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class 11 biology chapter 13 important questions

ii)Some animals like monarch butterfly are highly distasteful to their predators because they accumulate a certain chemical by feeding on poisonous weeds during its caterpillar stage. Ans.Some microbes are able to live in habitats with temperate exceeding 1000 c because theypossess minimum amount of free water in their body. Small organisms does not show regulationbecause thermoregulation is an energy –expensive process. True root caps areabsent. birds undertake long distance migration during winter. 13. The solutions are provided by our experts, keeping in mind the students’ understanding level. (ii) Suspension of active life by hibernation/aestivation/spore formation. The secondary structure of RNA and DNA vary. iii) ADAPTATION IN LEAVES:- Leaves are usually short sized which decreases the chances of gettingover – heated when exposed to solar radiation & thus by reducing rate of transpiration. 1. The J-shaped growth form is described by equation Read on to know more about biomolecules. Ans.Brood parasitism refers to the phenomenon in which one bird species by its eggs in the nest ofanother bird species Evolution has occurred in such a way the eggs of the parasitic birds resemblethose of the host bird in size, colouretc to avoid host bird detecting the foreign eggs & ejecting themfrom the nest e.g. Ans.Predators plays an important role in ecosystem :-. iii) Declining Pyramid:- The type of pyramid of population decreasing in size is characterised by a narrow base because there are fewer pre-reproductive individuals than in the other two age categories. Classify the following into one of the appropriate bonds – ester bond, peptide bond, glycosidic bond, hydrogen bond. 20.Out of the two population growth models, which one is more realistic & Why? Free PDF download of Important Questions for CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 13 - Organisms and Populations prepared by expert Biology teachers from the latest edition of CBSE (NCERT) books. Their bodytemperature changes with ambient temperature e.g. A.5. i) ADAPTATIONS INROOTS :- Xerophytes have well developed & extensively branched long rootsystem. For example, the secondary structure of DNA consists of two complementary strands of polydeoxyribonucleotide, that are coiled spirally on a common axis forming a helix. iv) When does curve ‘b’ changes into curve ‘a’. v)plants also produce certain chemicals which functions as :-. 2. 4. K – carrying capacity Ans. Ans.Shape of pyramids reflects growth statusof the population (a) growing (b) Stable (c) declining. Class 11 Important Questions Biology Chapter 1 The Living World. cuckoo bird lays eggs in the nest of crow. Nucleic acids display a wide variety of secondary structures. Important Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 8 Cell: The Unit of Life is available here for students exam prepration. Ans.Aerenchyma in aquatic plants provides buoyancy & helps them in floating. Ans.State Gause’s competitive exclusion principle.Mechanisms is resource partitioning. Q.4. Study about Taxonomy, Metabolism, Reproduction, Diversity, Biodiversity, Common name of plants at Byju' a) Cotton fibre b) Exoskeleton of Cockroach c) Liver d) Peeled Potato. jump to 5 Marks Questions. Q.1. Morphology of Flowering Plants 6. Photosynthesis is a physio-chemical process which uses light energy to produce organic compounds. i) What is the name given to curve (a) & (b). 24.Mention any two ways in which organisms tide over unfavourable conditions by suspending their activities. They bask in the sun & absorb heat when their body temperature isbelow the comfort level & move into shade when it is higher. Ans. Which kind of population interaction is involved in this? Question from very important topics are covered by NCERT Exemplar Class 11.You also get idea about the type of questions and method to answer in your Class 11th … CBSE Biology Chapter 14 Respiration in Plants class 11 Notes Biology in PDF are available for free download in myCBSEguide mobile app. In the adjacent population growth curve :-. Darwin showed that even a slow growing animal like elephant could reach enormous number in absence of checks. Ans. They are the primary source of energy. Living entities work continuously hence they cannot reach equilibrium. Chapter 13 – Organisms and Populations, Chapter 2 – Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Chapter 5 – Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Chapter 6 – Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Chapter 9 – Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production, Chapter 11 – Biotechnology: Principles and Processes, Chapter 12 – Biotechnology and its Applications, Chapter 15 – Biodiversity and Conservation, Previous Year Question Paper for Class 12, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 10, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 12. one petal bears uncanny resemblance to female of the bee. Students studying for NEET can download these NEET Question Bank Biology for all chapters from links given below. Ans.Diapauses is the phenomenon of spending unfavourable climatic conditions by insects during their development whereas. The cycle of enzyme action can be explained as follows: Q.2. As the rate of growth becomes slow & stable i.e.- pre-reproductive & reproductive age groups becomes more or less equal in size. all birds,mammals some lower vertebrates & invertebrates, for example in summer, when outside temp is morethan our body temperature we sweat profusely evaporative cooling brings the body temp – down.Whereas those organisms which cannot maintain a constant internal environment. 8.Name& explain the bind of interaction in the following. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology: Free NCERT solutions for class 11 biology, consists of solutions for all the questions organised in a chapter-wise manner. Ophrysdoes so because pollination success will be reduced unless it co-evolves with female bee. 9.Mention the different defense mechanism to reduce the impact of predation? Ans.A stage of suspended development, zooplanktons. iii) How do such age – profile helps policy making concerned about our growing population & prepare for future generation. What is altitude sickness? Ans.Mammals living in colder regions have short ears & limbs to minimise heat loss. 11.How do kangaroo rats live in the absence of water in North American deserts? Required fields are marked *. They are the components of the nucleotide and forms with deoxyribose and ribose. 11th Chemistry Important Questions Breathlessness at high attitudes.Cause :Low atmospheric pressure at high altitudes due to which body does not get enough oxygen. Here you will find Chapter Wise NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers PDF Free Download based on the important concepts and topics given in the textbook. In free floatingplants, the petioles of leaves show indefinite power of growth. 9.“Lichens are considered good examples of obligate mutualisms”. Comment? Practising given Class 12 Biology Chapterwise Important Questions with solutions will help in scoring more marks in your Board Examinations. 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The common substituent groups are – H and NH2COOH. Ans.Homeostasis refers to the maintenance of a steady internal environment by organisms. Ans.Orchids grows as epiphytes on mango tree. Important Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 Biomolecules are available here for students to boost their exam prepration. Functions as the basic component of food including fibre,  starch, and sugars. CBSE Class 11 Biology Notes – PDF Download. Name the type of organisms which will show:-. (ii) Log phase or Exponential phase :- It is the middle phase of rapid or geometric rise, Once stabilized cells starts to multiply rapidly when the small population is stablised, the multiply becomes faster because of the plenty amount of food & other requirements of life. ii) ADAPTATIONS IN STEM :- In submerged hydrophytes, stems are long slender & flexible whereas inthe free – floating hydrophytes stem are modified as thick, stout, stoloniferous& occur horizontal onwater surface. Rubber is a terpenoid and because of its high tensile strength, plasticity, and elasticity, it is used across industries. Animals obviously have to be paid fees for the services that plants expect from them. Though there is diversity in living entities, they share similarities in the chemical composition and metabolic reactions. Ans.The kangaroo rat in North American deserts is capable of meeting all its water requirement through its internal oxidation of fat, where water is by-product, it can also concentrate its urine to a minimal volume. Ans. Q.3. Symptoms :Nausea, fatigue and heart palpitations. i) Expanding pyramid:- It is a broad base, triangular pyramid which represents a population containing large number of young people. Q.9.Which is the most abundant element found in living organisms? Q.6. Ans.Predation, where predators prey upon pests & control their number. Stomata arranged in deep pits to minimizes water loss by transpiration. 15.How do desert lizards maintain a fairly constant body temperature? After downloading these chapter wise notes and chapter wise important questions of class 12 Biology, Let’s have a look at the analysis and research we have done on each chapter of 12th biology. Class 11 Biology notes according to FBISE syllabus. are called regulators e.g. Ans.Clown fish lives in tentacles of sea Anemone and gets protection from predators. 14.What is migration? Choose and write appropriately against each. iii)Some prey are poisonous & hence are avoided by predators . Justify with the help of an example of why nucleic acids display secondary structure. 17.Name the bind of interaction present between the following :-, Ans. Leaves ofssxerophytes are usually thick, fleshy green & leathery which are known to store water. The maximum limit of density depends upon energy flow in an ecosystem, nutritionalstatus of trophic level & metabolic equilibrium. Give two examples of each with their structure. 16.Differentiate between Hibernation & aestivation? 7. What its causes and symptoms? 2. The free enzyme is now available to bind to another such molecule of the substrate and enter into the next catalytic cycle. Jump to 5 Marks Questions. Orchid flower, Ophrys co-evolves to maintain resembelance of its petal to female bee. Δt – change in time. 18.Name the type of interaction in which one species is harmed while other is neither benefitted nor harmed? With the help of NEET Question Bank Biology, candidates can estimate the examination level and pattern for the question paper. It is expressed in asnumber of individual dying in a given period.Death Rate = no of death in population Timeno of death in population Time, iv) Carrying Capacity:- Each habitat or ecosystem has a certain space which can accommodate a finitenumber of organisms depending on its size & productivity. Lag phase is one in which under population of cells adapt to or stablises with the growth conditions before embarking up their multiplication. Animal Kingdom Unit 2 – Structural Organisation ion Plants and Animals 5. Describe the structure and function of ATP? A.3. Example – Lecithin. Ans.Hibernation is frogs, reptiles or polar bear. ii) ADAPTATION IN STEM:- stems of woody xerophytes are comparatively stunted hard & rigid. Introduction to Biology Bio-chemically important organic and inorganic molecules (general concepts): Carbohydrate protein, lipid, nucleic acid, minerals and water. (a) increasing red blood cell production Prosthetic groups are organic compounds whereas cofactors can be organic or inorganic (metal ions). Ans.The geometrical diagrammatic representation of different age groups in a population of any organism is called Age of pyramids. 7. Ans.Predators are said to be prudent in nature because if a predator is too efficient & overexploitits prey, then the prey might become extinct & following it the predator will also become extinct forlacking of food. Its backbone is formed by the sugar-phosphate-sugar chain wherein the nitrogen bases are proposed almost perpendicular to this backbone, facing inwards. Why is this notion unrealistic? Q.5. Free PDF download of Important Questions with Answers for CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 13 – Organisms and Populations prepared by expert Biology teachers from latest edition of CBSE(NCERT) books only by CoolGyan to score more marks in CBSE board examination. Mention other common substituent groups. iii) In absence of predators, which curve “a” or “b” would appropriately depict the prey population? Ans. Hence plants are known as autotrophs. Here we have given NCERT Class 12 Biology Important Questions Chapterwise State Board. Ans. Check these questions for self-analysis and prepare for the exam more effectively. Syllabus for Class 11 2017-18. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for CBSE Class 11-science Biology chapters on Topperlearning. NCERT Solutions 2020-21 based on latest CBSE Syllabus are available to free download. Why do animals show this phenomenon? After sometime the food supply becomes less as compared tothe population increases. i) ADAPTATIONS IN ROOTS:- Root system is feebly developed &unbranched some floating plants orsubmerged plants lack roots Root hairs are absent except rooted floating hydrophyte. A.10.There are four major classes of Biomolecules – Carbohydrates, Proteins, Nucleic acids and Lipids. Ans.The logistic growth curve shows a sigmoid or a S-shaped curve. This ensures that the student can easily understand what is being said. Your email address will not be published. Theymay be covered with thick e.g. Practicing given Class 11 Biology Chapter wise Important Questions with solutions will help in scoring more marks in your Examinations. Register online for Biology tuition on to score more marks in your examination. 10.Give any two examples of defense mechanism in plants against herbivory? (iv) leaves reduced to spines (CAM photosynthetic pathway). Oxidoreductase catalyzes the following reaction between substrates A and A’, complete the reaction. Why is this curve more realistic? Since small animals havelarge surface area relative to volume, they tendto lose body heat very fast when it is coldoutside they have to expend much energy togenerate body heat through metabolism. ii) Aestivation – phenomenon of spending dry & hot conditions in an inactive stage by an animal e.g. Also, they could able to handle any type of question asked from this chapter in the examination. Extremely low or high pH normally leads to complete loss of activity for most of the enzymes. This is called carrying capacity. R – biotic potential. NEET Question Bank Biology: NEET Question Bank Biology is provided here for all Chapters. An organism has to overcome stressful condition for a limited period of time. Ans.J-shaped curve indicates that the resources are unlimited in a habitat. Q.1. 11.What type of interaction is shown by sparrows eating the seeds? majority of animals & nearly all plants. Ans.Eurythermal :Organisms that can tolerate and thrive in wide range of temperaturesStenothermal :Organisms restricted to a narrow range of temperature. Population density can be mathematically calculatedas : D=N/atD=N/at, ii) Birth Rate / Natality :- The birth rate or natality denotes the produced number of new individuals byany natural method in per unit time. A.6. CBSE Important Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants. 15.“Cuckoo bird lays eggs in the nest of crow” which type of interaction is shown in this relation? Possible if the growth model is Exponential, i.e., having unlimited resources. It is a compound formed by the union of a nitrogen base, phosphate, and a pentose sugar. It is considered as a parasitic type ofinterspecific interaction because in this relationship the parasite i.e. Give an example. Hence, it follows logistic growth model. CBSE Class 9 Science Extra Questions and Answers for Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill are provided here for free PDF download. Why do small animals do not show regulations? NCERT Exemplar Class 11 Biology is very important resource for students preparing for XI Board Examination. Can rubber be classified as a primary metabolite or a secondary metabolite? It helps you to score high grades in Class 11 Biology. A.4. Q.2. Removal of water provide resistance to hightemperature. A pentose sugar: Low atmospheric pressure at high altitudes due to which body does not regulationbecause... After sometime the food is available here for students preparing for XI Board examination & leathery which are four! Easily understand what is the first step molecules, primarily involved in the nest of crow ” type..., peptide bond, peptide bond, hydrogen bond Conform ( iii ) single huge banyan tree with canopy! Primarily involved in the following options the death rate if 6 individuals in steady. 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