. We originally targeted plant biotech J and frontier in plant science and etc., but all charged pretty steep. How do I calculate cell viability in MTT assay? Alveolar histiocyte or macrophage aggregates in the rat lung. Body weight, absolute fat, fifth and … Cystic dilatation of the lymph nodes may be so prominent that it is noted at necropsy. In this study, we compared metabolic profiles of Wistar and SD rat hepatocytes from middle (6 months) and old (23 months) age groups. How to differentiate wistar albino rats from Sprague Dawley rats? This should be distinguished from severe apoptosis where the cortex contains numerous apoptotic bodies. Minimal extramedullary hemopoiesis in a rat spleen. ×400. My question is based on the fact that PowerPoint, Photoshop and Illustrator have been routinely used to generate scientific figures as final PDF files, either single Images or for the final Assembled Figure for a paper, so I'd like to hear about experiences, and point of view regarding which one is best for good quality scientific figures publication, as well as advice, and why. The major difference between Wistar rats and SD rats are as follows. Intimal and/or medial sclerosis with mineralization of the elastic fibres occurs in the aorta (Ruben 2000). Squamous cysts (Fig. The vaso vasorum of the mesenteric arteries of the rat can occasionally be confused with a treatment-related finding (Fig. Ultrastructurally, Fordyce’s granules consist primarily of typical lipid-filled sebaceous cells. A common background lesion in the rat lung is mineralization of pulmonary arteries (Fig. Thymic cysts (Fig. FIGURE 2.39 Mineralization of mucus within a bronchiole in the rat lung. Thymic atrophy (Fig. They have the tail which has a blunt end instead of being pointed. The aggregates are often subpleural or located in the more peripheral regions of the lung (Boorman & Eustis 1990). Osteopetrosis of the nasal turbinates may present as a spontaneous lesion (Renne et al 2003). At that time, the behavior of each naive rat was observed for two 3-minute periods separated by an interval of 24 h (Day). 2.18) or epithelial remnants are observed as a background change in the rat thymus. The inclusions are thought to be proteinaceous and the lesion may also be induced by irritant compounds (Renne et al 2003) (Fig. ×100. ×100. There were no major differences in survival between housing regimens in Wistar rats, whereas group housed Sprague Dawley rats exhibited slightly higher survival than individually housed. These lesions may mask or confuse research findings, particularly in inhalation studies. In Holtzman and Long–Evans rats, as well as in Wistar rats, Fordyce’s granules are found in the molar gingiva. The Wistar rat is currently one of the most popular rats used for laboratory research. A Fisher LSD post-hoc test showed the differences … 2.28), inflammatory cells and alveolar epithelial hyperplasia are often noted in conjunction with the macrophage aggregates. Almost all laboratory and domestic pet rats belong to a single species, the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus). Medial hypertrophy of the blood vessels is rare and tends to occur in pulmonary arteries. ×200. The mesenteric, mediastinal and paralumbar lymph nodes are often affected (Frith et al 2000b). In addition, the lesion is characterized by focal areas of hemorrhage, hemosiderin pigmentation, hyalinization, thrombi formation, inflammatory and mast cells and polypoid projections (Ruben, 2000). Endocardial myxomatous change occurs in older rats and is recognized by focal or diffuse thickening in the subendocardium due to the presence of myxomatous tissue (Ruben 2000). Wistar rats. Arterial thrombosis (not caused by arteritis) occurs occasionally in the lung, kidney, liver and adrenal (Ruben 2000). ×200. Differences between the commonly used rat strains provided by different breeders (i.e., CD (SD) vs. Harlan Sprague-Dawley … These lesions may mask or confuse research findings, particularly in inhalation studies. Severe apoptosis is often observed when animals are placed under severe stress or treated with immunosuppressive drugs (Stefanski et al 1990). Kindly indicate a software to draw scientific diagrams. 2.25) are often present in the rat lung and represent an agonal event, particularly in rats killed with carbon dioxide or those that die spontaneously (Renne et al 2003). In 1991, 8 colonies were selected to form the IGS Foundation Colony. 2.22). Occasionally pleural tags (Fig. The lesions consist of perivascular lymphocytes, inflammatory cells and alveolar macrophages in the lung alveoli and the presence of epithelial hyperplasia. ×200. ×200. A pulp stone is a focal area of dentine in the pulp cavity which is often mineralized. ×100. ×200. Concerning this point however, I really cant answer you. Cyst lined by ciliated epithelium in the non-glandular stomach of the rat. Mineralization may occasionally be seen in the walls of the blood vessels of the spleen as well as in the capsule of aging rats (Frith et al 2000b). Hair shaft emboli or skin fragment emboli are seen in the lungs of animals on intravenous injection studies. Dental dysplasia (Fig. Is there a non-parametric equivalent of a two way ANOVA? The crystals may be associated with areas of alveolar hemorrhage (Fig. Generally the subcapsular and medullary sinuses are dilated. Also, tutorials or suggested literature are welcomed. Senescent atrophy is often nearly ubiquitous in carcinogenicity studies. Lipofuscin pigment may also be present in the red pulp of older rats (. FIGURE 2.26 Proliferation of neuroendocrine cells in bronchiole of rat lung. PMID: 8987177 [Indexed for MEDLINE] 2.29) or carbon from the atmosphere. Ultrastructurally, the inclusions appear to be amorphorous, flocculent material in membrane-bound vacuoles (Renne et al 2009). Mast cells in lymph nodes (Fig. Eosinophilic inclusions may occur in association with the loss of sensory cells (Renne et al 2009). These foreign bodies generally induce a granulomatous reaction consisting of multinucleated giant cells and other inflammatory cells (Renne et al 2003) (. of Neoplasms in Wistar Han and Sprague-Dawley Rats Klaus Weber1 Abstract A substantial quantity of data on Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Hannover Wistar rats strains have been published concerning their source, diet, and housing conditions, as well as the incidences of nonneoplastic lesions and neoplasms observed in different laboratories. Rat strains refer to laboratory rats that have been bred in isolation for generations. Mineralized hair, food particles or debris are often present in the ventral pouch of the rat larynx, particularly in older rats and squamous metaplasia may be recorded in the respiratory epithelium overlaying the ventral gland as a spontaneous lesion in male Wistar rats on inhalation studies (Renne et al 2003). ×100. Eaton JK et al isolated hepatocytes from Han/Wistar rats to characterize the pharmacokinetic properties of GPX4 inhibitors . Dilated submucosal glands in the larynx of the rat. Can an expert clear … FIGURE 2.42 Dental dysplasia visible in the rat oral cavity. What is the difference between wistar albino rats, sprague dawley … VILI was compared in two week old pups after 8 hours of protective or injurious ventilation. FIGURE 2.29 Brown pigmented alveolar macrophages in the rat lung. 2.16) is observed as a background lesion in rats. Figure 6. ×100. By contrast, outbred populations are used when identical genotypesare unnecessary or a population with genetic variation is required, and these rats are usually referred to as stocks rather than … Arterial thrombosis (not caused by arteritis) occurs occasionally in the lung, kidney, liver and adrenal (Ruben 2000). P rats were double-housed until growing to 325–350 g, and from this weight all animals were single-housed, in filter-ventilated cages (Thoren Caging System, Inc., Hazleton, PA) at 22 ± 1.5° C and 42 ± 8% humidity … Especially neuro-biologists and neuro-pharmacologists are requested to indicate how they prepare diagrams like pathological aspects of Alzheimer's disease. It is found most frequently in the subintimal myocardium of the left ventricular wall and is more common in male rats (MacKenzie & Alison 1990). In addition, accumulations of Russell bodies may also be observed in a lymph node with plasmacytosis (Fig. Sprague Dawley rats. ×200. What software can I use to draw scientific diagrams like neurons, cell membranes and mitochondria? ×400. To Charles River in 1950 from Sprague Dawley, Inc. what is best among these stains for experiments to investigate" "toxic effects of Copper oxide nanoparticles on the testes and level of testosterone in male rats.""?? Glandular cysts (Fig. In addition, tattoo pigment which has drained to the peripheral lymph nodes may occasionally be observed in rat lymph nodes (Fig. Moderate amounts of intracellular pigment (generally lipofuscin) are often noted in the medullary area. 2.42) is a congenital lesion generally involving the incisor teeth and it may be related to malocclusion or food impaction (. Increased hemosiderin (Fig. 2.29) is found occasionally in Wistar rats, but is more common in Fischer rats (MacKenzie & Alison 1990). Brown pigmented alveolar macrophages in the rat lung. The open field test (OFT) was carried out on Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats between the ages of 3 to 20 weeks. Taconic Sprague Dawley rats are often used in studying metabolism . Medial degeneration is common in the coronary arteries of rats and the affected vessels display enlarged, irregularly arranged and sparse nuclei present in a PAS-positive matrix (Ruben 2000). Pulmonary acinar ectasia in the rat lung. ×200. ×200. and diabetes. These foreign bodies generally induce a granulomatous reaction consisting of multinucleated giant cells and other inflammatory cells (Renne et al 2003) (Fig. CD® (Sprague Dawley) IGS Rat Details. In addition, ossification of the cartilage in the larynx is also occasionally noted in ageing rats (Fig. The inclusions are thought to be proteinaceous and the lesion may also be induced by irritant compounds (. The lesion consists of fibrinoid degeneration of the media with inflammatory cell infiltration progressing to fibrosis, vascular dilatation, occlusion and aneurysm (Mackenzie & Alison 1990). Wistar Rats - Long ears, tail length shorter than body length and wider head. Minimal apoptosis of the rat thymic cortex. ×200. Log In or, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Almost all laboratory and domestic pet rats belong to a single species, the Norway rat (, Cardiomyopathy (Fig. Coat Color Loci: Tyr c. Color: Albino. The cause is either congenital or traumatic injury (Stefanski et al 1990). ×100. ×100. Generally this pigment is ceroid or lipofuscin material (. Cystic degeneration (Fig. Large eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions are occasionally seen in untreated rat (Kambara et al 2009). In rodent models of avoidance, the inbred Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat demonstrates increased learning and expression of avoidance compared to the outbred Sprague Dawley (SD) rat. Perivascular eosinophilic infiltration (Fig. The lesion is not associated with metastatic calcification. FIGURE 2.17 Tatto pigment in a rat popliteal lymph node. IHC, IF, confocal imaging etc), graphs (e.g. 2.23) are observed commonly in nasal epithelia lining the nasal turbinates (Monticello et al 1990). Generally this pigment is ceroid or lipofuscin material (Stefanski et al 1990). The Inbred strain article says inbred strains consist of individuals who are 98% genetically identical, created through 20 generations of brother-sister breeding, and the Wistar, Sprague-Dawley, and Long-Evans rats are listed as inbred strains. FIGURE 2.3 Endocardial mesenchymal proliferation in the rat heart. Ectopic thymus is often associated with the thyroid glands due to the fact that parathyroid glands arise from the same pharyngeal pouches as the thymus (Stefanski et al 1990). Thymus hemorrhage and eosinophlilic crystals. The cause is either congenital or traumatic injury (Stefanski et al 1990). The rats were refreshed with NIH Genetic Resource stock in 1998. FIGURE 2.24 Mural mineralization of an artery in the rat lung. FIGURE 2.28 Cholesterol clefts in the rat lung. Edraw max is not working in this regard. ×400. ×100. FIGURE 2.18 Thymic cysts lined by squamous epithelium. The rat spleen normally has a minimal level of extramedullary hematopoiesis; however, it is very difficult to distinguish between normal and excessive levels of extramedullary hematopoiesis. Atrial (left) and ventricular thrombosis are occasionally associated with cardiomyopathy in aging rats. ×100. Pulp stones often form around cellular debris (Bertram et al 1996). In addition, the lesion is characterized by focal areas of hemorrhage, hemosiderin pigmentation, hyalinization, thrombi formation, inflammatory and mast cells and polypoid projections (, Vascular lesions in the blood vessels of Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats include medial degeneration and medial hypertrophy. Adult male P rats (59 th-60 th generation, n=10, Indiana U., IN) weighed 200 g, and Wistar (n=8) and Sprague Dawley (SD, n=14) rats (both from Harlan, IN) weighed 325-350 g upon arrival. These may be made up of epithelial tubules or nests in the medullary region of the thymus in older rats. Pups were ventilated with tidal volumes (V T) of ~7 mL/kg and positive end-expiratory pressures (PEEP) of 6 cmH 2 O (V T 7 PEEP6) or with V T of ~21 mL/kg and PEEP 2 cmH 2 … As the atrophy progresses, the epithelial components of the thymus become more prominent and often form tubular structures (Stefanski et al 1990). In case of poly herbal formulated tablet how to convert the human dose to animal dose for preclinical research? ×200. Best graphics program for making scientific illustrations for journal articles? The rat spleen normally has a minimal level of extramedullary hematopoiesis; however, it is very difficult to distinguish between normal and excessive levels of extramedullary hematopoiesis. The etiology and significance of the lesion are unknown, but the lesion is particularly common in mandibular lymph nodes, particularly in conjunction with oral cavity lesions. Could anyone comment which are the best graphic designing programs (2D and 3D) used by high impact journals to make colorful scientific illustrations/figures for research articles? I suggest you to read the book Animal Personalities edited by Claudio Carere and Dario Maestripieri. Vascular mineralization in arteries and veins in various organs such as the lung, is occasionally observed as a background lesion in rats. In order to provide historical and reference data for the research community, several of these articles are outlined below. Generally it presents with nodules of splenic tissue present within the mesenteric adipose tissue. I am not sure you will fiond aritcles evidencing differences in the level of neurochemicals in the CNS... Sprague-Dawley rat is a hybrid albino strain with long narrow heads. Located in the lung ( Fig it has a blunt end instead being... In older rats ( Fig first rat strain developed to serve as a model animal this chapter give! Atrophy ) is found occasionally in Wistar rats are as follows rats Rendered by. With age minimal, generally mononuclear cell inflammation may be so prominent that it is characterized initially necrotic... In addition, accumulations of Russell bodies may also be present in the larynx and in. Tubules or nests in the glandular stomach ( wistar rat vs sprague dawley et al 1990 ) are preparing submit. Common with extramedullary hematopoiesis, it is characterized by its wide head, ears... 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