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sea of thieves events 2020

3. Find out how our grand pirate adventure performs on Xbox Series X and S! The Equipment items will become available for purchase from Outposts after the Event is over. Support für das Zurücksetzen der Einstellungen zur Barrierefreiheit. 9. Januar 2021 die erste Season von "Sea of Thieves" starten. The Outpost Shipwright will sell 6 vibrant Flares for anyone. 2020-08-19: Time-limited Summer of Sea of Thieves and Hunters of the Deep Events; Minor improvements to Skeleton Fleet World Event; General bugfixes; 2020-08-05: Minor Bugfixes to Ashen Winds Commendations; 2020-07-29: 2.0.17: Ashen Winds. These Equipment items will be available as rewards for completing 12 Deeds of Giving Event Challenges. Crews will discover classic Voyages making a timely comeback alongside special holiday-themed Events in this update packed with rewards and tied with a shiny ribbon. Setzt verzauberte Ausrüstung ein, um Tresorschlüssel zu finden, und begebt euch dann in den Schatztresor, um reiche Beute zu machen. In Sea of Thieves bricht eine besonders dunkle Nacht herein und schaurige Kürbisse tauchen an den ungewöhnlichsten Orten auf. Regular free updates come to Sea of Thieves each month, adding characters, content, mechanics and rewards. Auch im Piraten-MMO Sea of Thieves kommt schon sehr bald etwas Halloween-Atmosphäre auf. Es ist die plündervollste Zeit des Jahres: Macht beim Fest der Gaben mit und erlebt die Rückkehr der beliebten Güldenen Seefahrten und Schwarzpulver-Verstecke, während ihr euch bei neuen Events wie den 12 großzügigen Taten oder Grogmanay fantastische saisonale Belohnungen schnappt! Summer is here and the beautiful beaches of Sea of Thieves are calling! The following are all the new Titles made available: The Main Menu screen of the Content Update. Major Content Updates introduce a larger variety of changes to the game and are often based around new Lore focused events. Larinna is bringing back Gilded Voyages in the Black Market. For you pirates stuck at port with nowhere to go, your perfect getaway is just a controller or keyboard away! The items are a variant of the Ashen Dragon Set Cosmetics. Und wieder bricht die düstere Jahreszeit herein und mit ihr kehren die Schicksalsschatten zurück, um in „Schicksal der Verdammten“ Chaos zu verbreiten! Every day, Players get an extra 5000  for the first 5 Treasure items sold by other Crews. A seasonal ship set themed around ice and snow. In December, the developer revealed that the swashbuckling multiplayer game … Visit the Events Hub to find Daily Bounties and earn in-game currency each time you play, or take part in regular and timed events that boost your rewards or unlock special cosmetics. Sea of Thieves on the Next Generation of Consoles . Find Out More. This year’s Fate Of The Damned event will send you on voyages to discover what happened to some missing Bilge Rat crews. The 2020 Festival of Giving was preceded by the October-November 2020 Fate of the Damned Content Update. Diese schwer bewaffneten Phantomarmadas stellen eine riesige Herausforderung da, ob ihr nun zufällig auf sie stoßt oder vom Seelenorden den Auftrag bekommen habt, sie zu jagen …, Es ist Zeit für neue Prüfungen auf hoher See – und damit auch für tägliche Kopfgelder und wöchentliche Events, die euch regelmäßig wiederkehrende Möglichkeiten bieten, Reichtum und Ruhm zu erlangen! Xbox One – Der Store … Meet a pirate who enjoys the finer things while away from the seas – like campervans! Summer of Sea of Thieves (August 19 to September 30th) Summer of Sea of Thieves is a special summer event with a large collection of challenges to attempt which will reward you with Titles, Doubloons, cosmetics and gold. 3. 2021 looks like a promising new voyage for Sea of Thieves players, but make sure you don’t miss out at the end of 2020—the Festival of Giving and Gilded Voyages returns on December 9. These challenges will reward players with an Order of Souls Bucket, Frostbite Cannon and Paradise Garden Cannon Flare when completed. Oktober 2020 12:11 . Jede Season wird etwa drei Monate lang sein und umfangreiche neue Inhalte sowie verschiedene Aktualisierungen der Spielwelt liefern. Plus: a tease for next week's Festival of Giving update. December 9th sees The Festival of Giving, Gilded Voyages, Events and Free rewards. November 2020 13:29. Welcome to the Events Hub, where you’ll find all the latest on Sea of Thieves challenges and live events! Find Out More. Sea of Thieves - About the GameSea of Thieves offers the essential pirate experience, from sailing and fighting to exploring and looting – everything you need to live the pirate life and become a legend in your own right. Achtung, die neuen aschgrauen Skelette sind immun gegen Feuer …. When the season calls for generosity and merriment, these emotes are sure to provide both! Begebt euch auf Seefahrten und Herausforderungen, nutzt die Schicksalsflammen, um diese Plage zu vertreiben, und erhaltet Belohnungen. How to Claim Twitch Drops. Sea of Thieves: Grogmanay Event Guide. Und werdet ihr lebend damit entkommen? 28th July 2020. 2020's final episode of Sea of Thieves News is here, and we're setting our spyglass on 2021 with a change to our update schedule and the introduction of new goals and rewards in Seasons! December 30, 2020 December 30, 2020 Amir Abdollahi Leave a comment. Events may refer to the following Articles: Content Updates - Thematic Updates to the game, which have time-limited elements that could be described as Events Encounters - The Article listing all World Events that take place in-game, such as Skeleton Forts and Skeleton Fleets or Megalodon or Kraken attacks. Players will be able to unlock new Gold Hoarders Set Equipment items for completing the Plundered Presents Challenges during the Content Update. Wöchentliche Stream-Zusammenfassung – Februar 2020. Read More. Pirates should be wary of these foes who can bring forth flame and blinding ash clouds… but their skulls are valuable as loot and as fire-spitting weapons! The following Cannon Flares are made available with the Content Update: A varied range of new Cosmetic Items were added as rewards for completing the various seasonal Events. For more information on the ‘Summer of Sea of Thieves’ event, including the full roster of challenges, please visit the Events Hub on the Sea of Thieves website.The event is available for free to all Sea of Thieves players who have bought the game on Xbox One, on Windows 10 PC or via Steam, or players who have access to it with Xbox Game Pass. EVENTS HUB. All Rights Reserved. The core components of a snowy ship are a great way to celebrate the festive season. Könnt ihr abkassieren, bevor der Deckel hochgeht, oder äschert ihr damit lieber eure Feinde ein? Eine letzte Zahl noch: Vom 3. Und wieder bricht die düstere Jahreszeit herein und mit ihr kehren die Schicksalsschatten zurück, um in „Schicksal der Verdammten“ Chaos zu verbreiten! 4. Festival of Giving is the name of the December 2020 Monthly Content Update, released on December 9th, 2020. Content Updates in Sea of Thieves come with time-limited events and Cosmetics, often introducing new game mechanics into the game.The Content Updates can be grouped into several types. The Equipment items will become available for purchase from Outposts after the Event is over. Replacement Ferryman Set codes. The Summer of Sea of Thieves is the game's newest big in-game event. Players can unlock the following Cosmetics for completing challenges during Grogmanay, available in early January 2021: The 2020 Festival of Giving update also introduces Frozen Horizon Set Clothing and Vanity Items via Twitch Drops, which are received by watching partnered Streamers on Twitch for at least 30 minutes at set dates. Stellt euch fiesen Fallen und dem Gesindel der Dunkelheit, wenn ihr die Tresore der Vorderältesten plündert! The Bilge Rat Adventures and Mercenary Voyages are smaller, semi-regular events … Ihr könnt auch eine Güldene Seefahrt annehmen, damit ihr weiterhin reichlich Reibach macht!… 14. To ring in the New Year while earning several new cosmetics, you’ll want to partake in the Grogmanay celebration! Summer of Sea of Thieves Time-Limited Event. 28th October 2020 / 5:00PM. The Promotional image for the month's Pirate Emporium. Creator Spotlight - kayPOWXD. It’s time to put on your scariest pirating gear, because the Sea Of Thieves Halloween update is here. September 2020 14:37. Piratencodex und Verhaltenskodex der Community von Sea of Thieves. Aus den Aschgrauen Winden erhebt sich ein Vierergespann aschgrauer Lords für neue Begegnungen auf der Sea of Thieves. Die Schnitterknochen sind aufgetaucht und trachten nach Trophäen, die anderen Botschaftern entrissen wurden …, Stürzt euch in ein neues Seemannsgarn, das Flamehearts Ränke mit dem Schicksal der begrabenen Crew der Pendragon vereint! How to complete the *New* Fate of the Damned event in the Sea of Thieves | HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2020: 2020-10-27 *New* Sea of Thieves Fate of the Damned Teaser Translated and Explained | HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2020: 2020-09-28: the war continues: 2020-09-28: So a war has started: 2020-09-27: SMP Day 1: 2020-09-25: The Most Wholesome Pirate on the Sea of Thieves// Sea of Thieves Arena: … Freeze your opponents with fear as you head into battle armed with this arctic arsenal! August 19, 2020 August 19, 2020 Amir Abdollahi Leave a comment. ©2021 Microsoft Corporation. Real Money Purchasing. A Plentiful Stash of Powder and Arms Voyage, An Ancient Stash of Powder and Arms Voyage, A Legendary Stash of Powder and Arms Voyage, November 2020 13:15. Ein neues Video geht etwas genauer auf das Seasons-System ein. Enjoy Free Updates. You’ll also see details of any unique, time-limited events offering their own rewards. September 2020 09:14. 12. The Content Update brings back Gilded Voyages and Festival of Giving Set Items, and introduces new Seasonal Events, Bilge Rat Voyages, Cosmetic Sets, as well as a new Ship Customisation options: Cannon Flares. September 2020 15:09. Findet versteckte Legenden der Sea of Thieves, während euch die mysteriöse Umbra zu zahlreichen Erinnerungsstücken von Piraten von weit hinter dem Schleier schickt. Es wird auch monatliche Live-Events geben, die in ihrem Umfang denjenigen ähneln sollen, die wir schon im Laufe des Jahres 2020 … Plundered Presents is a time-limited Christmas themed Event in Sea of Thieves.The Event begins on December 9th, 2020 and lasts until December 30th. Was werdet ihr finden? Ashen Winds summons a fearsome foursome of Ashen Lords for new emergent encounters on the Sea of Thieves. Equipping these from the Ship Customisation Chest will alter the effects of your Cannons muzzle flash when shooting them. Previously in 2020: Sea of Thieves Round-Up: October 2020 Sea of Thieves Round-Up: September 2020 Sea of Thieves Round-Up: August 2020 Sea of Thieves Round-Up: July 2020 Sea of Thieves Round-Up: June 2020 Sea of Thieves Round-Up: May 2020 Sea of Thieves Round-Up: April 2020 Sea of Thieves Round … These Goals Reward players with new Gold Hoarders Set Equipment Items that become available for purchase at Outpost … 3. This month’s smaller update offers events, improvements and Emporium treasures! Juni bis zum 20. The halls (taverns) are decked, the chestnuts (Splashtails) are roasting on an open fire, and baby it’s cold outside: time for the Festival of Giving to return to the Sea of Thieves! Get two Bonechiller Costumes with a unique emote to spread festive fear across the seas. Gold & Glory (September 18th - September 21st) Gold & Glory is an event during which gold and reputation are doubled. Gold & Glory is a special Event where Reputation and Gold rewards earned in Adventure mode are doubled for a limited time period in Sea of Thieves 1 Event History 1.1 Gold & Glory Weekend (Winter 2020) 1.2 Gold & Glory Weekend (Fall 2020) 1.3 Ghoul & Glory Weekend (Fall 2020) 1.4 Gold … All of these Cosmetics will be available for purchase from Outpost Shops after the Content Update. September 2020 14:11 . 11. It's a … September 2020 14:37. Übersetzung des Sprachchat. Die gruseligste Zeit des Jahres ist auf den Weltmeeren angebrochen und das feiern wir mit dem monatlichen kostenlosen Update Fate of Flames, das Du ab dem 28.September auf Xbox One, Windows 10 PC, Steam und im Xbox Game Pass spielst. Larinna has prepared another brand new challenge for all the festive pirates across the Sea of Thieves. Piraten sollten sich vor diesen Feinden in Acht nehmen, da sie Flammen und blendende Aschewolken im Gepäck haben … doch ihre Schädel sind wertvolle Beute sowie Feuer spuckende Waffen zugleich! September 2020 12:55. The Content Update brings back Gilded Voyages and Festival of Giving Set Items, and introduces new Seasonal Events, Bilge Rat Voyages, Cosmetic Sets, as well as a new Ship Customisation options: Cannon Flares. Unterstützung fürs Spielen mit nur einem Analogstick, für die automatisch zentrierte Kamera und für automatisches Treiben im Wasser. It officially starts today, August 20, and will run through September 30. Sea of Thieves: Grogmanay Event Guide December 30, 2020 Amir Abdollahi Sea of Thieves Larinna has prepared another brand new challenge for all the festive pirates across the Sea of Thieves. September 2020 14:33. The Reward items will become available for purchase from Outposts after the Event is over. Alle Neuigkeiten zu Sea of Thieves. These vary from small daily challenges to regular weekly specials, all of which reward your success with gold or Doubloon bonuses. The 12 Deeds of Giving Event will introduce 12 new daily challenges that reward Players with Eastern Winds Jade Set Equipment Cosmetics and the Master of Festivities Title upon completion. These are high-reward versions of Trading Company Voyages and only one can be claimed by every pirate during the Content Update: Larinna is also offering pirates three new Bilge Rat Voyages for free, along with one for Pirate Legends for a cost of 50 doubloons, taking Player Crews to each Region to find dangerous Treasure: The Shipwright Shop is now offering a new type of Ship Customisation option: Cannon Flares. The Grogmanay Event will be introduced in January, tasking Players with Explosive challenges. Pirate Legends can buy a Legendary Flare from Legendary Liz in the Athena’s Fortune Hideout. Other themed Flares can also be purchased from the Pirate Emporium, or unlocked through Events. Eerie shadow skeletons will be standing in your way on these adventures, however – it is the spooky season, after all. Sea of Thieves' August Update . Plundered Presents provides Player Pirates with Goals that focus on other Crews selling Treasure that belongs to your Crew. Excludes Collector's variants. Sea of Thieves Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Sea of Thieves Round-Up: Oct. 2020 By Leigh Loveday on 08 Nov 2020 Here we are again, just emerging from the time of year guaranteed to get writers rolling out tried-and-tested terms like 'spooky', 'creepy', 'eerie' and 'catastrophically bum-troubling'. Unterdes können sich Fans des Seemannsgarns über neue Checkpoints freuen, um die Abenteuer nun im selbstgewählten Tempo zu erleben …, Werdet zum Botschafter und segelt unter dem Banner einer Handelskompanie eurer Wahl, jagt Beförderungen und Belohnungen nach und bekämpft eine neue Bedrohung. Sea of Thieves Season One begins on January 28th, Rare has announced. Events - Events hosted outside the game on the Sea of Thieves Website The Plundered Presents Event will reward Players with new Gold Hoarders Set Equipment Items for having other Crews steal/take and sell your own Treasure. This page was last edited on 7 January 2021, at 12:55. Flameheart führt eine Flotte Unheil bringender Geisterschiffe aus dem Meer der Verdammten an! Enjoy the rest of the year, and fingers crossed for fewer massive world-altering events in 2021! Vier weitere Wochen, vier weitere Streams mit Entwicklern von Sea of Thieves und unseren Gästen hier erfahrt ihr alles, was ihr wissen müsst Redeeming Purchases through the correct platforms Store. Begebt euch auf Seefahrten und Herausforderungen, nutzt die Schicksalsflammen, um diese Plage zu vertreiben, und … Juli 2020 hat Sea of Thieves sich über 1 Million mal verkauft - und zwar alleine bei Steam. Counting Bundles, players will have to put aside a total of ‬7642 Ancient Coins to purchase everything new added to the Emporium. Festival of Giving is the name of the December 2020 Monthly Content Update, released on December 9th, 2020. PresseNutzungsbedingungenPrivatsphäre und CookiesVerhaltenskodexHandelsmarken. Sea of Thieves hasn’t had a lot of limited-time events where a specific task must be completed. In der Zwischenzeit treffen Piratenlegenden in Thieves’ Haven bei einer besonderen Athenes Fahrt aufeinander, die dem Kampf das Verlangen nach neuen Schätzen entgegensetzt …, Holt euch eine neue Truhe der Wut von der Festung der Molten Sands oder durch eine Kopfgeld-Seefahrt! Geht etwas genauer auf das Seasons-System ein januar 2021 die erste Season von `` Sea of Thieves kommt sehr... Um reiche Beute zu machen, Rare has announced major Content updates introduce a variety. Weit hinter dem Schleier schickt 2020 Fate of the December 2020 Monthly Content,. 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