fully reclining large seat unit with a 5 point harness. Make sure the cover will work with your seat's harness at all settings. Among the manufactures are furniture, hosiery and knit goods, agricultural implements, foundry and machine-shop products, saddlery and harness, &c. The total value of all factory products in r905 was $15,276,129. It dropped a rope with a grab harness on the end of it. Greenhouses harness the sun's rays to heat the interior air. Each float rider should wear a float harness, especially if throwing candy or trinkets to parade watchers. ), where for the first time fortune turned decisively against in June 1543. 6 Tom threaded the rope through the safety, 24 The karabiner must be correctly attached to the, 27 Since man is able to tap such resources as oil and metals,(www.Sentencedict.com) why can't he develop and, 28 When it returns to shore, the life-jacket will deflate and revert to a, 29 It shows this air crew just as he baled out of the aircraft less his parachute, 30 As soon as his life raft boomed into the sea, Delaney pulled the quick release tag and dropped from his, 3 Since man is able to tap such resources as oil and metals, why can't he develop and. Find out the facts about ginger so you can harness its many health benefits. Go into harness again, gird on your sword, run after adventures, and leave as in old times a little of your fat on the roadside. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. If you have an incontinent pooch, the diaper harness for dogs may be the ticket to being able to keep your pet indoors. Sentence with the word harness. Need to translate "A HARNESS" from english and use correctly in a sentence? It is imperative that man finds ways to harness sustainable, clean sources of power like solar power and wind produced energy. and cigarettes, saddlery and harness, patent medicines and compounds, cotton goods, furniture, confectionery, carriage and wagon materials, wooden packing boxes, woollen goods, pottery and terra cotta ware, structural iron-work, and turned and carved wood. Paarl is a thriving agricultural and viticultural centre, among its industries being the manufacture of wine and brandy, wagon and carriage building and harness making. A harness is a set of leather straps and metal links fastened round a horse's head or body so that the horse can have a carriage, cart, or plough fastened to it. He learned to harness bioelectricity from eels. . To highlight the connectedness of all things and harness the relaxing energies of the cosmos, some people prefer cosmic group meditation. Currently, she is developing her cage harness suit for new Aerial and swinging trapeze. They went into what they called the harness-room, and James began carefully to clean his gun. He put Ed in the stall and took the harness off before turning to Carmen. In affected vehicles, the wiring harness could become damaged when the front seat was moved back and forth. 2. Disk 9 real harness was tested on the alignment jig. As coal and other natural resources continue to deplete, scientists and researchers have found ways to harness renewable sources of energy to provide electricity to people all over the world. How To Use Harness In a Sentence – Harness sentence in English is simple to make. The cockpit layout is purpose built and fitted with a five point racing harness. Wind turbines harness wind energy for use in farming and electricity generation. She fumbled with the straps on her harness and pushed the releases. They went into what they called the harness-room, and James began carefully to clean his gun. Check the meaning of harness. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In the age of digital communication, any person should learn and understand multiple languages for better communication. A first-class arsenal, which can renew the materiel and equipment of a large army, embraces a gun factory, carriage factory, laboratory and small-arms ammunition factory, small-arms factory, harness, saddlery and tent factories, and a powder factory; in addition it must possess great store-houses. Yes, one must harness, it is time to harness. definitions. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Harness but also gives extensive definition in English language. After sitting a while, she suddenly hears someone coming... a sleigh drives up with harness bells; she hears him coming! Again he harnesses himself and tries it; ay, the thing cuts grass. This page has a vast collection of Harness example sentences. Among other manufactures were gypsum wall-plaster, saddlery and harness, malt liquors and tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. The inmates of the state school for boys receive instruction in farming, carpentry, tailoring, laundry work, and various other trades and occupations; and the girls in the state industrial school are trained in housework, laundering, dressmaking, &c. Paupers are cared for chiefly by the towns and cities, those wholly dependent being placed in almshouses and those only partially dependent receiving aid at their homes. I want to retire now, I don't want to die in harness. My grandfather was very hard working and brave and he died in harness. safety harness in a sentence: Miss KC Slinger hopped in her whip and made sure to buckle her safety… Pierre got up and, having told them to harness and overtake him, went on foot through the town. The others agreed readily to this sensible suggestion, and at once the boy began to harness Jim to the buggy. It can be used to security mark any quantity of leather tack or harness. He will then need a convertible car seat with a three point harness that will be both forwards and rear facing. Their horses (or rather, ponies) were small, with shaggy long hair, not strong enough to carry men, but very speedy when driven in harness. harness something to control and use the force or strength of something to produce power or to achieve something Discover . Browse more . Harnesses: Many small dog owners prefer using a pet harness because it does not tug on the dog's neck. rationalize>just rationalizing that my OE harness will do fine for now. Renewable energy systems harness energy from nature and convert it into energy that can heat and power your home. In the Iron Age there was less uniformity in the burial customs. The third attachment point takes a single diagonal fixed belt or inertia reel extension but not a harness with straps over both shoulders. STABLE, a building in which horses are kept, including the stall in which they stand, furnished with manger and rack, the room in which the harness is kept and attended to, the loft in which the hay and corn are stored, and other accessory rooms, &c. (See Horse.) The sweet spot, it turned out, was in harnessing the technology they had created to help other doctors run their practices. The Internet has revolutionized communication, now harness this power for your job hunting. Take steps two at a time to harness body weight for strength training. harness definition is - the equipment other than a yoke of a draft animal. Most Volvo 's do not already have a wiring harness in the fender for turn signal repeaters. The best dog harnesses … If your dog travels on the seat they should wear a safety harness which fixes to the car seat belts. The example sentences play a good role in this regard. The tightrope walker was fitted with a harness to stop him from plummeting to his death if he slipped. . This pattern fits most major brands of infant car seats and accommodates a five-point harness. harness something to control and use the force or strength of something to produce power or to achieve something As a manufacturing centre Clinton has considerable importance; among its manufactures are furniture, blinds, wire-cloth, papier-mache goods, gas-engines, farm wagons, harness and saddlery, door locks, pressed brick, flour, and glucose products. The plants make plastic moldings and copper cable for wiring harnesses. The unbruised oats develop a spirit and courage in either a saddle or harness horse that no other food can. You'd be anchored on a line tied to a top bollard, secured in a harness. Other manufactures of the natives include vehicles of various kinds, harnesses, indigo, coco-nut oil, soap, salt and lime. 21. 2. I 'm just rationalizing that my OE harness will do fine for now. Another word for harnessed. Harness example sentences In the first place, our Squeezer is a thoroughbred animal, the son of Harness and Chisels while there's no getting at the pedigree of your dog at all. Among the city's manufactures are cotton-seed oil, fertilizers, chemicals, iron, carriages and wagons and harness (especially horse collars). (figurative) In some areas, the poor feel harnessed to their jobs. Passengers should be aware that Shoot-the-Rapids will use an over-the-shoulder harness restraint that may not be able to accommodate passengers with broad shoulders or exceptional girth. A good leather bra harness is an important part of a woman's bondage get-up. harness something to harness a horse harness something to something We harnessed two ponies to the cart. What does die in harness … Again he harnesses himself and tries it; ay, the thing cuts grass. harness definition is - the equipment other than a yoke of a draft animal. Harness horse definition is - a horse for racing or working in harness. harness the power of ' the market ' to tackle real issues of social concern. 1. He put the harness together again and hitched Jim to the buggy. photovoltaic cells to harness solar power will also feature. Other industrial establishments of importance include petroleum refineries, ship-yards, brick, stone and lime works, saddlery and harness factories, lithographing establishments, patent medicine works, chemical works, and copper smelters and refineries. Here are many translated example sentences containing "A HARNESS" - english-czech … gift. The child is then restrained by the seat 's own harness, which has the advantage of being specifically designed for a child. Helps reduce rolling motion over rough terrain and conceals the shoulder harness straps which can otherwise irritate a baby 's ears. . A component harness hierarchy can consist of several component harness types, several component harness instances of the same type or a mix of both as we have seen. She hesitated, recalling how bruised her shoulders already were from the harness in the helo. … Harness used in sentence example & words in English. Cool mesh back, padded hip belt and padded shoulder harness with adjustable load positioning straps for good fit. Harnesses. He also was involved in grooming, training and racing harness horses. For clothing she had on a harness, leg socks and sandals. You clip a lot of gear to your harness too. racing harness in a sentence - Use "racing harness" in a sentence 1. to. ‘Back in harness after spells together at Newcastle and with England, the pair aim to inject more steel into a side that is beginning to earn the reputation of having a soft underbelly.’ ‘In the Premier Division Kendal Town striker David Foster was back in harness for his old club Kirkby Lonsdale and his goal brought them a point in a 1-1 draw with CCM Dynamos.’ There was no safety harness in the machine and the operator was not aware of any safety risk. Synonyms of the month. The leading manufactures of the city are flour and grist mill products (valued at $4,242,491 in 1905), lumber and timber products - Nashville is one of the greatest hard wood markets in the United States, and in 1905 the value of lumber and timber products was $1,119,162 and of planing-mill products, $1,299,066 - construction and repair of steam railway cars ($1,724,007 in 1905), tobacco ($1,311,019111 1905), fertilizers ($846,511 in 1905), men's clothing ($720,227 in 1905), saddlery, harness, soap and candles. They do not offer the full harness protection that car seats offer. The standard leather harness bra consists of a collar attached to straps that circle the breasts and attach to more straps circling the rib cage. very-4.5%. inertia reel belt or fixed harness with two shoulder straps. She made coffee and some oatmeal, and then went to harness her team. The principal industries are the manufacture of small arms (by the Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Co., makers of the Colt revolver and the Gatling gun), typewriters (Royal and Underwood), automobiles, bicycles, cyclometers, carriages and wagons, belting, cigars, harness, machinists' tools and instruments of precision, coil-piping, church organs, horse-shoe nails, electric equipment, machine screws, drop forgings, hydrants and valves, and engines and boilers. Consideration should be given to traveling rear-facing when a wheelchair user cannot use a safety belt or harness for some reason. A fire station in Hayes, west London, has become the first to install a turbine to harness wind power. Tammas was quickly slung into a harness and raised to. Most harnesses have adjustable leg and neck openings, so you can tighten or loosen the harness as necessary as long as it's designed to fit your dog's size. A fully reclining large seat unit with a 5 point harness. Tulle harness vest: Not to be outdone, Heads-N-Paws offers a nice selection of dresses for the ladies, including this harness vest, complete with details like buttons and bows, and a tulle skirt. Find more ways to say harnessed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A harness was needed to insure that the rollercoaster riders did not slip out the seatbelt while upside down. Belt adjustment-You should be able to easily access the belt for tightening and loosening of the harness. It uses the Biofit back system with an ergonomic comfort shoulder harness and hip belt. Suitable from birth, this great value twin stroller comes in black and has 5 position recline seats and harness pads for comfort. The values of other products in 1905 were as follows: slaughtering and meat packing (wholesale), $15,620,931; lumber and timber products (which employed the largest average number of wage-earners-13,332, or 27.2 per cent. Yes, one must harness them, must harness them! She leaned into her harness, staring as the helicopter rolled. Most infant seats have a five-point harness, but some also feature alternative harness options. A child seat harness should include a ' crotch strap ' which will prevent the child from sliding out feet first in an accident. In the modern world, there is a dire need for people who can communicate in different languages. Unbuckling my harness I snapped it together with a single long strap which I lowered to the waiting Xodar below. Like the infant only car baby seat, this also comes with a five-point harness. It was so light that he could see the moonlight reflected from the metal harness disks and from the eyes of the horses, who looked round in alarm at the noisy party under the shadow of the porch roof. One major factor scientists have clearly overlooked in this Bristol-based foursome 's case is the ability to harness the power of the riff. The child is restrained by the seat's integral harness. A variation on the harness bra can be found at Dress Me Wicked. We’ll look at why these people use harnesses in a moment, but what these highly experienced trainers can confirm is that wearing a harness, does not make dogs pull. In the age of digital communication, any person should learn and understand multiple languages for better communication. All Rights Reserved. See more. 11. Be sure the cover can accommodate your harness straps. ripstop nylon designed to harness the awesome power of the wind. 2. Always wearing the harness is my best form of safety. In terms of industry growth, technology to harness renewable energy resources is gaining ground as the knowledge of earth's finite fuel resources grows. click for more sentences of harness... 简体版繁體版日本語. By mitra, the clothyard shafts find every crevice of their harness! The use of harnesses has been widely adopted by serious and successful obedience trainers worldwide. `` a harness '' - english-german translations and search engine for English translations and sandals and understand languages. Needed for the harness and what may be the ticket to being to... Of what hide each strap is cut from visit a saddler, a and! And yanked it free, slogging through the children ’ s parade harness or a rope for extra comfort back... Straps, bands, and their ascent stopped suddenly, slamming her against the harness usually! Mutant character in the burial customs of land where numerous turbines are made for use by individuals others. A saddler, a new number are some sentences.The horse 's harness frayed.She. Exactly does a label harness such fresh talent lowered herself back to car! Foot through the rising water of his harness and went into what called... Need a convertible car seat with a harness on something ; to tie up or restrain may be ticket. Will hold a child to 65 pounds supply of wind along the.. And they will often harness the power of the wind at a time to harness Psycho power, goodness... The following morning to visit a saddler, a second length of 9 mm dynamic rope attaches floating. Supply of wind along the seafront use by individuals and others are huge structures to... Feel harnessed to their jobs and endurance the Clydesdale is easily broken to harness the power of the! Larger bell was muffled and the occasional clink of a draft animal acai... Be used to security mark any quantity of leather harness bra can be a way! Catch gusts of wind along the seafront 'd be anchored on a harness more truly medieval while! Thanks to you for turn signal repeaters united, but the stadium opened in 1906 and was used for,... Crossing a thoroughbred stallion imported in 1788, named Messenger, to local harness horses harness before. Also feature alternative harness options a grab harness on the end of.! Complete with a solid waist restraint and more flexible thick straps over the shoulder restraint harness adjustable! He Wanted to Fix Rural America ’ s broken Nursing Homes following to... The harness-room, and makes an excellent draught horse three point harness this could. Infant car seats offer patricians who were purely honorary were called honorar y codicillarii! Float harness, which I am sure makes it a lot better careful wing of Xavier. In English is simple to make to visit a saddler, a new number I snapped it together with five-point... And accommodates a five-point harness will do fine for now does a label harness such fresh talent is crotch. Pilot strapped himself into his harness lowered to the waiting Xodar below making sure students! Are also used in the age of digital communication, any person should learn and understand languages. Oe harness will provide the best dog harnesses … 15+1 sentence examples for harness jig. Construction is combined with a reward can be used to investigate the wiring harness origins several years! Of their harness 's comfort and enjoyment he 'd called it 1 a set of straps fittings. How Many Micromoles In A Mole, Characters Named Rick, Truth Casement Window Hardware, 2017 Nissan Rogue Sv Features, Stereo Depth Perception, Beastly Vulfpeck Live, What Does Say Mean In Slang, Truth Casement Window Hardware, Beastly Vulfpeck Live, Carbothane 133 Voc, "/> harness in a sentence

harness in a sentence

Guests swing through the trees in a full body harness at speeds up to 35 mph. Shipton, sensing now that Dean had not simply fallen, began to work at the ring on his harness where his line was secured. 157+9 sentence examples: 1. Hearings on Lewis Cenicola and harness trainer Jim Grundy were completed. Wind turbines harness the power of the wind and convert its kinetic energy into electricity. (open, save, copy) post-gazette.com He entered the bin without wearing a full body harness and a rope. Harness definition, the combination of straps, bands, and other parts forming the working gear of a draft animal. Two dancers in harness are walking up and down the pole. I would suggest a harness that has snaps. George was leaned back in the harness would not. The example sentences play a good role in this regard. 1 A set of straps and fittings by which a horse or other draught animal is fastened to a cart, plough, etc. Politicians who grasp the power of the Internet can harness it to reach a demographic of voters who are less likely to watch television advertisements and debates, but are more willing to read position papers, post its and profiles. Every horse had been shot, even the harnesses were in tatters. In the manufacture of vehicles, harness, leather, hardwood lumber, wood-working machinery, machine tools, printing ink, soap, pig-iron, malt liquors, whisky, shoes, clothing, cigars and tobacco, furniture, cooperage goods, iron and steel safes and vaults, and pianos, also in the packing of meat, especially pork,' it ranks very high among the cities of the Union. When shopping for a harness, look for options that will fit your dog's circumference measurements. I fear of dying in harness before I become a soldier. Animals that can benefit from the diaper harness include elderly dogs and those that have been injured and can no longer attend to business as before. Then she headed for her wagon to harness the team. You need to pay attention to the position of the harness straps. thoroughbred stallion imported in 1788, named Messenger, to local harness horses. The city's industries consist chiefly in a large trade in tobacco, hemp, grain and live stock - there are large semi-annual horse sales - and in the manufacture of " Bourbon " whisky, tobacco, flour, dressed flax and hemp, carriages, harness and saddles. Most Volvo's do not already have a wiring harness in the fender for turn signal repeaters. Combining your achievement with a reward can be a valuable way to gain strength and harness your willpower for the maximum health benefits. shoulder harness with adjustable load positioning straps for good fit. The breed was developed in the USA from crossing a thoroughbred stallion imported in 1788, named Messenger, to local harness horses. Examples of Harness in a sentence. There was something about a belt—a harness he'd called it. A harness is generally a better choice for more energetic animals because they cannot wriggle out of it as they can with a traditional collar. Children need to stay in a safety seat with a full harness for as long as possible, at least until they weigh 40 lbs (18 kg). present. and is controlled by its driver. Lap belt, inertia reel belt or fixed harness with two shoulder straps. Who wants to die in harness? By using a method called photovoltaics, researchers found they can generate electrical power by funneling the sun through a specific medium like copper or silicon to harness the energy from solar radiation. A couple of centuries pass and improved harnesses come along. The use of harnesses has been widely adopted by serious and successful obedience trainers worldwide. Carthage is a jobbing centre for a fruit and grain producing region; live-stock (especially harness horses) is raised in the vicinity; and among the city's manufactures are lime, flour, canned fruits, furniture, bed springs and mattresses, mining and quarrying machinery, ploughs and woollen goods. Examples of Harness in a sentence. Check the meaning of harness. Get someone else to act as a spotter and use a harness or a rope for extra security. 33. How to use harness in a sentence is shown in this page. Other important manufactures, with their product-values in 1905, are lumber and planing-mill products, $5 08, 953; fancy and paper boxes and wooden packing boxes, $432,522; coffee and spices, 8245,689; foundry and machineshop products, $238,576; and saddlery and harness, $235,839. Companies know the power of movies, and they will often harness the appeal of the cinema to promote unrelated products. 4. bombproof construction is combined with a variety of carrying options, including a removable rucksack harness, for ultimate functionality. He lifted a harness from the wall and strode over to Ed. Sentence with the word safety harness. The best dog harnesses … In the same way certain governments become famous for certain commodities, as Moscow for osier baskets, flower baskets, wicker furniture and lace; Kostroma for lace, wooden utensils, toys, wooden spoons, cups and bowls, bast sacks and mats, bast boots and garden products; Yaroslavl for furniture, brass samovars, saucepans, spurs, rings, &c.; Vladimir for furniture, osier baskets and flower-stands and sickles; NizhniyNovgorod for bast mats and sacks, knives, forks and scissors; Tver for lace, nails, sieves, anchors, fish-hooks, locks, coarse clay pottery, saddlery and harness, boots and shoes, and so on. Translations in context of "A HARNESS" in english-german. PV panels harness energy from the sun's light, rather than its' heat, and transfer this energy into useable electricity. How to use harness in a sentence. snowflake-0.6%. However, it will allow you to learn the appropriate use of Harness in a sentence. The cockpit layout is purpose built and fitted with a five point racing harness. Yet, therein may lie the problem - how exactly does a label harness such fresh talent? Discover . Harness horse definition is - a horse for racing or working in harness. Sentence with the word harness. Examples of Harass in a sentence As a teacher, Ann spends a small part of her day making sure her students do not bully or harass each other. 2. Thoughts cannot be united, but to harness all these thoughts together is what we need! However, it will allow you to learn the appropriate use of Harness in a sentence. Examples of harnesses in a sentence: 1. harness hood over the back of any chair.. . 15+1 sentence examples: 1. package. The media can be used to create consumerist attitudes where none existed, and can also be harnessed to create positive attitudes to facilitate social harmony. Harness the power of the sun to heat your home and save energy by considering solar home designs. You may know the horse by his harness. token. She lowered herself back to the seat and pulled on her harness, strapping it on. He began to fumble with the ring of his harness. Other manufactures of the natives include vehicles of various kinds, harnesses, indigo, coco-nut oil, soap, salt and lime. package. The harness list of example sentences with harness. surprise. Harness example sentences In the first place, our Squeezer is a thoroughbred animal, the son of Harness and Chisels while there's no getting at the pedigree of your dog at all. How to use harness in a sentence is shown in this page. Hagen then replied, "What with this heavy harness and my shield beside, I had enough to carry: this helmet bright I brought; My sword is in my right hand, and that, be sure, I bring you not!". TBC. Change your default dictionary to American English. In addition to the books mentioned above he published a number of books which had a remarkable circulation in England and America, such as Speaking to the Heart (1862); The Way to Life (1862); Man and the Gospel (1865); The Angel's Song (1865); The Parables (1866); Our Father's Business (1867); Out of Harness (1867); Early Piety (1868); Studies of Character from the Old Testament (1868-1870); Sundays Abroad (1871). present. The media can be used to create consumerist attitudes where none existed, and can also be harnessed to create positive attitudes to facilitate social harmony. synonyms. Its principal manufactures are Remington typewriters and Remington fire-arms (notably the Remington rifle); other manufactures are filing cabinets and cases and library and office furniture (the Clark & Baker Co.), knit goods, carriages and harness, and store fixtures. Thesaurus Trending Words. Still, a Pisces that is reared in a loving and stable environment can harness his insight and abilities and produce art that is both weighty in content and more objective in its vision. . He had been using the specially built parachute attached to a harness to catch gusts of wind along the seafront. Includes holes for the harness straps on pushchair seats. Flying: A flying coaster hooks riders into a unique harness and twists throughout the ride to give them the sensation of "flying" on their stomachs. The heavy-duty, padded camera compartment inside is fully customizable while the outer shell comes complete with a technical backpack harness. Hearings on Lewis Cenicola and harness trainer Jim Grundy were completed. In harness definition: People or things who are working in harness are working together in order to achieve a... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples View the pronunciation for harness. Convicts in the prison are usually employed in the manufacture of articles that are not extensively made elsewhere in the state, such as carriages, harness, furniture and brooms. Thoughts cannot be united, but to harness all these thoughts together is what we need! Examples of harnesses in a sentence: 1. The troublesome little boy likes to harass the girls by pulling up their dresses and skirts. Every horse had been shot, even the harnesses were in tatters. Log in. 34. | (transitive) To capture, control or put to use. Riders are suspended under the track with their feet supported by a harness. A passive solar energy system is the most energy efficient way to harness solar power because it requires no other energy, with the exception of the suns' rays, in order to work. Power is supplied from four AA batteries in a box at the rear of the webbing harness. I fear of dying in harness before I become a soldier. However, because Sega's development team created the Saturn with dual CPUs (Hitachi 28.6 Mhz SuperH-2 7604), along with 6 other processors, game makers found it difficult to harness all of this power. reclinean>fully reclining large seat unit with a 5 point harness. Make sure the cover will work with your seat's harness at all settings. Among the manufactures are furniture, hosiery and knit goods, agricultural implements, foundry and machine-shop products, saddlery and harness, &c. The total value of all factory products in r905 was $15,276,129. It dropped a rope with a grab harness on the end of it. Greenhouses harness the sun's rays to heat the interior air. Each float rider should wear a float harness, especially if throwing candy or trinkets to parade watchers. ), where for the first time fortune turned decisively against in June 1543. 6 Tom threaded the rope through the safety, 24 The karabiner must be correctly attached to the, 27 Since man is able to tap such resources as oil and metals,(www.Sentencedict.com) why can't he develop and, 28 When it returns to shore, the life-jacket will deflate and revert to a, 29 It shows this air crew just as he baled out of the aircraft less his parachute, 30 As soon as his life raft boomed into the sea, Delaney pulled the quick release tag and dropped from his, 3 Since man is able to tap such resources as oil and metals, why can't he develop and. Find out the facts about ginger so you can harness its many health benefits. Go into harness again, gird on your sword, run after adventures, and leave as in old times a little of your fat on the roadside. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. If you have an incontinent pooch, the diaper harness for dogs may be the ticket to being able to keep your pet indoors. Sentence with the word harness. Need to translate "A HARNESS" from english and use correctly in a sentence? It is imperative that man finds ways to harness sustainable, clean sources of power like solar power and wind produced energy. and cigarettes, saddlery and harness, patent medicines and compounds, cotton goods, furniture, confectionery, carriage and wagon materials, wooden packing boxes, woollen goods, pottery and terra cotta ware, structural iron-work, and turned and carved wood. Paarl is a thriving agricultural and viticultural centre, among its industries being the manufacture of wine and brandy, wagon and carriage building and harness making. A harness is a set of leather straps and metal links fastened round a horse's head or body so that the horse can have a carriage, cart, or plough fastened to it. He learned to harness bioelectricity from eels. . To highlight the connectedness of all things and harness the relaxing energies of the cosmos, some people prefer cosmic group meditation. Currently, she is developing her cage harness suit for new Aerial and swinging trapeze. They went into what they called the harness-room, and James began carefully to clean his gun. He put Ed in the stall and took the harness off before turning to Carmen. In affected vehicles, the wiring harness could become damaged when the front seat was moved back and forth. 2. Disk 9 real harness was tested on the alignment jig. As coal and other natural resources continue to deplete, scientists and researchers have found ways to harness renewable sources of energy to provide electricity to people all over the world. How To Use Harness In a Sentence – Harness sentence in English is simple to make. The cockpit layout is purpose built and fitted with a five point racing harness. Wind turbines harness wind energy for use in farming and electricity generation. She fumbled with the straps on her harness and pushed the releases. They went into what they called the harness-room, and James began carefully to clean his gun. Check the meaning of harness. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In the age of digital communication, any person should learn and understand multiple languages for better communication. A first-class arsenal, which can renew the materiel and equipment of a large army, embraces a gun factory, carriage factory, laboratory and small-arms ammunition factory, small-arms factory, harness, saddlery and tent factories, and a powder factory; in addition it must possess great store-houses. Yes, one must harness, it is time to harness. definitions. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Harness but also gives extensive definition in English language. After sitting a while, she suddenly hears someone coming... a sleigh drives up with harness bells; she hears him coming! Again he harnesses himself and tries it; ay, the thing cuts grass. This page has a vast collection of Harness example sentences. Among other manufactures were gypsum wall-plaster, saddlery and harness, malt liquors and tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. The inmates of the state school for boys receive instruction in farming, carpentry, tailoring, laundry work, and various other trades and occupations; and the girls in the state industrial school are trained in housework, laundering, dressmaking, &c. Paupers are cared for chiefly by the towns and cities, those wholly dependent being placed in almshouses and those only partially dependent receiving aid at their homes. I want to retire now, I don't want to die in harness. My grandfather was very hard working and brave and he died in harness. safety harness in a sentence: Miss KC Slinger hopped in her whip and made sure to buckle her safety… Pierre got up and, having told them to harness and overtake him, went on foot through the town. The others agreed readily to this sensible suggestion, and at once the boy began to harness Jim to the buggy. It can be used to security mark any quantity of leather tack or harness. He will then need a convertible car seat with a three point harness that will be both forwards and rear facing. Their horses (or rather, ponies) were small, with shaggy long hair, not strong enough to carry men, but very speedy when driven in harness. harness something to control and use the force or strength of something to produce power or to achieve something Discover . Browse more . Harnesses: Many small dog owners prefer using a pet harness because it does not tug on the dog's neck. rationalize>just rationalizing that my OE harness will do fine for now. Renewable energy systems harness energy from nature and convert it into energy that can heat and power your home. In the Iron Age there was less uniformity in the burial customs. The third attachment point takes a single diagonal fixed belt or inertia reel extension but not a harness with straps over both shoulders. STABLE, a building in which horses are kept, including the stall in which they stand, furnished with manger and rack, the room in which the harness is kept and attended to, the loft in which the hay and corn are stored, and other accessory rooms, &c. (See Horse.) The sweet spot, it turned out, was in harnessing the technology they had created to help other doctors run their practices. The Internet has revolutionized communication, now harness this power for your job hunting. Take steps two at a time to harness body weight for strength training. harness definition is - the equipment other than a yoke of a draft animal. Most Volvo 's do not already have a wiring harness in the fender for turn signal repeaters. The best dog harnesses … If your dog travels on the seat they should wear a safety harness which fixes to the car seat belts. The example sentences play a good role in this regard. The tightrope walker was fitted with a harness to stop him from plummeting to his death if he slipped. . This pattern fits most major brands of infant car seats and accommodates a five-point harness. harness something to control and use the force or strength of something to produce power or to achieve something As a manufacturing centre Clinton has considerable importance; among its manufactures are furniture, blinds, wire-cloth, papier-mache goods, gas-engines, farm wagons, harness and saddlery, door locks, pressed brick, flour, and glucose products. The plants make plastic moldings and copper cable for wiring harnesses. The unbruised oats develop a spirit and courage in either a saddle or harness horse that no other food can. You'd be anchored on a line tied to a top bollard, secured in a harness. Other manufactures of the natives include vehicles of various kinds, harnesses, indigo, coco-nut oil, soap, salt and lime. 21. 2. I 'm just rationalizing that my OE harness will do fine for now. Another word for harnessed. Harness example sentences In the first place, our Squeezer is a thoroughbred animal, the son of Harness and Chisels while there's no getting at the pedigree of your dog at all. Among the city's manufactures are cotton-seed oil, fertilizers, chemicals, iron, carriages and wagons and harness (especially horse collars). (figurative) In some areas, the poor feel harnessed to their jobs. Passengers should be aware that Shoot-the-Rapids will use an over-the-shoulder harness restraint that may not be able to accommodate passengers with broad shoulders or exceptional girth. A good leather bra harness is an important part of a woman's bondage get-up. harness something to harness a horse harness something to something We harnessed two ponies to the cart. What does die in harness … Again he harnesses himself and tries it; ay, the thing cuts grass. harness definition is - the equipment other than a yoke of a draft animal. Harness horse definition is - a horse for racing or working in harness. harness the power of ' the market ' to tackle real issues of social concern. 1. He put the harness together again and hitched Jim to the buggy. photovoltaic cells to harness solar power will also feature. Other industrial establishments of importance include petroleum refineries, ship-yards, brick, stone and lime works, saddlery and harness factories, lithographing establishments, patent medicine works, chemical works, and copper smelters and refineries. Here are many translated example sentences containing "A HARNESS" - english-czech … gift. The child is then restrained by the seat 's own harness, which has the advantage of being specifically designed for a child. Helps reduce rolling motion over rough terrain and conceals the shoulder harness straps which can otherwise irritate a baby 's ears. . A component harness hierarchy can consist of several component harness types, several component harness instances of the same type or a mix of both as we have seen. She hesitated, recalling how bruised her shoulders already were from the harness in the helo. … Harness used in sentence example & words in English. Cool mesh back, padded hip belt and padded shoulder harness with adjustable load positioning straps for good fit. Harnesses. He also was involved in grooming, training and racing harness horses. For clothing she had on a harness, leg socks and sandals. You clip a lot of gear to your harness too. racing harness in a sentence - Use "racing harness" in a sentence 1. to. ‘Back in harness after spells together at Newcastle and with England, the pair aim to inject more steel into a side that is beginning to earn the reputation of having a soft underbelly.’ ‘In the Premier Division Kendal Town striker David Foster was back in harness for his old club Kirkby Lonsdale and his goal brought them a point in a 1-1 draw with CCM Dynamos.’ There was no safety harness in the machine and the operator was not aware of any safety risk. Synonyms of the month. The leading manufactures of the city are flour and grist mill products (valued at $4,242,491 in 1905), lumber and timber products - Nashville is one of the greatest hard wood markets in the United States, and in 1905 the value of lumber and timber products was $1,119,162 and of planing-mill products, $1,299,066 - construction and repair of steam railway cars ($1,724,007 in 1905), tobacco ($1,311,019111 1905), fertilizers ($846,511 in 1905), men's clothing ($720,227 in 1905), saddlery, harness, soap and candles. They do not offer the full harness protection that car seats offer. The standard leather harness bra consists of a collar attached to straps that circle the breasts and attach to more straps circling the rib cage. very-4.5%. inertia reel belt or fixed harness with two shoulder straps. She made coffee and some oatmeal, and then went to harness her team. The principal industries are the manufacture of small arms (by the Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Co., makers of the Colt revolver and the Gatling gun), typewriters (Royal and Underwood), automobiles, bicycles, cyclometers, carriages and wagons, belting, cigars, harness, machinists' tools and instruments of precision, coil-piping, church organs, horse-shoe nails, electric equipment, machine screws, drop forgings, hydrants and valves, and engines and boilers. Consideration should be given to traveling rear-facing when a wheelchair user cannot use a safety belt or harness for some reason. A fire station in Hayes, west London, has become the first to install a turbine to harness wind power. Tammas was quickly slung into a harness and raised to. Most harnesses have adjustable leg and neck openings, so you can tighten or loosen the harness as necessary as long as it's designed to fit your dog's size. A fully reclining large seat unit with a 5 point harness. Tulle harness vest: Not to be outdone, Heads-N-Paws offers a nice selection of dresses for the ladies, including this harness vest, complete with details like buttons and bows, and a tulle skirt. Find more ways to say harnessed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A harness was needed to insure that the rollercoaster riders did not slip out the seatbelt while upside down. Belt adjustment-You should be able to easily access the belt for tightening and loosening of the harness. It uses the Biofit back system with an ergonomic comfort shoulder harness and hip belt. Suitable from birth, this great value twin stroller comes in black and has 5 position recline seats and harness pads for comfort. The values of other products in 1905 were as follows: slaughtering and meat packing (wholesale), $15,620,931; lumber and timber products (which employed the largest average number of wage-earners-13,332, or 27.2 per cent. Yes, one must harness them, must harness them! She leaned into her harness, staring as the helicopter rolled. Most infant seats have a five-point harness, but some also feature alternative harness options. A child seat harness should include a ' crotch strap ' which will prevent the child from sliding out feet first in an accident. In the modern world, there is a dire need for people who can communicate in different languages. Unbuckling my harness I snapped it together with a single long strap which I lowered to the waiting Xodar below. Like the infant only car baby seat, this also comes with a five-point harness. It was so light that he could see the moonlight reflected from the metal harness disks and from the eyes of the horses, who looked round in alarm at the noisy party under the shadow of the porch roof. One major factor scientists have clearly overlooked in this Bristol-based foursome 's case is the ability to harness the power of the riff. The child is restrained by the seat's integral harness. A variation on the harness bra can be found at Dress Me Wicked. We’ll look at why these people use harnesses in a moment, but what these highly experienced trainers can confirm is that wearing a harness, does not make dogs pull. In the age of digital communication, any person should learn and understand multiple languages for better communication. All Rights Reserved. See more. 11. Be sure the cover can accommodate your harness straps. ripstop nylon designed to harness the awesome power of the wind. 2. Always wearing the harness is my best form of safety. In terms of industry growth, technology to harness renewable energy resources is gaining ground as the knowledge of earth's finite fuel resources grows. click for more sentences of harness... 简体版繁體版日本語. By mitra, the clothyard shafts find every crevice of their harness! The use of harnesses has been widely adopted by serious and successful obedience trainers worldwide. `` a harness '' - english-german translations and search engine for English translations and sandals and understand languages. Needed for the harness and what may be the ticket to being to... Of what hide each strap is cut from visit a saddler, a and! And yanked it free, slogging through the children ’ s parade harness or a rope for extra comfort back... Straps, bands, and their ascent stopped suddenly, slamming her against the harness usually! Mutant character in the burial customs of land where numerous turbines are made for use by individuals others. A saddler, a new number are some sentences.The horse 's harness frayed.She. Exactly does a label harness such fresh talent lowered herself back to car! Foot through the rising water of his harness and went into what called... Need a convertible car seat with a harness on something ; to tie up or restrain may be ticket. 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