How To Read A Ruler In Inches Decimals, Color Vocabulary Art, Llano Gravel Grinder, Fairmont San Francisco Ghosts, Car Seat Headrest Bodies Lyrics, Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Full Movie Clips, Crooked Branch Menu, Spirit Science Chat, The Road To Science And Spirituality, "/>
The behaviour of laboratory rabbits is very similar to that of wild rabbits. Appropriate handling of pet rabbits: a literature review. Washington, DC: Animal Welfare Institute. The animals are: 1. In the young animal, plasticity to learning about environmental stimuli is more pronounced in certain periods of development (Bateson 1979), referred to as ‘socialisation periods’. Each facility may require an individual approach to increasing housing standards as much as possible. The rarer diseases of the underside (flystrike, neoplasia and so on), or painful late‐stage pododermatitis, should be confirmed by lifting only after suspicions have been raised by other means. used by all persons responsible for laboratory animals and particularly by licensees and others now working under the authority of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act, 1986. testing a novel environment) may not be strongly correlated with the antipredator response – and the latter is suggested to be more characteristic of the rabbit response to humans (Price 1984, Pongrácz & Altbäcker 1999). Evidently, ‘holding’ a rabbit does not provide the animal with the same pleasant, relaxing experience gained by the owner. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. Successful handling also requires the ability to recognize the animal’s state of mind, which may include bewilderment, apprehension and in some cases discomfort or … AU - Oxley, James Andrew. These require that the disease has serious consequences, the test is not harmful and that there is scientific proof that the treatment is more effective when started before symptoms arise. 2014) of pet rabbits struggle if lifted and fear‐related aggression is common: Normando & Gelli (2011) showed in 1 study that 24% of pet rabbits had bitten the owner at least once. (c) Rabbit held on handler's arm. The Petplan Pet Census (2011) suggested that only 24% of rabbit owners concentrated on breed when selecting their pet (compared to 64% of dog owners). Further research should explore the potential welfare implications of different handling methods; but without good evidence to the contrary, a rabbit should be ‘scruffed’ only when unavoidable and best practice would be compliance with the recommendations of the RWAF. Magnus (2005) suggests that it is important that the paws are in contact with a surface to decrease struggling and distress (Fig 1b, c). Methods of Pairing and Pair Maintenance of New Zealand White Rabbits Via Behavioral Ethogram, Monitoring, and Interventions. (a) Rabbit lifted with one hand across the shoulders, rump supported. The aim of this article is to review the literature on the effects of carrying rabbits, review methods to reduce the stress perceived at different life stages and to provide sound recommendations for rabbit handling based on the evidence in the literature. Travel boxes that can have the lid removed mean that the clinical exam can be conducted with the rabbit remaining in the base of the box. As many as 76 different breeds of rabbit are recognized by the British Rabbit Council but the New Zealand White (NZW), bred in the 1920s has become the one most commonly used in research. Sanitize laboratory/surgical work areas after animal work. Proper technique when handling rabbits is essential to prevent the animal from accidentally breaking its back, a common outcome associated with inappropriate rabbit handling. Rabbits can be easily trained (Brown 2012) to recall to a signal, to go into the hutch on command, to enter a transport carrier and to perform a series of conditioned behaviours for food rewards (see Supporting Information for a video showing positive reinforcement of trained behaviours that remove the need for the rabbit to be lifted by human hands). The use of appropriate and skilled handling is essential to ensure that animals readily accept or actively seek human contact and procedures are carried out efficiently. Gentle handling during low‐fear learning period, ◦ Welfare effects of different handling practices, Consider cortisol levels and behavioural changes as indicators, ◦ Effectiveness of selective breeding for tameness, Consider approach latency and stress levels during adulthood as indicators, ◦ Effectiveness of human‐scented objects for kit learning. The Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund (RWAF) state that a rabbit should be ‘lifted gently and securely, one hand should be across the shoulder blades, fingers gently supporting the chest of the rabbit whilst the other is under the rabbit's bottom, taking the bulk of the weight’ (RWAF 2007; Fig 1a). Of these 4 areas, it is lifting and holding that is most likely to damage the human–animal bond. Rooney et al. Experimental Design, Reproducibility, & Translation, Translational Digital Biomarkers Working Group, Microphysiological Systems (MPS) Exposition, Microphysiological Systems (MPS) Working Group, Highly social with strong dominance hierarchies, Crepuscular/Nocturnal (Though can be diurnal in the laboratory. In addition, there have been several papers published on the incidence and treatment of behavioural problems in rabbits. The author therefore advocates lifting rabbits and placing 1 arm under the animal from nose to tail, between both sets of legs, while the other hand is placed around the neck/shoulders and the forearm used to gently secure the rabbit so that it feels safe and the spine is supported’. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Introduction & Aim • In total 20 books were reviewed, ten pet rabbit, seven veterinary animal/rabbit and three laboratory animal/rabbit books. (1973) demonstrated a difference in approach latency between handled and unhandled rabbits, which was in agreement with the findings of Muir et al. If veterinary surgeons still choose to use tonic immobility for such procedures, it is important that they are aware of factors that may decrease the likelihood of inducing tonic immobility. Improper handling can result in increased stress and injury to the animal. (2001), who demonstrated that desensitisation to humans by this method appeared species specific and most strongly by Dúcs et al. It is harder to induce tonic immobility if the rabbit is near the home cage (Ewell et al. Therefore, 1 facet of a multi‐pronged approach to improving the welfare of pet rabbits must consider the benefits of early exposure, both to human scent and to lifting – this will assist rabbits in coping with being lifted by people when this cannot be avoided. Boers, K., et al. There was very significant interlitter variance and the authors concluded that selective breeding may be more effective in obtaining less emotional rabbits than early handling [this has been demonstrated elsewhere (Daniewski & Jezierski 2003)]. The word ‘handling’ has previously been used indiscriminately. Many rabbits show fear behaviours when lifted from the ground. 2005, Malley 2007, Swennes et al. Positive handling: early contact, full support while carrying, positive reinforcement training, etc. • This study aimed to investigate methods of handling between contexts by conducting a review of books. Further research is needed to explore if this is correct. 2014). Many owners do not know this. Ensuring the handler's scent is on both kits and does reduces the likelihood of cannibalism, but if breeders are concerned about this, then introduction of a cloth with human scent within 30 minutes of nursing may be an equally valid option. • Laboratory rats have served as an important animal model for research in psychology, medicine, and other fields. In addition, rabbits that were housed singly were less likely to struggle while being lifted (this has been previously noted in laboratory rabbits (Podberscek et al. This suggests that the breed or type of a pet rabbit is of limited importance to owners when choosing an animal. This advice for owners is equally valid for vets: adequate education of all veterinary staff is important to ensure that the animals are manipulated in a way that will cause as little distress as possible and prevent injury (Richardson & Keeble 2014). The Biology of the Laboratory Rabbit is a compendium of papers that discusses the use of the rabbit as an experimental substrate in the scientific process. 1981) or if it is accustomed to being ‘handled’ (Verwer et al. 1991) and attributed to the need for some degree of social contact in a socially deprived individual; however, this trend was not observed by Schepers et al. Safe handling and restraint of pet rabbits, Husbandry risk factors associated with hock pododermatitis in UK pet rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching, Federation of Animal Science Societies. Video S1. A properly connected environment obviates the need for lifting the rabbit, Many owners are unaware that these actions cause stress, Use of box or towel‐training improves welfare during carrying, Lift to examine only if other symptoms present (e.g. However, other sources recommend that it should never be used (Ackerman 2011, Buseth & Saunders 2015) due to the rabbits’ fearful response and the likelihood of causing pain. In addition, the action is still recommended in veterinary journals for procedures such as nail clipping (Malley 2007), which may be performed by owners. The Pet Animals Act (Pet Animals Act 1951) states that ‘No mammal shall be sold unweaned or, if weaned, at an age at which it should not have been weaned’. 2. Inpatient rabbits should only be lifted if absolutely necessary. Again, the authors observed that singly housed rabbits spent longer sniffing and touching the observer's hand and suggested that this was due to their social deprivation. The literature on this topic is comprehensive and complete enough to support actionable recommendations to improve the welfare of rabbits kept today. Estimates from owner surveys suggest that around 60% of pet rabbits struggle when lifted and fear‐related aggression is common. Behaviour of the pet rabbit: what is normal and why do problems develop? T1 - A survey of rabbit handling methods within the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. However, when one looks at social behaviour of rabbits, the abdomen is never contacted by other rabbits (Lehmann 1991). The collection describes normative biology, research utilization, and rabbit disease. Reduction of the frequency of the stressor can be achieved by educating owners on alternative management practices to reduce the need to carry their rabbits. Secondly, any unavoidable lifting can be made less stressful by educating veterinary staff in appropriate methods of holding rabbits during both consultations and inpatient care. This is interpreted by the British Rabbit Council (2010) as ‘no rabbit should be sold before it is at least 10 weeks of age’. Alternatively, consideration could be given to environmental management to minimise lifting as much as possible. The increasing number of pet rabbits and the demand for veterinary intervention means that this species is often presented for procedures that may involve hospitalisation. The rabbit is an induced ovulator and, contrary to popular belief, has a cycle of mating receptivity; rabbits are receptive to … … Methods of handling rabbits. Moving rabbits in boxes or baskets ensures that any direct lifting of the rabbit is very brief. (d) Rabbit tucked under handler's arm. The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. Rabbit Housing & Handling In a laboratory setting, it is important to provide housing that allows expression in a wide range of species-typical behaviors while also meeting the goals of the researcher. Positive reinforcement of trained behaviours that remove the need for the rabbit to be lifted by human hands. Comfortable Quarters for Laboratory Animals, Animal Welfare Institute's Refinement Database: Rabbits, RSPCA Rodent/Rabbit Welfare Meeting Reports, University of Michigan's Rabbit Social Housing Guide. Brief handling of rabbits and exposure to novel environments during the first 3 wk of life has also been shown to affect fear after weaning in a manner not specific to humans. Therefore, selection for the temperament trait of sociability rather than for physical appearance should be both practical and effective for rabbits. 1.5 Aspects of Rabbit Behaviour Relevant to Housing Principles (i) All laboratory rabbits derive from the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, Evidence-Based Rabbit Housing and Nutrition. A Survey of Rabbit Handling Methods Within the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. A survey of rabbit owners (n=899) suggested that 57% of rabbits struggled at least slightly when being lifted. This can worsen the situation further because a strong bond is a powerful motivator to improve pet welfare (Wensley 2008). (b) Rabbit upright on handler's chest. Research on rabbit handling has evaluated the effects on physiology such as mortality rate, weight gain (e.g., Jezierski & Konecka, 1996), and behavior (e.g., McBride et al., 2006; Swennes et al., 2011). Rabbits should never be picked up by their ears. (. In a laboratory setting, it is important to provide housing that allows expression in a wide range of species-typical behaviors while also meeting the goals of the researcher. Batchelor, G. R. (1991). Although positive reinforcement can desensitise rabbits to being lifted to a certain extent (Bradbury 2013), it is still an aversive procedure (Buseth & Saunders 2015) – whereas floor‐based interactions, especially those involving head contact, are reinforcing in their own right (Swennes et al. lameness), Improves immediate rabbit welfare and sets example for owners, Familiar environment, comfortable grip and requires no lifting, ◦ If lifting unavoidable, support paws and avoid abdomen, Consider techniques described in this review, Combination of boldness and low stress response to handling. Y1 - 2018/4/25. FELASA and ; The National Laboratory Animal Center, Oslo. Varga (2013) suggested that it was admissible for veterinary surgeons to continue to use tonic immobility for procedures such as radiography as it poses less risk than anaesthesia, but that it should only be used when necessary. 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How To Read A Ruler In Inches Decimals, Color Vocabulary Art, Llano Gravel Grinder, Fairmont San Francisco Ghosts, Car Seat Headrest Bodies Lyrics, Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Full Movie Clips, Crooked Branch Menu, Spirit Science Chat, The Road To Science And Spirituality,